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Autonomous vehicles (AVs) have been heralded as the key to unlock a shared mobility future where transportation is more efficient, convenient, and cheaper. However, the AV utopia can only come to fruition if the majority of users trust that autonomous mobility-on-demand (AMoD) systems are on a par with owning a vehicle in terms of service quality. Once the perception of quality is highly subjective, we propose a more personalized approach to on-demand mobility, in which users are segmented into service quality classes. These classes comprise minimum requirements regarding responsiveness and privacy, allowing us to model a series of user profiles formalized using strict service quality contracts. By honoring these contracts, providers can build users' trust and gain their loyalty, which on a grander scheme can contribute to a faster transition to a shared mobility future. This thesis presents a series of strategies to guaranteeing service quality throughout operational scenarios arising in the timeline of AV technology deployment. First, a precondition to providing service quality in autonomous transportation is safety. During a transition phase to full automation, AV operation will likely be restricted to areas where safe operations are guaranteed, leading to the formation of hybrid street networks comprised of autonomous and non-autonomous vehicle zones. In this setting, meeting user service quality expectations is primarily a matter of coverage, once mobility services will have to access both AV-ready and not AV-ready areas. Accordingly, this thesis proposes solutions to overcome the challenges entailed by such a transition scenario, where infrastructures, regulatory measures, and AV technology are gradually evolving. Then, assuming that widespread automated driving is the new status quo, we set out to model rich autonomous transportation scenarios comprised of heterogeneous users and vehicles. Central to our analysis is finding an adequate trade
This book focuses on real time management of distribution systems, integrating the latest results in system design, algorithm development and system implementation to capture the state-of-the art research and application trends. The book important topics such as goods dispatching, couriers, rescue and repair services, taxi cab services, and more. The book includes real-life case studies that describe the solution to actual distribution problems by combining systemic and algorithmic approaches.
The MATSim (Multi-Agent Transport Simulation) software project was started around 2006 with the goal of generating traffic and congestion patterns by following individual synthetic travelers through their daily or weekly activity programme. It has since then evolved from a collection of stand-alone C++ programs to an integrated Java-based framework which is publicly hosted, open-source available, automatically regression tested. It is currently used by about 40 groups throughout the world. This book takes stock of the current status. The first part of the book gives an introduction to the most important concepts, with the intention of enabling a potential user to set up and run basic simulations. The second part of the book describes how the basic functionality can be extended, for example by adding schedule-based public transit, electric or autonomous cars, paratransit, or within-day replanning. For each extension, the text provides pointers to the additional documentation and to the code base. It is also discussed how people with appropriate Java programming skills can write their own extensions, and plug them into the MATSim core. The project has started from the basic idea that traffic is a consequence of human behavior, and thus humans and their behavior should be the starting point of all modelling, and with the intuition that when simulations with 100 million particles are possible in computational physics, then behavior-oriented simulations with 10 million travelers should be possible in travel behavior research. The initial implementations thus combined concepts from computational physics and complex adaptive systems with concepts from travel behavior research. The third part of the book looks at theoretical concepts that are able to describe important aspects of the simulation system; for example, under certain conditions the code becomes a Monte Carlo engine sampling from a discrete choice model. Another important aspect is the interpretation of the MATSim score as utility in the microeconomic sense, opening up a connection to benefit cost analysis. Finally, the book collects use cases as they have been undertaken with MATSim. All current users of MATSim were invited to submit their work, and many followed with sometimes crisp and short and sometimes longer contributions, always with pointers to additional references. We hope that the book will become an invitation to explore, to build and to extend agent-based modeling of travel behavior from the stable and well tested core of MATSim documented here.
This book combines wireless telematics systems with dynamic vehicle routing algorithms and vehicle-positioning systems to produce a telematics-enabled information system that can be employed by commercial fleet operators for real-time monitoring, control, and planning. The book further presents a Messaging And Fleet Monitoring System and a Dynamic Planning System (DPS) that provides real-time decision support considering the current state of the transportation system.
The book provides a broad overview of the challenges and recent developments in the field of smart mobility and transportation, including technical, algorithmic and social aspects of smart mobility and transportation. It reviews new ideas for services and platforms for future mobility. New concepts of artificial intelligence and the implementation in new hardware architecture are discussed. In the context of artificial intelligence, new challenges of machine learning for autonomous vehicles and fleets are investigated. The book also investigates human factors and social questions of future mobility concepts. The goal of this book is to provide a holistic approach towards smart transportation. The book reviews new technologies such as the cloud, machine learning and communication for fully atomatized transport, catering to the needs of citizens. This will lead to complete change of concepts in transportion.
