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DUI Laws is a complete summary of the drunk driving (DUI, DWI, OWI) laws for each of the 50 states and the District of Columbia. It is a must-buy for anyone who gets behind the wheel, even the social drinker. Ignorance of the law is no excuse. When traveling to another state, you alone are responsible to know the DUI laws of that state. DUI Bible contains all the information you need to know about the drunk driving laws of each state, such as: a) A state-by-state summary of DUI laws; b) Relevant laws for easy reference; c) Legal definition of driving (it is varies from state-to-state); d) Evidence needed to prove DUI as a criminal offense; e) Definition of legal impairment; f) Penalty-enhancement period (how long it stays on your criminal record); g) Criminal penalties and driver’s license sanctions for each DUI offense; h) Legal presumptions of intoxication at various blood-alcohol concentration levels; 9) Implied consent laws and procedures; i) chemical testing requirements; and j) Plea bargaining statutes. DUI Laws is easily organized with the best overview of the drunk driving laws of each state. It can save you a lifetime of expense and regret.
This study compares impaired driving laws from other countries, including the European Union, United Kingdom, Norway, Switzerland, Canada, Mexico, Australia, New Zealand and Japan. Some of the specific laws included illegal blood content (BAC) levels for various classes of drivers, minimum purchase age for alcohol, age of driving licensure, etc.
Preventing a DUI Arrest is the most comprehensive guide to discuss how to prevent a drunk driving arrest (other terms include DUI, DWI, OWI). Other books discuss what to do AFTER being arrested for DUI, but no other book thoroughly covers what to do to PREVENT a DUI arrest. The Preventing book is an essential addition to your library collection. However, it must be read from cover-to-cover to fully extract the breadth of knowledge, information and insight. Learn various investigative techniques used by law enforcement officers to manipulate motorists into a confession and how drivers are profiled for a DUI arrest. Also learn effective techniques on how to leave the scene to avoid a DUI arrest. Basically, learn everything you need to know to prevent a DUI arrest, and it is all inside this easy-to-understand empowerment manual. The contents contain all the information you need to prevent a drunk driving arrest. The topics include the following: 1) The legal definition of driving under the influence; 2) Preparing for a night of drinking and driving; 3) Essential vehicle contents to conceal alcohol consumption; 4) Techniques to avoid signs of driving impairment; 5) Geographic implications on a DWI; 6) Equipment and moving violations that increase DUI arrests; 7) How distractions and behavioral actions cause drunk driving arrests; 8) Anonymous tips reporting a possible drunk driver; 9) Vehicle breakdowns and accidents, and when to leave the scene; 10) Police tracking techniques; 11) Appropriate conduct when being stopped by the police; and 12) DUI laws in other countries. Preventing a DUI Arrest is the official guide for any motorist interested in preventing a DUI arrest. Drunk driving is considered the most socially abhorrent criminal offense of our time. Police departments are spending money at an exorbitant rate to deter this offense (and raising revenue for the state). MADD Mothers are nationally organized to influence state and federal legislation to impose harsher penalties (fines, jail, and license suspensions). It is time to fight back. Knowledge is power. Read this book and you will have all the necessary tools at your disposal to avoid a drunk driving arrest.
DUI Handbook covers all aspects of a drunk driving charge, before, during, and after the arrest. Learn police investigative techniques and sneaky ways in which they can get a confession. Find out how prosecutors misuse, mishandle, and manipulate evidence to get a conviction. The book has all the information you need to know about a drunk driving charge. Discover a) Legal definition of driving under the influence; b) Criminal punishment and driver’s license sanctions; c) What to do if and when you are stopped by the police and accused of drunken driving; d) How police prove intoxication; e) Standardized field sobriety tests and flaws; f) Chemical testing and scientific errors; g) Criminal defenses to get an acquittal, and h) Substance abuse evaluation and assessment (drunk driving classes, education, and treatment). Everything you need to know about a DUI arrest and prosecution is detailed and discussed. Follow the ideas and concepts, and you can prevent a drunk driving arrest or conviction.
How to Beat the Rap is authored by one of the best DUI lawyers in the country. It is the ultimate answer to any drunk driving (DUI / DWI / OWI) charge. Discover all the secret investigative techniques used by law enforcement to trick motorists into incriminating themselves and getting a drunk driving arrest. Learn all the insider information about classified legal tactics used by prosecutors to get drunk driving convictions. Everything is revealed in this insightful, comprehensive and enlightening book. Dispel the myths and learn all the tactics necessary to prevent a drunk driving arrest and conviction. For example, find out: 1) How to avoid being suspected of drunken driving; 2) What you should never reveal to a police officer; 3) How to properly answer police officer questions; 4) Whether field sobriety tests are mandatory; 5) Things to avoid during a police stop; 6) Creating “reasonable doubt” to a jury; 7) Knowing what evidence persuades a jury to acquit, not convict, and 8) Decreasing the cost of litigation. Understand the legal technicalities of a drunk driving charge: 1) What constitutes probable cause for a legal and valid police stop; 2) What are the flaws in standardized field sobriety tests; 3) Whether chemical tests (breath, urine or blood) are mandatory; and 4) When it is appropriate to leave the scene of an accident. How to Beat the Rap can prevent the embarrassment of an arrest, the loss of driving privileges, months of anxiety, a permanent criminal convictions on your record, and the torture of enduring substance abuse education classes and treatment. Not to mention saving thousands of dollars in legal fees. If you were charged with DUI, you must read this book.
For even the most seasoned attorney admitted to practice in the State of Colorado, defending DUI cases has always presented special challenges. Today mounting a successful defense is more difficult than ever. Now you have the advantage with Colorado DUI Defense: The Law and Practice. This text and supplementary DVD contains the most important information to help you attain a successful verdict.Written by Jay M. Tiftickjian and James Nesci, both members of the National College for DUI Defense,Colorado DUI Defense: The Law and Practice ensures that you understand the chemical, biological and technological concepts and issues underlying DUI prosecution and defense in the State of Colorado. The authors provide the most up-to-date information available on key areas of DUI law in Colorado including: DUI Investigations, Driving and Field Sobriety Testing, Drug Recognition, Evaluation and Chemical Testing, Blood Alcohol Calculations, Pre-trial Investigations and Motions, Practice, Plea Offers and Agreements, DUI Trial Procedures, and more.Many practical tools and applications designed to streamline and simplify the complex DUI defense process have been developed along with this book. They are all included on a bonus DVD--so you can locate, review and print them out in a matter of seconds. The companion DVD contains NHTSA studies, articles and visual detection videos.