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Drinking water availability and safety is a major challenge faced globally and is highly pronounced in developing countries worldwide. Lack of safe potable water across the globe can be attributed to industrial pollution, climate change and other human activities that result in a spectrum of chemical, physical and biological pollutants entering a water body. Although efforts to solve this problem are well underway worldwide, challenges still exist. This book shines a light on drinking water treatment methods and scale of operation specifically for the developing countries. Covering both conventional and emerging treatment technologies, the authors discuss the removal of chemical, physical and biological pollutants from drinking water, with a focus on developing countries. Conservation by rainwater harvesting, wastewater reuse, and selection criteria of feasible methods are considered in the context of issues relevant to Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean. With case studies connecting theory to real world matters, showcasing efficiencies and drawbacks, this book is ideal for graduate and postgraduate level course use in engineering departments or for self-study and research.
This book shines a light on drinking water treatment methods and scale of operation specifically for the developing countries. With case studies connecting theory to real world matters, this book is ideal for graduate and postgraduate level course use in engineering departments or for self-study and research.
Safe drinking water remains inaccessible to many humans in the developing countries. Research continuously innovates to develop efficient and cheap methods to sustain clean water for developing countries. Developing nations are a broad term that includes countries that are less industrialised and have lower per capita income levels than developed countries. This chapter will discuss clean water for drinking water purposes. Pollution concerns of water in developing countries will be categorised in terms of physical, chemical and biological pollutants such as turbidity, organic matter and bacteria. Natural and anthropogenic pollution concerns linking with seasonal factors will be outlined. The multi-barrier approach to drinking water treatment will be discussed. Abstraction points used will be researched. Water treatment systems, medium- to small-scale approaches, will be discussed. The processes involved in removing the contaminants including physical processes such as sedimentation, filtration such as slow-sand filtration, coagulation and flocculation, and disinfectant processes such as chlorination will be reviewed. Other important methods including solar disinfection, hybrid filtration methods and arsenic removal technologies using innovative solid phase materials will be included in this chapter. Rainwater harvesting technologies are reviewed. Safe storage options for treated water are outlined. Challenges of water treatment in rural and urban areas will be outlined.
There are 17 comprehensive and detailed Sustainable Development Goals, which are all interlinked. Although access to water, sanitation, and hygiene is a human right, billions of people in developing countries are still faced with daily challenges accessing even the most basic of services, specifically the poor and vulnerable in communities. Hygiene is an important aspect for women/girls to access the economic, educational, and social opportunities they deserve. Proper hygiene removes disease as a barrier for equality, economic growth, and more. The role of hygiene in water, sanitation, and infections must be addressed from both scientific and social perspectives. This book provides the reader with an analysis of hygiene behaviors and practices and provides evidence-based examples in a number of developing countries.
The main purpose of this book is to assist the reader in choosing the best method for providing clean and safe water in a developing country. The sites needing clean water can be diverse, e.g. an individual household, an entire village, a group of villages, a school, a clinic, an orphanage, etc. The focus of this book is to provide the reader with a basic understanding of how to bring clean water supplies to these entities. The optimal approaches will depend on both the Point of Use (POU), which may be large or small, and the state of the water (quantity, turbidity, type and concentration of pathogens/bacteria/viruses present) at the water source. Point of Use (POU) is the location where the water is to be consumed.The majority of those impacted by unsafe water live in isolated rural areas of the developing world. Cost, sustainability, cultural differences and acceptance by those who will use the water are all important factors in providing clean drinking water to these people.
This book is addressed to planners and engineers responsible for the design of water treatment plants to be built in Africa, Asia and Latin America. In particular, it is intended for small or isolated communities which may need to employ technologies which do not depend on capital-intensive mechanization and instrumentation.
