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This study provides an empirical review of the role of governments, the private sector, regional economic institutions and the broader international community in driving economic diversification.
This study provides an empirical review of the role of governments, the private sector, regional economic institutions and the broader international community in driving economic diversification.
This book presents a coherent framework for assessing economic policy making in developing countries, with special reference to those in Africa. The chapters focus on policy making issues in three critical areas that are of major importance in the African context: capacity building for domestic resource mobilization; regional integration in Africa and intra-regional trade; and export diversification of individual African countries. Although applying economic theory as well as using case studies and empirical evidence from the economics literature, the book is written in a way that makes the core ideas accessible even to readers without advanced knowledge of the technical economics involved. Economic Diversification and Growth in Africa is a timely study which demonstrates how developing countries in Africa can improve their policy making strategies to diversify their economies and accelerate economic development.
This edition analyses how trade can contribute to economic diversification and empowerment, with a focus on eliminating extreme poverty, particularly through the effective participation of women and youth. It shows how aid for trade can contribute to that objective by addressing supply-side capacity and trade-related infrastructure constraints, including for micro-, small- and medium-sized enterprises notably in rural areas.
"This book, designed for policymakers, academics and researchers, and SEZ program practitioners, provides the first systematic and comprehensive analysis of SEZ programs in Sub-Saharan Africa. It is the result of detailed surveys and case studies conducted during 2009 in ten developing countries, including six in Sub-Saharan Africa. The book provides quantitative evidence of the performance of SEZs, and of the factors which contribute to that performance, highlighting the critical importance not just of the SEZ itself but of the wider national investment climate in which it functions. It also provides a comprehensive guide to the key policy questions that confront governments establishing SEZ programs, including: if and when to launch an SEZ program, what form of SEZ is most appropriate, and how to go about implementing it. Among the most important findings from the study that is stressed in the book is the shift from traditional enclave models of zones to SEZs that are integrated ? with national trade and industrial strategies, with core trade and social infrastructure, with domestic suppliers, and with local labor markets.Although the book focuses primarily on the experience of Sub-Saharan Africa, its lessons will be applicable to developing countries around the world."
Export structure is less diversified in low-income countries (LICs) and especially small states that face resource constraints and small economic size. This paper explores the potential linkages between export structure and economic growth and its volatility in LICs and small states, using a range of indices of export concentration differing in the coverage of industries. The empirical analysis finds that export diversification may promote economic growth and reduce economic volatility in these countries. Furthermore, the analysis demonstrates that the economic benefits of export diversification differ by country size and income level—there are bigger benefits for relatively larger and poorer countries within the group of LICs and small states.
The recent slump in crude oil prices in global markets has taken a serious toll on oil producing countries. Producers in Africa are not left out as evidenced in slower growth, rising fiscal deficit, debt problems and deteriorating current account balance. Economic diversification is viewed as means of avoiding the resource curse problems by fostering long term economic growth. This study therefore reviews the trends and dynamics in economic diversification in oil producing countries. The study argues that the resource curse can only be avoided when the revenues generated from the exploitation of oil are invested in other productive sectors of the economy thereby decoupling economic growth from the extractive sector. The study revealed that the economies of these countries are still reliant on the petroleum sector despite numerous efforts and strategies aimed diversification. The agricultural and manufacturing sectors continues to perform poorly due to bottlenecks such as unfriendly business environment, governance challenges and inadequate supply of power inherent in these countries .The study therefore recommends policies aimed at removing these barriers to serve as catalyst for the diversification agenda.
The 2017 Economic Report on Africa focuses on the linkages between industrialization and urbanization. Urbanization is one of Africa mega trends with profound implications for the social, economic, environmental dimensions of growth and transformation. Theory and experience demonstrate that industrialization and urbanization can be mutually reinforcing processes. It is therefore imperative to explore the linkages between urbanization and industrialization given the profound implications for structural transformation in Africa. So far, current policy narratives and frameworks on structural transformation and industrialization in Africa have largely failed to factor in the spatial and urban dimensions of industrialization, and in particular the advantages presented by productivity enhancement and agglomeration effects generated by cities. Yet, the nexus between urbanization and industrialization is of particular relevance for Agenda 2063 and the 2030 Agenda on Sustainable Development. Both agendas recognize urbanization as a critical factor for sustainable development. It is also important to consider urbanization and industrialization in light of Africa's engagement with the Third United Nations Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development (Habitat III) to be held in Quito, Ecuador in October 2016. In this context, African policy makers have clearly recognized urbanization as an engine of structural transformation for inclusive and sustainable growth.