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This paper contains the draft Water Bill itself and explains the context and rationale for its measures. The draft Water Bill will deliver legislative commitments set out in the Water White Paper (Cm. 8230, ISBN 9780101823029). It will, implement a package of retail and upstream market reforms; allow complementary changes to Ofwat's regulatory regime; allow the scope of the environmental permitting regulations to be extended from prevention of pollution to include the abstraction and impounding of water, flood defence consenting and fish pass approvals; and make minor changes to existing legislation to reduce and simplify regulatory and administrative burdens. The reforms will mainly apply to England and Wales but will also allow for a joint water and sewerage retail market with Scotland
The Draft Water Bill sets out proposed new legislation, much of which would extend competition in the water industry. The MPs are concerned that the Draft Bill contains only a broad framework and leaves too much of the important detail to be decided by the regulator, Ofwat, or to be introduced through secondary legislation that receives less parliamentary scrutiny. In welcoming the opportunities for greater competition within the retail water sector (providing billing services) the MPs ask Government to get on with implementing changes that would reduce flooding - many of which were recommended nearly five years ago. The MPs highlight the importance of managing our water resources sustainably and efficiently. They recommend that encouraging sustainable development be elevated to a primary duty of the regulator and that the Government brings forward legislation to enable the abstraction regime to be reformed by 2022. In addition they recommend implementation of existing provisions on bad debt and encouraging greater use of water meters, both of which would lower customers' water bills. However, the report concludes that the Government needs to undertake further work before embarking on "upstream" competition, which would enable companies to compete in the supply of water.
This publication contains a consultation paper, draft Bill, explanatory notes and an impact assessment. The proposals in the draft Bill aim to give effect to: the Government's response to Sir Michael Pitt's review "Learning lessons from the 2007 floods" ( and; "Future water - the Government's water strategy for England (2008, Cm. 7319, ISBN 9780101731928); and to the flood and water aspects of the Welsh Assembly Government's "Environment strategy" and "Strategic policy position statement on water" ( The proposals cover flood and coastal erosion risk management, including a strategic overview role for the Environment Agency and provision for a new local authority leadership role in local flood risk management. Other policies cover main river mapping, co-operation and sharing of information, sustainable drainage systems, Regional Flood Defence Committees, implementation of the EU Floods Directive and the Water Framework Directive, reservoir safety, surface water management plans and hosepipe bans. Two major independent reviews are also awaited: Martin Cave's review of competition and innovation in water markets and Anna Walker's review of charging and metering for household water and sewerage services. Their recommendations will have to be considered and could lead to further legislative proposals in this area.