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The purpose of this thesis is to contribute to the development of dynamic modeling and control of bipedal locomotion. The locomotion aimed to be realized in this thesis is walking on a flat horizontal surface in the sagittal plane. Firstly, a planar five-link biped robot, which consists of an upper body and two legs, having five degrees of freedom is modeled. The equations of motion are then developed which describe the motion of the bipedal system. The walking motion includes the single support phase, the impact of the free end of the swing leg with the walking surface, and the support end exchange at the end of each step. Secondly, a systematic approach is presented to determine the joint angle profiles from a set of constraint functions for the biped to walk on a flat horizontal surface. Five new constraint functions are proposed in terms of the physical coherent parameters, one of which is to keep the total mechanical energy of the biped at constant. This constraint is meant to test the hypothesis that, given only potential energy at the beginning of the step, the swing leg can be carried over by gravity. (Abstract shortened by UMI.).
By the dawn of the new millennium, robotics has undergone a major tra- formation in scope and dimensions. This expansion has been brought about bythematurityofthe?eldandtheadvancesinitsrelatedtechnologies.From a largely dominant industrial focus, robotics has been rapidly expanding into the challenges of the human world. The new generation of robots is expected to safely and dependably co-habitat with humans in homes, workplaces, and communities,providingsupportinservices,entertainment,education,heal- care, manufacturing, and assistance. Beyond its impact on physical robots, the body of knowledge robotics has produced is revealing a much wider range of applications reaching across - verse researchareas and scienti?c disciplines, such as: biomechanics, haptics, neurosciences, virtual simulation, animation, surgery, and sensor networks among others. In return, the challenges of the new emerging areas are pr- ing an abundant source of stimulation and insights for the ?eld of robotics. It is indeed at the intersection of disciplines that the most striking advances happen. The goal of the series of Springer Tracts in Advanced Robotics (STAR) is to bring, in a timely fashion, the latest advances and developments in robotics on the basis of their signi?cance and quality. It is our hope that the wider dissemination of research developments will stimulate more exchanges and collaborations among the research community and contribute to further advancement of this rapidly growing ?eld.
Bipedal locomotion is among the most difficult challenges in control engineering. Most books treat the subject from a quasi-static perspective, overlooking the hybrid nature of bipedal mechanics. Feedback Control of Dynamic Bipedal Robot Locomotion is the first book to present a comprehensive and mathematically sound treatment of feedback design for achieving stable, agile, and efficient locomotion in bipedal robots. In this unique and groundbreaking treatise, expert authors lead you systematically through every step of the process, including: Mathematical modeling of walking and running gaits in planar robots Analysis of periodic orbits in hybrid systems Design and analysis of feedback systems for achieving stable periodic motions Algorithms for synthesizing feedback controllers Detailed simulation examples Experimental implementations on two bipedal test beds The elegance of the authors' approach is evident in the marriage of control theory and mechanics, uniting control-based presentation and mathematical custom with a mechanics-based approach to the problem and computational rendering. Concrete examples and numerous illustrations complement and clarify the mathematical discussion. A supporting Web site offers links to videos of several experiments along with MATLAB® code for several of the models. This one-of-a-kind book builds a solid understanding of the theoretical and practical aspects of truly dynamic locomotion in planar bipedal robots.
Abstract: This research focuses on the application of existing design, modeling, and control techniques to study uninvestigated problems in the area of bipedal walking robots. The first portion of this thesis presents a method of integrating mechanism design and hybrid system analysis for the design of a class of single-degree-of-freedom (DOF) planar bipedal robots that can achieve dynamic walking gaits that are stable. These bipeds employ mechanical coordination to reduce the DOF, which can result in a reduction of the complexity of the control strategies needed to enable stable walking. Prior to this work, a methodology for the design of this type of biped had yet to be developed. The second portion of this thesis investigates walking in three-dimensions (3D). A five-DOF, 3D bipedal model is derived and is used to study the degree of dynamic coupling between frontal and sagittal plane motions. Since the dynamics are found to he inherently coupled, a feedback control algorithm that simultaneously accounts for sagittal and frontal plane motions is introduced. With this control, only unstable periodic gaits are obtained. The final portion of this thesis also involves walking in 3D but focuses on the use of a passive-dynamic walker as a basis for the development of 3D controlled bipedal models. The basin of attraction of a known, stable gait for a passive 3D biped is estimated. The stability mechanisms of the limit cycle are also analyzed. Finally, a passivity-based control strategy is introduced that results in a moderate increase in the size of the basin of attraction. Prior to this work, this methodology had yet to be applied to a 3D passive biped.
