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Ecological Impacts of Toxic Chemicals presents a comprehensive, yet readable account of the known disturbances caused by all kinds of toxic chemicals on both aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems. Topics cover the sources of toxicants, their fate and distribution through the planet, their impacts on specific ecosystems, and their remediation by natural systems. Each chapter is written by well-known specialists in those areas, for the general public, students, and even scientists from outside this field. The book intends to raise awareness of the dangers of chemical pollution in a world dominated by industry and globalization of resources. Because the problems are widespread and far reaching, it is hoped that confronting the facts may prompt better management practices at industrial, agricultural and all levels of management, from local to governmental, so as to reduce the negative impacts of chemical contaminants on our planet.
"Ecological Impacts of Toxic Chemicals presents a comprehensive, yet readable account of the known disturbances caused by all kinds of toxic chemicals on both aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems. Topics cover the sources of toxicants, their fate and distrib"
Names like Love Canal, Chernobyl, and the Exxon Valdez have come to symbolize our anxiety over toxic substances in the environment and their effects on human health and the ecology. Yet, as toxins continue to accumulate rapidly in our air, water, and soil, major environmental disasters are only the most obvious manifestation of a complex and growing problem - the tip of the iceberg, so to speak. The need for scientists and nonscientists who are well versed in the fundamentals of environmental toxicology has never been greater, so too, the need for introductory texts in the field. Based on a groundbreaking course given at the University of Illinois for the past two decades, Toxic Substances in the Environment is a superb introduction to the field of environmental toxicology. While the majority of texts and references on toxins in the environment suffer from either a dearth of careful examination or an overabundance of ponderous detail, this book offers just the right balance of accessibility and scientific rigor. It is basic enough to serve as an advanced undergraduate introduction to environmental toxicology and its two most prominent subgroups - the ecological impact of pollutants, and the effect of pollutants on human health. Yet, at the same time, it is unstinting in scientific detail. While the range of topics is broad, this book offers concise and engaging discussions of diverse subjects such as air pollution and global ecosystems; neurotoxicity; genetic toxicology; social issues associated with environmental toxins; and many others. Supported by more than 100 tables and illustrations, the text is organized around a series of case studies that illustrate the hazards associated withparticular substances and demonstrate the multidisciplinary approach that is essential to any effective effort to clean up or prevent contamination. This case study orientation, along with an annotated bibliography and a unique chapter on policy and policy issues, in which the author offers a rundown of the major public and civic environment action groups, makes Toxic Substances in the Environment a useful professional reference. Reflecting a number of the major concerns and interests voiced by students majoring in a variety of disciplines, including biology, chemistry, agriculture, economics, and engineering, this superb didactic tool is destined to become the environmental toxicological bible of future generations.
Where should the United States focus its long-term efforts to improve the nation's environment? What are the nation's most important environmental issues? What role should science and technology play in addressing these issues? Linking Science and Technology to Society's Environmental Goals provides the current thinking and answers to these questions. Based on input from a range of experts and interested individuals, including representatives of industry, government, academia, environmental organizations, and Native American communities, this book urges policymakers to: Use social science and risk assessment to guide decision-making. Monitor environmental changes in a more thorough, consistent, and coordinated manner. Reduce the adverse impact of chemicals on the environment. Move away from the use of fossil fuels. Adopt an environmental approach to engineering that reduces the use of natural resources. Substantially increase our understanding of the relationship between population and consumption. This book will be of special interest to policymakers in government and industry; environmental scientists, engineers, and advocates; and faculty, students, and researchers.
The rapidly evolving field of environmental toxicology involves the study of toxic compounds and their effect on living organisms, as well as their fate within the natural environment. Since publication of the first edition, Introduction to Environmental Toxicology has found a secure place among the major texts and references in this field. Introduction to Environmental Toxicology, Third Edition seamlessly covers processes and impacts from the molecular level all the way up to population levels. While retaining the strengths of previous editions, the third edition includes a new chapter on fluoride, an update on endocrine disruption, a discussion of the use of models to reconstruct concentration-response curves, expansion of the metals chapter, and new developments in ecological risk assessment for management decisions at site to regional scales. It is an ideal text for introducing students to the fields of ecotoxicology and risk assessment.
Ecotoxicology is the evaluation of toxic effects within the environment, typically within one specific ecosystem, like a forest, stream, or lake. For years now, ecotoxicological studies have tended to focus on one toxicant at a time. But that isn't how an ecosystem encounters toxicants (or stresses): there may be several elements at work in the air, several more in the water, and still more already within the soil of any given ecosystem, and all have some level of toxic influence on that ecosystem. Multiple Stresses in Ecosystems presents the state-of-the-art in determining the effects of these multiple impacts upon ecosystems. Resulting from a vanguard conference originally held in 1993 at UC Davis, this new work is divided into three sections that present methodolgies for assessing the health of an ecosystem; the effects of multiple toxicological impacts upon an ecosystem, and which tools are worth using to assess these dangers. Environmental scientists, chemists, toxicologists, risk analysts, and probably the entire membership of SETAC will find need for this book, as will wetlands scientists, ecologists, and research biologists.
Catastrophic events such as the Bhopal, India tragedy and rising incidences of cancer in areas neighboring industrial facilities have heightened concern over the use of toxic chemicals in manufacturing and industry. Based on the authors' research conducted in Sao Paulo, Brazil, this book explores the history of toxic chemical release reporting programs, presents data on the toxicity of chemicals currently in use, discusses variables that contribute to the relative toxicity of a substance, compares existing programs for reducing environmental threats, and provides specific recommendations for reducing or eliminating the use of toxic chemicals.
An Introduction to Interdisciplinary Toxicology: From Molecules to Man integrates the various aspects of toxicology, from "simple” molecular systems, to complex human communities, with expertise from a spectrum of interacting disciplines. Chapters are written by specialists within a given subject, such as a chemical engineer, nutritional scientist, or a microbiologist, so subjects are clearly explained and discussed within the toxicology context. Many chapters are comparative across species so that students in ecotoxicology learn mammalian toxicology and vice versa. Specific citations, further reading, study questions, and other learning features are also included. The book allows students to concurrently learn concepts in both biomedical and environmental toxicology fields, thus better equipping them for the many career opportunities toxicology provides. This book will also be useful to those wishing to reference how disciplines interact within the broad field of toxicology. Covers major topics and newer areas in toxicology, including nanotoxicology, Tox21, epigenetic toxicology, and organ-specific toxicity Includes a variety of perspectives to give a complete understanding of toxicology Written by specialists within each subject area, e.g., a chemical engineer, to ensure concepts are clearly explained
Residues offers readers a new approach for conceptualizing the environmental impacts of chemicals production, consumption, disposal, and regulation. Environmental protection regimes tend to be highly segmented according to place, media, substance, and effect; academic scholarship often reflects this same segmented approach. Yet, in chemical substances we encounter phenomena that are at once voluminous and miniscule, singular and ubiquitous, regulated yet unruly. Inspired by recent studies of materiality and infrastructures, we introduce “residual materialism” as a framework for attending to the socio-material properties of chemicals and their world-making powers. Tracking residues through time, space, and understanding helps us see how the past has been built into our present chemical environments and future-oriented regulatory systems, why contaminants seem to always evade control, and why the Anthropocene is as inextricably harnessed to the synthesis of carbon into new molecules as it is driven by carbon’s combustion.