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Using panel data models, we analyze the flypaper effects—whether intergovernmental fiscal transfers or states’ own income determine expenditure commitments—on ecological fiscal spending in India. The econometric results show that the unconditional fiscal transfers, rather than the states’ own income, determine ecological expenditure in the forestry sector at subnational levels in India. The results hold when the models are controlled for ecological outcomes and demographic variables.
This book extensively examines various contemporary macroeconomic themes of India, namely growth and macro policies, tax reforms, government finances and intergovernmental fiscal transfers, banking and monetary policy, and environment and social sector policies. It has three to six chapters devoted to each of these broad themes, with the contributors being eminent economists from the region. The book serves as an excellent reference for students in economics, finance, and management, and a valuable tool for professionals such as policymakers and investment analysts and other stakeholders in the areas of global economics and finance, in general, and India in particular.
India's fiscal deficit and steep deterioration in state finances is a source of concern. The literature abounds with references to the combined fiscal deficit of the center and the states currently at over 10 per cent of GDP. During no other eight year period has the debt-GDP ratio rose by more than 10 percentage points where the ratio of outstanding debt to GDP increased from 21 per cent in 1996-97 to 35 per cent in 2004-05 (Budget Estimate). In this paper, we contend that the lack of State fiscal discipline is due in large part to a flawed intergovernmental fiscal system that fosters fiscal profligacy at the state level. Specifically, the States are highly dependent on transfers from the Union Government, which breaks the Wicksellian link between costs and benefits. There is a lack of transparency and accountability in the system because of extensive use of inadequate revenue assignments, lack of sufficient decentralization to local bodies, and a poorly designed intergovernmental transfer system. Finally, the States are operating under soft budget constraints which encourage fiscal profligacy. In this paper, we concentrate our discussion on issues related to the intergovernmental fiscal transfer system. We contend that the high transfer dependency of the states has weakened accountability and fiscal discipline. The transfer system is also very complex and lacks transparency and coordination among the institutions in charge of implementing transfers, which together produce a cycle of distorting incentives. If the fiscal behavior of the States reflects the incentives created by the intergovernmental system, as we contend, then, absent structural reform of the intergovernmental fiscal system that addresses the perverse incentives of the current system, the fiscal trends described above are likely to persist. Although the Twelfth Finance Commission (TFC) has addressed some of the issues related to the intergovernmental fiscal system and soft budget constraint, there is still an urgent need to tackle other issues in the intergovernmental fiscal system that create perverse incentives and soften budget constraints. This emphasizes the need for the State and Union Governments of India to strengthen and accelerate the reform of India's intergovernmental system.
The design of intergovernmental fiscal transfers has a strong bearing on efficiency and equity of public service provision and accountable local governance. This book provides a comprehensive one-stop window/source of materials to guide practitioners and scholars on design and worldwide practices in intergovernmental fiscal transfers and their implications for efficiency, and equity in public services provision as well as accountable governance.
Likening fiscal federalism to a game between the Union and the States, and among the States themselves, Indian Fiscal Federalism lays bare the complex rules of play. It examines the pivotal role of Finance Commissions and assesses momentous events since 2014, such as the replacement of the Planning Commission by NITI Aayog, the emergence of the GST Council, and the controversies surrounding the Fifteenth Finance Commission. States, and among the States themselves, Indian Fiscal Federalism lays bare the complex rules of play. It examines the pivotal role of Finance Commissions and assesses momentous events since 2014, such as the replacement of the Planning Commission by NITI Aayog, the emergence of the GST Council, and the controversies surrounding the Fifteenth Finance Commission. A contemporary, timely, and comprehensive analysis of fiscal federalism in India, this practitioners’ perspective is a must-read for all those interested in the subject.
Over time, the scope of public finance, as a branch of economics, has expanded with the changing role of governments. When considered from the positive as well as normative perspectives, this subject is no longer confined to the understanding of only public revenue or taxation, public expenditure, and public debt. Issues related to climate finance and climate change, environmental federalism, and the trans-jurisdictional implications of global public goods have emerged as themes of critical relevance. When it comes to public financial management, several new areas have become relevant for policy, including the understanding of fiscal transparency, legislative control over borrowing, and the establishment of independent fiscal institutions such as fiscal councils. Fiscal Policy and Public Financial Management presents a range of contributions dealing with the evolving frontiers of research on the subject. It highlights specific themes related to direct and indirect taxes, tax evasion, public expenditure and debt, fiscal and environmental federalism, fiscal transparency, budget management, climate change and climate finance, and public sector investment appraisals. The diverse array of issues covered in this volume thus provides important analytical insights on the complexity and challenges of fiscal management in India and the emerging issues in public financial management, including climate finance.
This publication assesses India’s fiscal federalism framework and presents recommendations to strengthen the country’s fiscal framework that include a combination of unconditional, specific purpose and performance-based transfers. A mechanism for allocating performance-based grants to Indian states is proposed based on improvements in governance index. The publication also contributes to a deeper understanding of decentralization reforms across Asian countries. It synthesizes learnings from the experiences of Australia, Indonesia, Japan, the People’s Republic of China and the Republic of Korea on the design of intergovernmental fiscal transfer systems and the use of performance-based transfers for promoting subnational governance and outcomes in social sectors such as education and health.