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Papers presented at M.S. Randhawa Memorial National Symposium on Trees for Beautification and Ecofriendly Plantation in Cities, held at Chandigarh from Feb. 10-11, 1996.
Baummanagement im stadtischen Raum ist die wichtigste Grundlage fur zukunftig grunere Stadte. Zu diesem praxisorientierten Ansatz gehoren Auswahl, Pflanzung, Pflege und Schutz von Baumen sowie das gesamte Management des Baumbestands als eine kollektive Ressource. Urban Tree Management versucht, das Bewusstsein fur die positiven Auswirkungen und Vorteile von Baumen im stadtischen Raum und deren Bedeutung fur die Stadtbewohner zu scharfen. Beschrieben werden die Vorzuge und ausfuhrlich die Folgen fur die Lebensqualitat in der Stadt und das Wohlbefinden ihrer Bewohner ? Aspekte, die in Zeiten fortschreitender Urbanisierung zunehmend an Bedeutung gewinnen. Inhalte - Grundlagen, Methoden und Werkzeuge des urbanen Baummanagements - aktuelle Informationen zu Urban Forestry und Baumbiologie - positive Effekte und Einsatzmoglichkeiten von Stadtbaumen - Eigenschaften von, Anforderungen an und Auswahlkriterien fur Stadtbaume - Zustand und Probleme von Stadtbaumen - Governance- und Managementaspekte - Programme im Rahmen der Umwelterziehung Urban Tree Management, herausgegeben von dem fuhrenden Experten Dr. Andreas Roloff, ist ein ausgezeichnetes Referenzwerk fur Pflanzenwissenschaftler, Gartenbauer, Dendrologen, Baumpfleger, Forstwissenschaftler, Stadtplaner, Experten fur Parkanlagen und Landschaftsarchitekten. Dieses Praktikerbuch ist eine wichtige Erganzung fur Studierende einschlagiger Fachrichtungen und fur Bibliotheken.
This book focuses on the politics of street trees and the institutions, actors and processes that govern their planning, planting and maintenance. This is an innovative approach which is particularly important in the context of mounting environmental and societal challenges and reveals a huge amount about the nature of modern life, social change and political conflict. The work first provides different historical perspectives on street trees and politics, celebrating diversity in different cultures. A second section discusses street tree values, policy and management, addressing more contemporary issues of their significance and contribution to our environment, both physically and philosophically. It explores cultural idiosyncrasies and those from the point of view of political economy, particularly challenging the neo-liberal perspectives that continue to dominate political narratives. The final section provides case studies of community engagement, civil action and governance. International case studies bring together contrasting approaches in areas with diverging political directions or intentions, the constraints of laws and the importance of people power. By pursuing an interdisciplinary approach this book produces an information base for academics, practitioners, politicians and activists alike, thus contributing to a fairer political debate that helps to promote more democratic environments that are sustainable, equitable, comfortable and healthier.
The title of this book reflects the main theme of it well, for indeed the chapters bound within its pages are preoccupied with highlighting the importance of trees being planted alongside streetways. It also discusses the species of trees best suited to provide shade, unaccompanied by growth that may impede electrical wires.
Numerous studies indicate an accelerated growth of forest trees, induced by ongoing climate change. Similar trends were recently found for urban trees in major cities worldwide. Studies frequently report about substantial effects of climate change and the urban heat island effect (UHI) on plant growth. The combined effects of increasing temperatures, changing precipitation patterns, and extended growing season lengths, in addition to increasing nitrogen deposition and higher CO2 concentrations, can increase but also reduce plant growth. Closely related to this, the multiple functions and services provided by urban trees may be modified. Urban trees generate numerous ecosystem services, including carbon storage, mitigation of the heat island effect, reduction of rainwater runoff, pollutant filtering, recreation effects, shading, and cooling. The quantity of the ecosystem services is often closely associated with the species, structure, age, and size of the tree as well as with a tree’s vitality. Therefore, greening cities, and particularly planting trees, seems to be an effective option to mitigate climate change and the UHI. The focus of this Special Issue is to underline the importance of trees as part of the urban green areas for major cities in all climate zones. Empirical as well as modeling studies of urban tree growth and their services and disservices in cities worldwide are included. Articles about the dynamics, structures, and functions of urban trees as well as the influence of climate and climate change on urban tree growth, urban species composition, carbon storage, and biodiversity are also discussed.
Trees in the City provides an introduction to the process of humanizing the cityscape and guide to planting trees in city conditions. This book focuses on four basic concepts. First, trees play an essential role in human's urban life. Second, people must become aware of the environmental, esthetic, social, and political importance of trees. Third, trees need to be integrated with the pattern and function of urban activity. Finally, the design, placement, and maintenance of trees on city streets are the responsibility of everyone in the community. The topics discussed include a short history of trees in the city; environmental and esthetic relation of trees, human, and the city; tree choices and features; and designing a city street—models, problems, and matrixes. This publication is beneficial to landscape architects and individuals interested in tree planting in urban areas.
Shading Our Cities is a handbook to help neighborhood groups, local officials, and city planners develop urban forestry projects, not only to beautify their cities, but also to reduce energy demand, improve air quality, protect water supplies, and contribute to healthier living conditions.