Download Free Draft Environmental Impact Statement Federal Aid Project Lasf 86 1 Nwtd 1 New Mexico State Road 516 Santa Fe Los Alamos Corridor Study Phase C Santa Fe Los Alamos Counties New Mexico Book in PDF and EPUB Free Download. You can read online Draft Environmental Impact Statement Federal Aid Project Lasf 86 1 Nwtd 1 New Mexico State Road 516 Santa Fe Los Alamos Corridor Study Phase C Santa Fe Los Alamos Counties New Mexico and write the review.

This chapter introduces the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE's) role in the conveyance and transfer of 10 land parcels at Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) to the Incorporated County of Los Alamos and to the Secretary of the U.S. Department of the Interior, in trust for San Ildefonso Pueblo, as required by Public Law (PL) 105-119; a statement of the purpose and need for the DOE's action; and an overview of the alternatives analyzed in this Draft Conveyance and Transfer of Certain Land Tracts Environmental Impact Statement (Draft CT EIS). In addition, this chapter explains DOE decisions that the Draft CT EIS is intended to support, as well as the relationship of this document to other environmental documentation prepared by the DOE. At the conclusion of this chapter is an overview of the Draft CT EIS.