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In this paper we discuss recent advances in modeling and estimating dynamic factor demand models, and review the use of such models in analyzing the production structure, the determinants of variable and quasi-fixed factors, and productivity growth. The paper also discusses the traditional approach to productivity analysis based on the Divisia index number methodology. Both approaches may be seen as being complementary. The conventional index number approach will measure the rate of technical change correctly if certain assumptions about the underlying technology of the firm and output and input markets hold. The approach is appealing in that it can be easily implemented. However, if the underlying assumptions do not hold, then the conventional index number approach will, in general, yield biased estimates of technical change. The econometric approach based on general dynamic factor demand models allows for a careful testing of various features of a postulated model. Furthermore it not only provides a framework to estimate technical change, but can also yield a rich set of critical information on the structure of production, the dynamics of investment in physical and R&D capital, the effects of spillovers, the depreciation rate of capital, the impact of taxes, expectations, etc. The paper provides both a review of recent methodology developed for the specification and estimation of dynamic factor demand models, as well as a review of recent applications. The paper also explores in terms of a Monte Carlo study how estimates of important characteristics of the production process can be affected by model misspecification. The study suggests that characteristics of the production structure such as scale and technical change are sensitive to model misspecification, and that adopting a simple specification for reasons of convenience may result in serious biases
Prucha and Nadiri (1982,1986,1988) introduced a methodology to estimate systems of dynamic factor demand that allows for considerable flexibility in both the choice of the functional form of the technology and the expectation formation process. This paper applies this methodology to estimate the production structure, and the demand for labor, materials, capital and R & D by the U.S. Bell System. The paper provides estimates for short-, intermediate- and long-run price and output elasticities of the inputs, as well as estimates on the rate of return on capital and R & D. The paper also discusses the issue of the measurement of technical change if the firm is in temporary rather than long-run equilibrium and the technology is not assumed to be linear homogeneous The paper provides estimates for input and output based technical change as well as for returns to scale. Furthermore, the paper gives a decomposition of the traditional measure of total factor productivity growth.
The rational expectations approach to adjustment cost models for factor demand is used to develop a dynamic model for US cigarette manufacturing. In the present study dynamic production modelling is extended to the case of multiple outputs. This analysis is the first to address cigarette manufacturing allowing for the possible influence of quasi-fixed factors, multiple outputs and rational expectations. Short-, intermediate-, and long-run factor demands are estimated and the presence of adjustment costs tested for in US cigarette manufacturing. The results indicate that there are significant adjustment costs associated with adjusting tobacco stock but not with adjusting the capital stock. Cigarettes produced for exports appear to differ in their marginal cost of production from cigarettes produced for sale in the US market.
This paper presents a dynamic model of the industrial demands for structures, equipment, and blue- and white-collar labor. Our approach is consistent with producers holding rational expectations and optimizing dynamically in the presence of adjustment costs, yet it permits generality of functional form regarding the technology. We represent the technology by atranslog input requirement function that specifies the amount of blue-collar labor (a flexible factor) the firm must hire to produce a level of output given its quantities of three quasi-fixed factors that are subject to adjustment costs: non-production (white-collar) workers, equipment, and structures.A complete description of the production structure is obtained by simultaneously estimating the input requirement function and three stochastic Euler equations.We apply an instrumental variable technique to estimate these equations using aggregate data for U.S. manufacturing. We find that as a fraction of total expenditures, adjustment costs are small in total hut large on the margin,and that they differ considerably across quasi-fixed factors. We also present short- and long-run elasticities of factor demands.
The productivity slowdown of the 1970s and 1980s and the resumption of productivity growth in the 1990s have provoked controversy among policymakers and researchers. Economists have been forced to reexamine fundamental questions of measurement technique. Some researchers argue that econometric approaches to productivity measurement usefully address shortcomings of the dominant index number techniques while others maintain that current productivity statistics underreport damage to the environment. In this book, the contributors propose innovative approaches to these issues. The result is a state-of-the-art exposition of contemporary productivity analysis. Charles R. Hulten is professor of economics at the University of Maryland. He has been a senior research associate at the Urban Institute and is chair of the Conference on Research in Income and Wealth of the National Bureau of Economic Research. Michael Harper is chief of the Division of Productivity Research at the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Edwin R. Dean, formerly associate commissioner for Productivity and Technology at the Bureau of Labor Statistics, is adjunct professor of economics at The George Washington University.