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Une contribution importante et unique a la connaissance et a l'analyse de l'ecologisme radical au Quebec. - Francis Dupuis-Deri, auteur de Les Black Blocs: la liberte et l'egalite se manifestent. La premiere grande etude de l'ecologie radicale au Quebec, couvrant la periode du Sommet des Ameriques de 2001 jusqu'a l'automne 2007, incluant une mise a jour de la periode 2007-2010. Bruno Masse, geographe et anarchiste, a rencontre 10 des 14 groupes ecologistes radicaux du Quebec et rapporte leurs desirs, leurs peurs, leur conception du monde. Une analyse radicale du potentiel revolutionnaire de l'ecologie radicale, une description terrain des differentes formes de resistance et de transgression, laissant suite a des reflexions sur l'avenir de la lutte.
Recently, important new research has emerged to explain the large intergenerational cleavages in values and political preferences in many contemporary societies. In most established democracies (and many newer democracies), young people are more likely to possess progressive values and are much more cosmopolitan in their outlook (socially liberal, accepting of cultural diversity and outward looking) than older generations. They tend to reject mainstream electoral politics and authoritarian-nationalist forms of populism in favour of alternative, progressive political parties and movements. Indeed, there is burgeoning evidence of a global tendency towards young people’s support for, and participation in, new styles of non-institutionalised political action that seem to better fit their life-styles and to permit the actualisation of their political aspirations. Although there is a considerable body of existing literature that examines the rise of such values and political participation preferences, there is little work that focuses on the relationship with the prioritisation of environmental issues and environmental activism as evidenced in the September 2019 global climate strikes. The goal of the current Research Topic is to explore the contemporary realities and patterns of youth participation in environmental politics in different societies. As such, we welcome manuscripts of original research and conceptualization that address the different practices of youth as they seek to effect environmental change (and also their motivations for doing so). Contributions are welcome from scholars, youth practitioners and activists operating in a range of different settings, and using diverse disciplinary, and multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary perspectives.
A motley crew of saboteurs wreaks havoc on the corporations destroying America’s Western wilderness in this “wildly funny, infinitely wise” classic (The Houston Chronicle). When George Washington Hayduke III returns home from war in the jungles of Southeast Asia, he finds the unspoiled West he once knew has been transformed. The pristine lands and waterways are being strip mined, dammed up, and paved over by greedy government hacks and their corrupt corporate coconspirators. And the manic, beer-guzzling, rabidly antisocial ex-Green Beret isn’t just getting mad. Hayduke plans to get even. Together with a radical feminist from the Bronx; a wealthy, billboard-torching libertarian MD; and a disgraced Mormon polygamist, Hayduke’s ready to stick it to the Man in the most creative ways imaginable. By the time they’re done, there won’t be a bridge left standing, a dam unblown, or a bulldozer unmolested from Arizona to Utah. Edward Abbey’s most popular novel, The Monkey Wrench Gang is an outrageous romp with ultra-serious undertones that is as relevant today as it was in the early days of the environmental movement. The author who Larry McMurtry (Lonesome Dove) once dubbed “The Thoreau of the American West” has written a true comedic classic with brains, heart, and soul that more than justifies the call from the Los Angeles Times Book Review that we should all “praise the earth for Edward Abbey!” “Mixes comedy and chaos with enough chase sequences to leave you hungering for more.”—The San Francisco Chronicle
Dimitri Roussopoulos is a political activist, ecologist, writer, editor, publisher, community organizer, and public speaker. Educated in philosophy, politics and economics at several Montreal universities and London. Roussopoulos has sought to keep himself free from any academic confinement, and apart from having taught for two years in the late sixties at a college that followed the progressive education philosophy of John Dewey, he has remained institutionally independent.
This work is the ideal introduction to the work of one of Europe's most radical thinkers.
La transculturalité constitue une nouvelle façon de concevoir les cultures, c’est-àdire non plus comme des îlots distincts, mais plutôt comme des réseaux interactifs de sens et de pratiques. Ces identités transculturelles qui n’entrent pas aisément dans le seul moule d’une nation ou d’une ethnie abondent particulièrement dans les Amériques, par exemple les Chicanos, les Franco-Ontariens, les Créoles et les immigrants de deuxième et de troisième génération. De Québec à l’Argentine, cet ouvrage se penche sur ces identités qui se construisent au carrefour de la similitude et de la différence. -- Transculturality is a new way of viewing culture that sees cultures not as separate islands that are easily differentiated from one another, but as connected and interacting webs of meaning and practice. The Americas in particular offer many examples of transcultural identities that do not fit easily into one national or ethnic mold: Chicanos, Franco-Ontarians, Creoles, and second and third generation immigrants. From Quebec to Argentina, this volume explores these identities which create themselves in a space between sameness and difference.
In the past twenty years Quebec women writers, including Aline Chamberland, Claire Dé, Suzanne Jacob, and Hélène Rioux, have created female characters who are fascinated with bold sexual actions and language, cruelty, and violence, at times culminating in infanticide and serial killing. Paula Ruth Gilbert argues that these Quebec feminist writers are "re-framing" gender. Violence and the Female Imagination explores whether these imagined women are striking out at an external other or harming themselves through acts of self-destruction and depression. Gilbert examines the degree to which women are imitating men in the outward direction of their anger and hostility and suggests that such "tough" women may be mocking men in their "macho" exploits of sexuality and violence. She illustrates the ways in which Quebec female authors are "feminizing" violence or re-envisioning gender in North American culture. Gilbert bridges methodological gaps and integrates history, sociology, literary theory, feminist theory, and other disciplinary approaches to provide a framework for the discussion of important ethical and aesthetic questions.
In Anarchy, Geography, Modernity, authors John P. Clark and Camille Martin provide an extensive analysis of Reclus' social thought and offer a comprehensive view of Reclus' life and work, including his contributions to social geology and anarchist and libertarian theory. Through a masterful translation of his work, Clark and Martin construct an appreciation for Reclus' contribution to social thought and modernist ideals of human freedom.
The essays in Nuances of Blackness in the Canadian Academy make visible the submerged stories of Black life in academia. They offer fresh historical, social, and cultural insights into what it means to teach, learn, research, and work while Black. In daring to shift from margin to centre, the book’s contributors confront two overlapping themes. First, they resist a singular construction of Blackness that masks the nuances and multiplicity of what it means to be and experience the academy as Black people. Second, they challenge the stubborn durability of anti-Black tropes, the dehumanization of Blackness, persistent deficit ideologies, and the tyranny of low expectations that permeate the dominant idea of Blackness in the white colonial imagination. Operating at the intersections of discourse and experience, contributors reflect on how Blackness shapes academic pathways, ignites complicated and often difficult conversations, and reimagines Black pasts, presents, and futures. This unique collection contributes to the articulation of more nuanced understandings of the ways in which Blackness is made, unmade, and remade in the academy and the implications for interrelated dynamics across and within post-secondary education, Black communities in Canada, and global Black diasporas.