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Dynamic Structure of Reality makes available in English some of the most mature thought of the modern Spanish philosopher Xavier Zubiri. He first presented this material as a set of 1968 public lectures in Madrid. They were collected, edited, and published in 1989 as Estructura dinámica de la realidad. In 1962 Zubiri had published Sobre la esencia (On essence), a work of metaphysics that was praised by critics with one qualification: its treatment of reality was too static. The 1968 course was devised as a response to those critics. Dynamic Structure of Reality retraces the road Hegel traveled concerning the creation of a self and how that self is realized by an interplay between spirit and nature. Like his great predecessor José Ortega y Gasset, and like his great Jewish contemporary Emmanuel Levinas, Zubiri takes religion in all seriousness and locates its questions within the questions of modern philosophy. In harmony with science, he advances a new idea of becoming. Reality, not being, becomes. As reality’s traits are revealed, in different degrees, reality resembles God, the universal self-giver. Zubiri systematically touches on many disciplines to show the varieties of self-giving--throughout the universe--of structural dynamism.
“Unified Reality Theory demonstrates that the source of reality is a universal consciousness, and that we are in no way separable from that source, and so in no way truly separable from each other or any other aspect of reality. I recommend this book to anyone interested in understanding the nature of reality and their place in it.” —Deepak Chopra Unified Reality Theory describes how all reality evolves from an absolute existence. It also demonstrates that this absolute existence must have consciousness as an attribute that’s intrinsic to its being. Thus, Unified Reality Theory shows that consciousness, rather than being a product of the evolution of physical reality, is itself the source of what we experience as physical reality, and that physical reality is itself but one aspect of an evolving universal consciousness. Unified Reality Theory shows that, most fundamentally, this absolute consciousness-existence evolves into reality by means of a single process: self-relation. That is, consciousness-existence becomes reality by forming relationships with itself, analogous in a very limited way to what happens to a rubber band that’s twisted upon itself, i.e., it remains whole while differentiating into other forms. Thus, Unified Reality Theory demonstrates that reality is a state of existential self-relation. The idea that the universe consists of existence which has formed relationships with itself isn’t new; Taoists have understood this idea for at least a couple of thousand years. What’s new here is the presentation of this idea in the form of a detailed and defined structural model that correlates with the behavior of physical reality as described by science in general and physics in particular. Ultimately, Unified Reality Theory uses science and logic to make the case that God exists, as a pervasive and absolute consciousness that transcends the realities of space and time, and that we, as well as everything else, are that!
Does the brain create the mind, or is some external entity involved? This book synthesizes ideas borrowed from philosophy, religion, and science. Topics range widely from brain imagining of thought processes to quantum mechanics and the essential role of information in brains and physical systems.
This book describes how understanding the structure of reality leads to the Theory of Everything Equation. The equation unifies the forces of nature and enables the merging of relativity with quantum theory. The book explains the big bang theory and everything else.
Addresses the overall issue of meaning and meaningless from a mid-twentieth century perspective. Focuses on God as the "ground of being," Christology, and life in the spirit
The dominant paradigm of the economy is based on homo economicus and its positivist, mechanistic and utilitarian approach. This leads to a form of ‘technical liberalism’, advocating a market without society in which individuals are reduced to property rights and data subject to commercial transaction. This book argues for a reconceptualisation of the philosophical foundations of economic reality in the 21st century. Drawing on the continental tradition, the book shows that adopting and combining anthropological, ethical and metaphysical approaches can provide the basis for a better integration of markets so that they work with, rather than against, individual and social needs. To correctly interpret the market as an institution and the firm as a social organisation, the book explores concepts from the philosophy of action to show that it is people who literally create economic reality by providing for their needs through their creativity. The book also explores the ethics that structure human behaviour, providing a comparison between utilitarian ethics, hedonistic ethics and first-person ethics or virtues. This discussion provides a philosophical foundation for human action grounded in metaphysics. The metaphysical approach helps to overcome the modernist reductionism of the human to a life of individual purpose and instead look towards a larger goal: the common good. This book marks a significant addition to the literature on the philosophy of economics, ethics and markets, institutions and economic theory more broadly.
"If one takes a panoramic view of Hegel's entire philosophical endeavor—the endeavor to come to grips with and to be committed to reality in the concrete—one is struck by one inescapable idea: The Hegelian enterprise is an extraordinarily unified and grandiose attempt to elaborate one concept, which Hegel sees as the root of all intelligibility—the concept of God, whatever that term is going to turn out to mean... "...The question with which we are faced ... is neither whether Hegel is correct in what he says nor whether his interpreters are justified in what they say of him. Rather the question is one of finding out just what Hegel does say and of determining what impact that can have on our own thinking... "...Why, then, the 'Concept of God'? The answer is to be found in the culmination of the entire Hegelian system, 'The Philosophy of Absolute Spirit.' Only in the light of 'absolute Spirit' is anything Hegel says intelligible ... in Hegel's view, 'absolute Spirit' is in fact to be identified with God and that, therefore, only if Hegel's 'Concept of God' is intelligible, will anything Hegel says be intelligible." — from the Introduction
Collection contains short works that span Lonergan's work from 1943 to 1965. The papers deal with scientific, mathematical, theological, and philosophical questions, including discussions of such topics as the proper foundation of metaphysics, the form of inference, the nature of love and marriage, and the role of the university in the modern world.
"This book provides cutting-edge research on reality, its nature and fundamental structure, represented both by human minds and intelligent machines.--striving to describe a world model and ontology; organized human knowledge; powerful reasoning systems; and secure communication interoperability between human beings and computing reasoning systems promising the profound revolution in human values and ways of life"--Provided by publisher.