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"On April 1, 2002, ... the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency (OEPA) issued an Administrative Consent Order (ACO) to YSI ... to complete a Source Control Interim Action (SCIA) and Ground Water Interim Action (GWIA) at YSI's facility.... In May 2005, OEPA approved a SCIA consisting of reductive dechlorination for two source areas at the site.... The SCIA involved anaerobic bioremediation, promoted through the injection of CAP18, a vegetable-oil based product. CAP18 was injected ... in June 2005.... recent measurements indicate that the CAP18 has been expended, and VOC concentrations have increased in some groundwater samples. Therefore, YSI proposed to reinject CAP18-ME, a revised formulation of CAP18.... this document: presents a brief overview of recent monitoring data in the interim action areas; discusses methods that will be used to implement this proposal; and, presents a schedule for implementation of this proposal."--Introduction, p. 1.
" ... Source Control/Ground Water Interim Actions (SC/GWIA) were required by an April 1, 2002 Administrative Consent Order (ACO) issued to YSI by the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency. The ultimate objective of the SC/GWIA order is to accomplish remediation goals for impacted soils and groundwater at the facility. Toward that end, the order describes a process of identifying and characterizing impacted source-area soils, assessing impacts to groundwater, establishing remediation goals, and developing and implementing interim remedial measures. The general approach for delineating and characterizing source areas consisted of identifying the presence or absence of contaminants in suspect source areas, characterizing conditions in source areas impacted by COCs [compounds of concern], developing groundwater compliance levels for COCs, then developing soil remediation goals for the COCs ... Once source areas were characterized and remedial goals were established, soils in source areas with COCs exceeding goals and requiring remediation were identified. Conceptual remedial approaches for meeting standards were assessed ... Based on this assessment, remedial approaches were selected and conceptual designs were developed."--Introduction, p. 3.
"The SCIA Conceptual Design Report identified anaerobic bioremediation ... as the preferred interim action for COC impacts at the Former Dock Area and the Current Dock Area. The SCIA Conceptual Design Report described the proposed reductive dechlorination interim action and provided the evaluation information required in Section 2.5 of the Statement of Work. This document provides final plans for the implementation of a reductive dechlorination interim action at the Current Dock Area and the Former Dock Area. Section 2 provides an overview of the proposed interim action, while Section 3 provides detailed plans for the interim action."--Introduction, p. 2.
" ... a Work Plan for investigating the source and extent of volatile organic compounds in soil and groundwater beneath and round the YSI property ... This Work Plan includes a conceptual approach for the SC/GWIA investigations, establishes soil remediation goals and groundwater compliance levels that will be used to measure successful attainment of the objectives ..., identifies potential source control interim actions and ground water interim actions that may be utilized to meet the soil remediation goals and groundwater compliance levels, and provides detailed descriptions of the proposed source area investigations and groundwater plume delineation activities. This document also establishes a schedule for the implementation of this Work Plan and for the preparation of deliverables specified by the Orders and the Work Plan."--Page 1.
" ... Source Control/Ground Water Interim Actions (SC/GWIA) were required by an April 1, 2002 Administrative Consent Order (ACO) issued to YSI by the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency. The ultimate objective of the SC/GWIA order is to accomplish remediation goals for impacted soils and groundwater at the facility. Toward that end, the order describes a process of identifying and characterizing impacted source-area soils, assessing impacts to groundwater, establishing remediation goals, and developing and implementing interim remedial measures. The general approach for delineating and characterizing source areas consisted of identifying the presence or absence of contaminants in suspect source areas, characterizing conditions in source areas impacted by COCs [compounds of concern], developing groundwater compliance levels for COCs, then developing soil remediation goals for the COCs ... Once source areas were characterized and remedial goals were established, soils in source areas with COCs exceeding goals and requiring remediation were identified. Conceptual remedial approaches for meeting standards were assessed ... Based on this assessment, remedial approaches were selected and conceptual designs were developed."--Introduction, p. 3.
"On April 1, 2002 ... the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency (OEPA) issued an Administrative Consent Order (ACO) to YSI. The ACO directed YSI to complete a Source Control/Groundwater Interim Action (SC/GWIA) at YSI's facility located at 1700/1725 Brannum Lane in Yellow Springs, Greene County, Ohio ... Source area characterization has been completed at the site ... The SCIA Source Area Report and SCIA Source Area Addendum Report identified soil vapor extraction combined with air sparging, and chemical oxidation, as the leading interim ction options for the Former Dock Area and the Current Dock Area. However, since the time these reports were completed, additional planning and evaluation has resulted in the identification of anaerobic bioremediation as the recommended interim action. This report provides information to document the selection of anaerobic bioremediation as the recommended interim action, and provides the conceptual interim action design evaluation information required by Section 2.5 of the Statement of Work."--Executive Summary, p. 1-2.