Water Purification, a volume in the Nanotechnology in the Food Industry series, provides an in-depth review of the current technologies and emerging application of nanotechnology in drinking water purification, also presenting an overview of the common drinking water contaminants, such as heavy metals, organics, microorganisms, pharmaceuticals, and their occurrences in drinking water sources. As the global water crisis has motivated the industry to look for alternative water supplies, nanotechnology presents significant potential for utilizing previously unacceptable water sources. This books explores the practical methodologies for transforming water using nanotechnologies, and is a comprehensive reference to a wide audience of food science research professionals, professors, and students who are doing research in this field. Includes the most up-to-date information on nanotechnology applications and research methods for water purification and treatment Presents applications of nanotechnology and engineered nanomaterials in drinking water purification to improve efficiency and reduce cost Provides water purification research methods that are important to water quality, including precipitation, adsorption, membrane separation, and ion exchange Covers the potential risks of nanotechnology, such as the toxicological effects of engineered nanomaterials in water and how to minimize risks based on research studies
The continued lack of access to adequate amounts of safe drinking water is one of the primary causes of infant morbidity and mortality worldwide and a serious situation which governments, international agencies and private organizations are striving to alleviate. Barriers to providing safe drinking water for rural areas and small communities that must be overcome include the financing and stability of small systems, their operation, and appropriate, cost-effective technologies to treat and deliver water to consumers. While we know how to technically produce safe drinking water, we are not always able to achieve sustainable safe water supplies for small systems in developed and developing countries. Everyone wants to move rapidly to reach the goal of universal safe drinking water, because safe water is the most fundamental essential element for personal and social health and welfare. Without safe water and a safe environment, sustained personal economic and cultural development is impossible. Often small rural systems are the last in the opportunity line. Safe Drinking Water in Small Systems describes feasible technologies, operating procedures, management, and financing opportunities to alleviate problems faced by small water systems in both developed and developing countries. In addition to widely used traditional technologies this reference presents emerging technologies and non-traditional approaches to water treatment, management, sources of energy, and the delivery of safe water.
Affordable and effective domestic wastewater treatment is a critical issue in public health and disease prevention around the world, particularly so in developing countries which often lack the financial and technical resources necessary for proper treatment facilities. This practical guide provides state-of-the-art coverage of methods for domestic wastewater treatment and provides a foundation to the practical design of wastewater treatment and re-use systems. The emphasis is on low-cost, low-energy, low-maintenance, high-performance 'natural' systems that contribute to environmental sustainability by producing effluents that can be safely and profitably used in agriculture for crop irrigation and/or in aquaculture, for fish and aquatic vegetable pond fertilization. Modern design methodologies, with worked design examples, are described for waste stabilization ponds, wastewater storage and treatment reservoirs; constructed wetlands, upflow anaerobic sludge blanket reactors, biofilters, aerated lagoons and oxidation ditches. This book is essential reading for engineers, academics and upper-level and graduate students in engineering, wastewater management and public health, and others interested in sustainable and cost-effective technologies for reducing wastewater-related diseases and environmental damage.
The microbiology of drinking water remains an important worldwide concern despite modem progress in science and engineering. Countries that are more technologically advanced have experienced a significant reduction in water borne morbidity within the last 100 years: This reduction has been achieved through the application of effective technologies for the treatment, disinfec tion, and distribution of potable water. However, morbidity resulting from the ingestion of contaminated water persists globally, and the available ep idemiological evidence (Waterborne Diseases in the United States, G. F. Craun, ed. , 1986, CRC Press) demonstrates a dramatic increase in the number of waterborne outbreaks and individual cases within the United States since the mid-1960s. In addition, it should also be noted that the incidence of water borne outbreaks of unknown etiology and those caused by "new" pathogens, such as Campylobaeter sp. , is also increasing in the United States. Although it might be debated whether these increases are real or an artifact resulting from more efficient reporting, it is clear that waterborne morbidity cannot be ignored in the industrialized world. More significantly, it represents one of the most important causes of illness within developing countries. Approxi mately one-half the world's population experiences diseases that are the direct consequence of drinking polluted water. Such illnesses are the primary cause of infant mortality in many Third World countries.