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Dressage is often seen as the most formal and controlled of the equine sports, following an ancient, standardized training progression. For philosopher and dressage instructor Dr. Sherry Ackerman, dressage is much more. It — along with riding in general — can be a transformational art and an avenue for reflection, exploration, and self-knowledge through which a rider can experience liberation from the individual, egoistic self. This second, revised edition of Dressage in the Fourth Dimension is a pioneer work in awakening “dressage consciousness.” Drawing on such diverse sources as sacred geometry, ancient Western and Eastern philosophies, and esoteric spirituality, Ackerman seeks to heal humanity’s alienation from nature through riding. She points us toward the liberation from societal conditioning and normative thinking, and, ultimately, from our own egos. Her concept of the fourth dimension requires us to leave the analytic, objective mind behind and enter into the mystery of inspiration. A short, unique, thought-provoking work that has enjoyed a word-of-mouth reputation among horse people for years, Dressage in the Fourth Dimension will challenge riders’ assumptions about their horses and themselves.
Issues are addressed relating to the role of the arts in the emerging, New Paradigm, worldview. New Paradigm Philosophy involves issues impacting our personal, social and professional agendas. By looking specifically at the transformational potential of one particular art form, ideas are generated for integrating some diverse contemporary concerns into a more coherant worldview.
A detailed description of what the fourth dimension would be like.
Get your horse in shape and maintain his overall fitness, regardless of his age or abilities. Equine Fitness will have your horse looking and feeling his best with a series of fun exercise routines specifically designed to enhance his strength, stamina, and agility. Clear step-by-step instructions and detailed illustrations make the exercises easy to follow, and the book includes a handy set of pocket-sized cards that you can use in the ring. Jec Ballou’s simple conditioning program promises lasting results for healthy horses and satisfied riders.
From the back cover of the book... "For thousands of years, human consciousness has been mired in the muck of fear, confusion, and suffering. However, the patterns of the past no longer apply. At last, Mother Earth and all who reside upon her have set out on an unprecedented trajectory toward awakening. Each one of us can now choose to live in a new paradigm - the fourth dimension. We define the fourth dimension as a higher-vibrational state of being that is characterized by trust, empowerment, abundance, peace, balance, and harmony. It is based on the realization that we are beings of Light who carry formidable power as co-creators of our universe. Living in the fourth dimension requires a conscious shift from relying on the fear-based ego mind to trusting the heart-centered guidance of our Higher Selves. The Ascended Masters discuss how to let go of our history, how to heal anger, fear and pain, and how to develop a personal knowing of our Light. You, too, can take the next step toward creating 'Heaven on Earth.' This book tells you how." In addition to a channeled discourse from the Ascended Masters St. Germain and El Morya Khan this book contains reprints of the first ten issues of the Ascended Masters Newsletter published by the authors. CONTENTS Foreword About the Authors The Past No Longer Applies Fear is the Obstacle You Are in the Center of Your Universe Discussing the Mindset for Change How You Co-Create Your Universe The Earth is Awakening with You Believe, Trust and Expect What is Possible Understand That the Light Empowers You to Change Your Universe Sit and Be Still as Frequently as Possible, and Surrender to Your Light Allow the Light to Heal your Fear and Anger Allow the Light to Guide You in Every Moment and in Everything You Do Let Go of Judgment of Self and Others in All Things Let Go of Trying to Change the World Around You Open to a New Way of Being - and Thus Change the Universe in Which You Reside The One-Percent Solution APPENDIX Ascended Masters Newsletters Books by the Authors
This fascinating collection of essays contains a variety of perspectives about the use of expressive arts for facilitating physical and emotional healing. Each author within brings a fresh approach and unique experiences to their writing. Within these pages, you will find many ideas for the use of the arts and can learn how to engage the inner layers of the self that allow natural healing processes of the body and soul to flourish. When we fully engage an art modality, we find ourselves in a place in our consciousness that could be called 'healingspace,' where we feel ourselves whole and re-member ourselves as well. From psychic trauma to physical illness, dis-ease of many kinds may be addressed through the various techniques discussed here. The tools offered by some authors are population specific and age appropriate, while several authors have given us the philosophical underpinnings for it all. While the authors within represent the grassroots voices of this new and rapidly expanding field, several of them have developed their own methods for using the arts, and have thriving practices. Our approach is wholistic. Music, visual arts, movement, dance, and poetry are discussed as separate modalities and in combination with one another in a process or flow. The reader will engage in our experiences with these modalities as they have been lived. The complementary CD that accompanies this book will allows the listener to have a full sound experience of toning. If a rationale is needed for establishing arts programs in medical centers or other health facilities, it can be found here. The book offers tools for self development and for group facilitation. Those wanting to expand their healing practice through the use of the arts will find the book to be a faithful guide. Anyone wishing for a fuller understanding of how the arts may work to facilitate healing will find much food for thought within these pages.