This book takes a look at fully automated, autonomous vehicles and discusses many open questions: How can autonomous vehicles be integrated into the current transportation system with diverse users and human drivers? Where do automated vehicles fall under current legal frameworks? What risks are associated with automation and how will society respond to these risks? How will the marketplace react to automated vehicles and what changes may be necessary for companies? Experts from Germany and the United States define key societal, engineering, and mobility issues related to the automation of vehicles. They discuss the decisions programmers of automated vehicles must make to enable vehicles to perceive their environment, interact with other road users, and choose actions that may have ethical consequences. The authors further identify expectations and concerns that will form the basis for individual and societal acceptance of autonomous driving. While the safety benefits of such vehicles are tremendous, the authors demonstrate that these benefits will only be achieved if vehicles have an appropriate safety concept at the heart of their design. Realizing the potential of automated vehicles to reorganize traffic and transform mobility of people and goods requires similar care in the design of vehicles and networks. By covering all of these topics, the book aims to provide a current, comprehensive, and scientifically sound treatment of the emerging field of “autonomous driving".
Experience the Future of Driving: A Glimpse into the World of Autonomous Vehicles Imagine a world where commuting no longer requires your hands on the wheel or your eyes on the road. AI at the Wheel: The Revolution of Autonomous Driving takes you on an engrossing journey through the transformative technology behind self-driving cars, showcasing a future that is closer than you think. Discover the milestones that have shaped autonomous driving, from the inception of early self-driving prototypes to the breakthroughs in AI and machine learning that enable vehicles to think and react like human drivers. Delve into the stories of the innovators and companies at the forefront of this groundbreaking industry. Uncover the profound impact autonomous vehicles will have on our lives. Learn how these marvels of technology will restructure urban landscapes, shift job markets, and create new economic opportunities. Explore the ethical considerations and legal debates that accompany this technological revolution, as well as the rigorous safety protocols that ensure the reliability of self-driving cars. Feel the pulse of a rapidly evolving industry as the author examines the role of big data, cybersecurity, and the expansive ecosystem supporting autonomous vehicles. From the complexities of V2X communication and energy efficiency to the future of ride-sharing and public transportation, each chapter offers a compelling look at the various dimensions of this technological marvel. Empower yourself with the knowledge to navigate an autonomous future. Whether you're a tech enthusiast, a business professional, or simply curious about what lies ahead, this book equips you with the insights to understand and embrace the coming changes. AI at the Wheel: The Revolution of Autonomous Driving is not just a book–it's your guide to the future.
This book presents a comprehensive coverage of the five fundamental yet intertwined pillars paving the road towards the future of connected autonomous electric vehicles and smart cities. The connectivity pillar covers all the latest advancements and various technologies on vehicle-to-everything (V2X) communications/networking and vehicular cloud computing, with special emphasis on their role towards vehicle autonomy and smart cities applications. On the other hand, the autonomy track focuses on the different efforts to improve vehicle spatiotemporal perception of its surroundings using multiple sensors and different perception technologies. Since most of CAVs are expected to run on electric power, studies on their electrification technologies, satisfaction of their charging demands, interactions with the grid, and the reliance of these components on their connectivity and autonomy, is the third pillar that this book covers. On the smart services side, the book highlights the game-changing roles CAV will play in future mobility services and intelligent transportation systems. The book also details the ground-breaking directions exploiting CAVs in broad spectrum of smart cities applications. Example of such revolutionary applications are autonomous mobility on-demand services with integration to public transit, smart homes, and buildings. The fifth and final pillar involves the illustration of security mechanisms, innovative business models, market opportunities, and societal/economic impacts resulting from the soon-to-be-deployed CAVs. This book contains an archival collection of top quality, cutting-edge and multidisciplinary research on connected autonomous electric vehicles and smart cities. The book is an authoritative reference for smart city decision makers, automotive manufacturers, utility operators, smart-mobility service providers, telecom operators, communications engineers, power engineers, vehicle charging providers, university professors, researchers, and students who would like to learn more about the advances in CAEVs connectivity, autonomy, electrification, security, and integration into smart cities and intelligent transportation systems.
The automotive industry appears close to substantial change engendered by “self-driving” technologies. This technology offers the possibility of significant benefits to social welfare—saving lives; reducing crashes, congestion, fuel consumption, and pollution; increasing mobility for the disabled; and ultimately improving land use. This report is intended as a guide for state and federal policymakers on the many issues that this technology raises.