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Satellites are used increasingly in telecommunications, scientific research, surveillance, and meteorology, and these satellites rely heavily on the effectiveness of complex onboard control systems. This 1997 book explains the basic theory of spacecraft dynamics and control and the practical aspects of controlling a satellite. The emphasis throughout is on analyzing and solving real-world engineering problems. For example, the author discusses orbital and rotational dynamics of spacecraft under a variety of environmental conditions, along with the realistic constraints imposed by available hardware. Among the topics covered are orbital dynamics, attitude dynamics, gravity gradient stabilization, single and dual spin stabilization, attitude maneuvers, attitude stabilization, and structural dynamics and liquid sloshing.
Comprehensive, classic introduction to space-flight engineering for advanced undergraduate and graduate students provides basic tools for quantitative analysis of the motions of satellites and other vehicles in space.
Comprehensive coverage includes environmental torques, energy dissipation, motion equations for four archetypical systems, orientation parameters, illustrations of key concepts with on-orbit flight data, and typical engineering hardware. 1986 edition.
This book discusses the design of new space missions and their use for a better understanding of the dynamical behaviour of solar system bodies, which is an active field of astrodynamics. Space missions gather data and observations that enable new breakthroughs in our understanding of the origin, evolution and future of our solar system and Earth’s place within it. Covering topics such as satellite and space mission dynamics, celestial mechanics, spacecraft navigation, space exploration applications, artificial satellites, space debris, minor bodies, and tidal evolution, the book presents a collection of contributions given by internationally respected scientists at the summer school “Satellite Dynamics and Space Missions: Theory and Applications of Celestial Mechanics”, held in 2017 at San Martino al Cimino, Viterbo (Italy). This school aimed to teach the latest theories, tools and methods developed for satellite dynamics and space, and as such the book is a valuable resource for graduate students and researchers in the field of celestial mechanics and aerospace engineering.
Spacecraft Dynamics and Control: The Embedded Model Control Approach provides a uniform and systematic way of approaching space engineering control problems from the standpoint of model-based control, using state-space equations as the key paradigm for simulation, design and implementation. The book introduces the Embedded Model Control methodology for the design and implementation of attitude and orbit control systems. The logic architecture is organized around the embedded model of the spacecraft and its surrounding environment. The model is compelled to include disturbance dynamics as a repository of the uncertainty that the control law must reject to meet attitude and orbit requirements within the uncertainty class. The source of the real-time uncertainty estimation/prediction is the model error signal, as it encodes the residual discrepancies between spacecraft measurements and model output. The embedded model and the uncertainty estimation feedback (noise estimator in the book) constitute the state predictor feeding the control law. Asymptotic pole placement (exploiting the asymptotes of closed-loop transfer functions) is the way to design and tune feedback loops around the embedded model (state predictor, control law, reference generator). The design versus the uncertainty class is driven by analytic stability and performance inequalities. The method is applied to several attitude and orbit control problems. The book begins with an extensive introduction to attitude geometry and algebra and ends with the core themes: state-space dynamics and Embedded Model Control Fundamentals of orbit, attitude and environment dynamics are treated giving emphasis to state-space formulation, disturbance dynamics, state feedback and prediction, closed-loop stability Sensors and actuators are treated giving emphasis to their dynamics and modelling of measurement errors. Numerical tables are included and their data employed for numerical simulations Orbit and attitude control problems of the European GOCE mission are the inspiration of numerical exercises and simulations The suite of the attitude control modes of a GOCE-like mission is designed and simulated around the so-called mission state predictor Solved and unsolved exercises are included within the text - and not separated at the end of chapters - for better understanding, training and application Simulated results and their graphical plots are developed through MATLAB/Simulink code
This book gathers the proceedings of a symposium on Dynamics of satellites which took place in Prague in May 1969 during the twelfth COSPAR meeting. This symposium was sponsored by the International Astronomical Union, the International Association of Geodesy, the International Union of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics and COSPAR (Committee on Space Research). The organizing committee was composed of Dr. KOVALEVSKY chair man, Dr. Yu. V. BATRAKOV representing IAU, Dr. A. H. COOK for lAG, Dr. D. KING-HELE for COSPAR, Prof. M. Roy for IUTAM and Dr. ROSENBERG. I wish to take advantage of the opportunity to thank, on behalf of all the participants, the organizing committee members, Prof. BUCHAR, Dr. RAJSK:I and Dr. SEHNAL, for the kindness and efficiency of their welcome. The interpreters who translated with virtuosity during the whole symposium also deserve our gratitude. I am grateful also for the care and skill with which Springer-Verlag has printed this volume.
A textbook that incorporates the latest methods used for the analysis of spacecraft orbital, attitude, and structural dynamics and control. Spacecraft dynamics is treated as a dynamic system with emphasis on practical applications, typical examples of which are the analysis and redesign of the pointing control system of the Hubble Space Telescope and the analysis of an active vibrations control for the COFS (Control of Flexible Structures) Mast Flight System. In addition to the three subjects mentioned above, dynamic systems modeling, analysis, and control are also discussed. Annotation copyrighted by Book News, Inc., Portland, OR
Depuis Ie lancement de SPOUTNIK I par l'Union Sovietique Ie 4 Octobre 1957, des experiences humaines de Mecanique celeste de cette sorte ont ete repetees it de nombreuses reprises en U.R.S.S. et aux U.S.A. En 1961, sur ma proposition, l'Union Internationale de Mecanique tMorique et appliquee retint l'idee de consacrer en 1962 un Symposium special it la confrontation des resultats des experiences sovietiques et americaines en vue d'en tirer Ie maximum d'enseignements sur la question fondamentale suivante concernant la {laquo} Dynamique des satellites artificiels) de la Terre: quelles sont la nature et les lois des forces reelles qui agissent sur ces mobiles au voisinage de notre planete, et qui determinent par consequent leur mouvement~ En d'autres termes, il s'agissait de faire Ie point de nos connaissances sur Ie probleme du mouvement des Astres, magistralement resolu par NEWTON il Y a plus de trois siecles pour des astres quasi-ponctuels et assez eloignes. Les moyens d'observation utilises pour connaitre avec la meilleure precision possible Ie mouvement des satellites artificiels lances depuis 1957, et Ie fait de. la proximite relative de ces satellites par rapport it la Terre sont par eux-memes d~ nature it reveler soit des alterations de la loi classique de 1'attraction newtonienne, dont la signification serait it rechercher, soit l'intervention de forces per turbatrices, dont l'origine et Vexpression seraient it preciser.