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Leading research, perspectives, and analysis of dynamical systems and irreversibility Edited by Nobel Prize winner Ilya Prigogine and renowned authority Stuart A. Rice, the Advances in Chemical Physics series provides a forum for critical, authoritative evaluations in every area of the discipline. In a format that encourages the expression of individual points of view, experts in the field present comprehensive analyses of subjects of interest. Volume 122 collects papers from the XXI Solvay Conference on Physics, dedicated to the exploration of "Dynamical Systems and Irreversibility." Ioannis Antoniou, Deputy Director of the International Solvay Institutes for Physics and Chemistry, edits and assembles this cutting-edge research, including articles such as "Non-Markovian Effects in the Standard Map," "Harmonic Analysis of Unstable Systems," "Age and Age Fluctuations in an Unstable Quantum System," and discussion of many more subjects. Advances in Chemical Physics remains the premier venue for presentations of new findings in its field.
A brand-new conceptual look at dynamical thermodynamics This book merges the two universalisms of thermodynamics and dynamical systems theory in a single compendium, with the latter providing an ideal language for the former, to develop a new and unique framework for dynamical thermodynamics. In particular, the book uses system-theoretic ideas to bring coherence, clarity, and precision to an important and poorly understood classical area of science. The dynamical systems formalism captures all of the key aspects of thermodynamics, including its fundamental laws, while providing a mathematically rigorous formulation for thermodynamical systems out of equilibrium by unifying the theory of mechanics with that of classical thermodynamics. This book includes topics on nonequilibrium irreversible thermodynamics, Boltzmann thermodynamics, mass-action kinetics and chemical reactions, finite-time thermodynamics, thermodynamic critical phenomena with continuous and discontinuous phase transitions, information theory, continuum and stochastic thermodynamics, and relativistic thermodynamics. A Dynamical Systems Theory of Thermodynamics develops a postmodern theory of thermodynamics as part of mathematical dynamical systems theory. The book establishes a clear nexus between thermodynamic irreversibility, the second law of thermodynamics, and the arrow of time to further unify discreteness and continuity, indeterminism and determinism, and quantum mechanics and general relativity in the pursuit of understanding the most fundamental property of the universe—the entropic arrow of time.
The Sitges International School of Physics is the second one to be held in Spain on the Many Body Problem. The first one took place on Mallorca during the summer 1969. The aim of the school was mainly to direct the interest of professors and students of Spanish Universities tow~rds this concrete field of re search. For this purpose 55 ~specially prepared lectures were given by an eminent collection of lecturers. Besides, a school of this class contri butes to the scientific formation of many students from other countries. Also, in a meeting of this kind, personal contacts are born that favour future co~laboration between scientists. In view of the success of the first two schools, we intend to foster future international meetings on this subject until interest in it is consolidated in Spain. All the lectures given are published here except those of Professor P.C. Martin whose lec tures have previously been published. I would like to thank all those people who helped to make this school a success, and in particular: Prof. J.L. Villar-Palasi, Minister of Educa tion of Spain for sponsoring the school. Dr. R. Diez-Hochleitner, Undersecretary of the Ministry of Education for receiving the project of this school with such enthusiasm. v PREFACE Prof. E.Costa-Novella, Director General of Universities in Spain and Dr. F.Arias-Salgado who showed such interest and patience while assuring the necessary finance would be found for the school.
Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute, Crete, Greece, July 14-24, 1985
Leading research, perspectives, and analysis of dynamical systems and irreversibility Edited by Nobel Prize winner Ilya Prigogine and renowned authority Stuart A. Rice, the Advances in Chemical Physics series provides a forum for critical, authoritative evaluations in every area of the discipline. In a format that encourages the expression of individual points of view, experts in the field present comprehensive analyses of subjects of interest. Volume 122 collects papers from the XXI Solvay Conference on Physics, dedicated to the exploration of "Dynamical Systems and Irreversibility." Ioannis Antoniou, Deputy Director of the International Solvay Institutes for Physics and Chemistry, edits and assembles this cutting-edge research, including articles such as "Non-Markovian Effects in the Standard Map," "Harmonic Analysis of Unstable Systems," "Age and Age Fluctuations in an Unstable Quantum System," and discussion of many more subjects. Advances in Chemical Physics remains the premier venue for presentations of new findings in its field.
We know very little about the time-evolution of many-particle dynamical systems, the subject of our book. Even the 3-body problem has no explicit solution (we cannot solve the corresponding system of differential equations, and computer simulation indicates hopelessly chaotic behaviour). For example, what can we say about the typical time evolution of a large system starting from a stage far from equilibrium? What happens in a realistic time scale? The reader's first reaction is probably: What about the famous Second Law (of thermodynamics)?Unfortunately, there are plenty of notorious mathematical problems surrounding the Second Law. (1) How to rigorously define entropy? How to convert the well known intuitions (like 'disorder' and 'energy spreading') into precise mathematical definitions? (2) How to express the Second Law in forms of a rigorous mathematical theorem? (3) The Second Law is a 'soft' qualitative statement about entropy increase, but does not say anything about the necessary time to reach equilibrium.The object of this book is to answer questions (1)-(2)-(3). We rigorously prove a Time-Quantitative Second Law that works on a realistic time scale. As a by product, we clarify the Loschmidt-paradox and the related reversibility/irreversibility paradox.
The idea of editing the present volume in the Lecture Notes in Physics series arosewhileorganizingthe“ConferenceonIrreversibleQuantumDynamics”that took place at The Abdus Salam International Center for Theoretical Physics, Trieste, Italy, from July 29 to August 2, 2002. The aim of the Conference was to bring together di?erent groups of - searcherswhoseinterestsandpursuitsinvolveirreversibilityandtimeasymmetry in quantum mechanics. The Conference promoted open and in-depth exchanges of di?erent points of view, concerning both the content and character of qu- tum irreversibility and the methodologies used to study it. The following main themes were addressed: • Theoretical Aspects of Quantum Irreversible Dynamics • Open Quantum Systems and Applications • Foundational Aspects of Irreversible Quantum Dynamics • Asymmetric Time Evolution and Resonances Eachthemewasreviewedbyanexpertinthe?eld,accompaniedbymorespeci?c, research-like shorter talks. The whole topic of quantum irreversibility in all its manifold aspects has always raised a lot of interest, starting with the description of unstable systems in quantum mechanics and the issue of quantum measurement. Further, in - cent years a boost of activity concerning noise, dissipation and open systems has been prompted by the fast developing ?eld of quantum communication and information theory. These considerations motivated the editors to put together a volume that tries to summarize the present day status of the research in the ?eld, with the aim of providing the reader with an accessible and exhaustive introduction to it.
This book places thermodynamics on a system-theoretic foundation so as to harmonize it with classical mechanics. Using the highest standards of exposition and rigor, the authors develop a novel formulation of thermodynamics that can be viewed as a moderate-sized system theory as compared to statistical thermodynamics. This middle-ground theory involves deterministic large-scale dynamical system models that bridge the gap between classical and statistical thermodynamics. The authors' theory is motivated by the fact that a discipline as cardinal as thermodynamics--entrusted with some of the most perplexing secrets of our universe--demands far more than physical mathematics as its underpinning. Even though many great physicists, such as Archimedes, Newton, and Lagrange, have humbled us with their mathematically seamless eurekas over the centuries, this book suggests that a great many physicists and engineers who have developed the theory of thermodynamics seem to have forgotten that mathematics, when used rigorously, is the irrefutable pathway to truth. This book uses system theoretic ideas to bring coherence, clarity, and precision to an extremely important and poorly understood classical area of science.