The model-based investigation of motions of anthropomorphic systems is an important interdisciplinary research topic involving specialists from many fields such as Robotics, Biomechanics, Physiology, Orthopedics, Psychology, Neurosciences, Sports, Computer Graphics and Applied Mathematics. This book presents a study of basic locomotion forms such as walking and running is of particular interest due to the high demand on dynamic coordination, actuator efficiency and balance control. Mathematical models and numerical simulation and optimization techniques are explained, in combination with experimental data, which can help to better understand the basic underlying mechanisms of these motions and to improve them. Example topics treated in this book are Modeling techniques for anthropomorphic bipedal walking systems Optimized walking motions for different objective functions Identification of objective functions from measurements Simulation and optimization approaches for humanoid robots Biologically inspired control algorithms for bipedal walking Generation and deformation of natural walking in computer graphics Imitation of human motions on humanoids Emotional body language during walking Simulation of biologically inspired actuators for bipedal walking machines Modeling and simulation techniques for the development of prostheses Functional electrical stimulation of walking.
This book presents various techniques to carry out the gait modeling, the gait patterns synthesis, and the control of biped robots. Some general information on the human walking, a presentation of the current experimental biped robots, and the application of walking bipeds are given. The modeling is based on the decomposition on a walking step into different sub-phases depending on the way each foot stands into contact on the ground. The robot design is dealt with according to the mass repartition and the choice of the actuators. Different ways to generate walking patterns are considered, such as passive walking and gait synthesis performed using optimization technique. Control based on the robot modeling, neural network methods, or intuitive approaches are presented. The unilaterality of contact is dealt with using on-line adaptation of the desired motion.
Here for the first time in one book is a comprehensive and systematic approach to the dynamic modeling and control of biped locomotion robots. A survey is included of various approaches to the control of biped robots, and a new approach to the control of biped systems based on a complete dynamic model is presented in detail. The stability of complete biped system is presented for the first time as a highly nonlinear dynamic system. Also included is new software for the synthesis of a dynamically stable walk for arbitrary biped systems, presented here for the first time. A survey of various realizations of biped systems and numerous numerical examples are given. The reader is given a deep insight into the entire area of biped locomotion. The book covers all relevant approaches to the subject and gives the most complete account to date of dynamic modeling, control and realizations of biped systems.
This book presents a unique examination of mobile robots and embedded systems, from introductory to intermediate level. It is structured in three parts, dealing with Embedded Systems (hardware and software design, actuators, sensors, PID control, multitasking), Mobile Robot Design (driving, balancing, walking, and flying robots), and Mobile Robot Applications (mapping, robot soccer, genetic algorithms, neural networks, behavior-based systems, and simulation). The book is written as a text for courses in computer science, computer engineering, IT, electronic engineering, and mechatronics, as well as a guide for robot hobbyists and researchers.
This thesis poses a feedback control method for obtaining humanlike bipedal walking on a human-inspired hybrid biped model. The end goal was to understand better the fundamental mechanisms that underlie bipedal walking in the hopes that this newfound understanding will facilitate better mechanical and control design for bipedal robots. Bipedal walking is hybrid in nature, characterized by periodic contact between a robot and the environment, i.e., the ground. Dynamic models derived from Lagrangians modeling mechanical systems govern the continuous dynamics while discrete dynamics were handed by an impact model using impulse-like forces and balancing angular momentum. This combination of continuous and discrete dynamics motivated the use of hybrid systems for modeling purposes. The framework of hybrid systems was used to model three-dimensional bipedal walking in a general setup for a robotic model with a hip, knees, and feet with the goal of obtaining stable walking. To achieve three-dimensional walking, functional Routhian reduction was used to decouple the sagittal and coronal dynamics. By doing so, it was possible to achieve walking in the two-dimensional sagittal plane on the three-dimensional model, restricted to operate in the sagittal plane. Imposing this restriction resulted in a reduced-order model, referred to as the sagittally-restricted model. Sagittal control in the form of controlled symmetries and additional control strategies was used to achieve stable walking on the sagittally-restricted model. Functional Routhian reduction was then applied to the full-order system. The sagittal control developed on the reduced-order model was used with reduction to achieve walking in three dimensions in simulation. The control schemes described resulted in walking which was remarkably anthropomorphic in nature. This observation is surprising given the simplistic nature of the controllers used. Moreover, the two-dimensional and three-dimensional dynamics were completely decoupled inasmuch as the dynamic models governing the sagittal motion were equivalent. Additionally, the reduction resulted in swaying in the lateral plane. This motion, which is generally present in human walking, was unplanned and was a side-effect of the decoupling process. Despite the approximate nature of the reduction, the motion was still almost completely decoupled with respect to the sagittal and coronal planes.