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Difference and differential equations; Linear algebra; Linear state equations; Linear systems with constant coefficients; Positive systems; Markov chains; Concepts of control; Analysis of nonlinear systems; Some important dynamic systems; Optimal control.
This volume integrates complex dynamic systems theory (CDST) and L2 writing scholarship through a collection of in-depth studies and commentary across a range of writing constructs, learning contexts, and second and foreign languages. The text is arranged thematically across four topics: (i) perspectives on complexity, accuracy, and fluency, (ii) new constructs, approaches, and domains of L2-writing scholarship, (iii) methodological issues, and finally (iv) curricular perspectives. This work should appeal to graduate students and academics interested in expanded discussions on CDST, highlighting its utility for theorizing and researching language change, and to L2 writing scholars curious about how this fresh approach to researching L2 development can inform understandings of how L2 writing develops. As a CDST approach to language change has matured and taken a place among the dominant epistemologies in the field, students and researchers of L2 development alike will benefit from this volume.
A brand-new conceptual look at dynamical thermodynamics This book merges the two universalisms of thermodynamics and dynamical systems theory in a single compendium, with the latter providing an ideal language for the former, to develop a new and unique framework for dynamical thermodynamics. In particular, the book uses system-theoretic ideas to bring coherence, clarity, and precision to an important and poorly understood classical area of science. The dynamical systems formalism captures all of the key aspects of thermodynamics, including its fundamental laws, while providing a mathematically rigorous formulation for thermodynamical systems out of equilibrium by unifying the theory of mechanics with that of classical thermodynamics. This book includes topics on nonequilibrium irreversible thermodynamics, Boltzmann thermodynamics, mass-action kinetics and chemical reactions, finite-time thermodynamics, thermodynamic critical phenomena with continuous and discontinuous phase transitions, information theory, continuum and stochastic thermodynamics, and relativistic thermodynamics. A Dynamical Systems Theory of Thermodynamics develops a postmodern theory of thermodynamics as part of mathematical dynamical systems theory. The book establishes a clear nexus between thermodynamic irreversibility, the second law of thermodynamics, and the arrow of time to further unify discreteness and continuity, indeterminism and determinism, and quantum mechanics and general relativity in the pursuit of understanding the most fundamental property of the universe—the entropic arrow of time.
The shared platform of the articles collected in this volume is usedto advocate a dynamical systems approach to cognition. It is arguedthat recent developments in cognitive science towards an account ofembodiment, together with the general approach of complexity theoryand dynamics, have a major impact on behavioral and cognitivescience.
This book provided the first self-contained comprehensive exposition of the theory of dynamical systems as a core mathematical discipline closely intertwined with most of the main areas of mathematics. The authors introduce and rigorously develop the theory while providing researchers interested in applications with fundamental tools and paradigms. The book begins with a discussion of several elementary but fundamental examples. These are used to formulate a program for the general study of asymptotic properties and to introduce the principal theoretical concepts and methods. The main theme of the second part of the book is the interplay between local analysis near individual orbits and the global complexity of the orbit structure. The third and fourth parts develop the theories of low-dimensional dynamical systems and hyperbolic dynamical systems in depth. Over 400 systematic exercises are included in the text. The book is aimed at students and researchers in mathematics at all levels from advanced undergraduate up.
Chaos is the idea that a system will produce very different long-term behaviors when the initial conditions are perturbed only slightly. Chaos is used for novel, time- or energy-critical interdisciplinary applications. Examples include high-performance circuits and devices, liquid mixing, chemical reactions, biological systems, crisis management, secure information processing, and critical decision-making in politics, economics, as well as military applications, etc. This book presents the latest investigations in the theory of chaotic systems and their dynamics. The book covers some theoretical aspects of the subject arising in the study of both discrete and continuous-time chaotic dynamical systems. This book presents the state-of-the-art of the more advanced studies of chaotic dynamical systems.
A pioneer in the field of dynamical systems discusses one-dimensional dynamics, differential equations, random walks, iterated function systems, symbolic dynamics, and Markov chains. Supplementary materials include PowerPoint slides and MATLAB exercises. 2010 edition.
... cette etude qualitative (des equations difj'erentielles) aura par elle-m me un inter t du premier ordre ... HENRI POINCARE, 1881. We present in this book a view of the Geometric Theory of Dynamical Systems, which is introductory and yet gives the reader an understanding of some of the basic ideas involved in two important topics: structural stability and genericity. This theory has been considered by many mathematicians starting with Poincare, Liapunov and Birkhoff. In recent years some of its general aims were established and it experienced considerable development. More than two decades passed between two important events: the work of Andronov and Pontryagin (1937) introducing the basic concept of structural stability and the articles of Peixoto (1958-1962) proving the density of stable vector fields on surfaces. It was then that Smale enriched the theory substantially by defining as a main objective the search for generic and stable properties and by obtaining results and proposing problems of great relevance in this context. In this same period Hartman and Grobman showed that local stability is a generic property. Soon after this Kupka and Smale successfully attacked the problem for periodic orbits. We intend to give the reader the flavour of this theory by means of many examples and by the systematic proof of the Hartman-Grobman and the Stable Manifold Theorems (Chapter 2), the Kupka-Smale Theorem (Chapter 3) and Peixoto's Theorem (Chapter 4). Several ofthe proofs we give vii Introduction Vlll are simpler than the original ones and are open to important generalizations.