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Learn to manage anxiety and the emotions that go along with anxiety and you will be healthier, happier, more positive and excited about life. Don't feed the monsters that contribute to negative thoughts and unhealthy life patterns. Learn tools and skills so life will be more exciting and less anxious.
A Halloween-themed rhyming board book with cut-through mouths to feed.
In the book, Don't Feed the Monster, three young siblings are constantly arguing. The quarreling creates a monster that is fed by their growing anger. The monster grows as the siblings continue to fuss and fight. The parents eventually call an important meeting to address the issue. Don't Feed the Monster is a story about compassion, respect, and forgiveness and also addresses how families can strive to achieve peace and harmony in the home.
Don't Feed the Monster! ************************** One day Billy Monster to his great surprise, Found out he'd won the most fabulous prize An awesome new home to live in and share With his very own kid to pester and scare!
Discusses how to develop and maintain healthy self-esteem and a positive attitude.
Goosebumps now on Disney+! Robby and his sister Karla beg their parents to take them to a big carnival that has opened on the other side of town. When they arrive, the two kids are delighted by the rides, the sideshow, the interesting displays, and the great food booths. They wander away from their parents and find themselves at a less-trafficked area at the back of the carnival. Inside a large penned-in area, they see a dejected-looking boy about their age sitting on the grass. A sign on the tall metal fence reads: PLEASE DO NOT FEED THE WEIRDO. The kids are reluctant to disobey the sign, but the boy seems really nice. Karla hands him her cone through the fence. He thanks her very politely. He eats the ice cream, delicately at first, then ravenously, noisily-and as Robby and Karla stare in horror, he transforms into a raging, hairy beast.
As a college student, he was blessed to become a student intern in the Information Technology (IT) department where he continued to increase his computer skills as a part-time computer lab assistant and a computer troubleshooter. These roles pushed his skilled to a brand-new level. “After the internship was over, I followed my instructor everywhere he went so I could learn everything I could. I even stayed after hours to glean from his knowledge.” His instructor told him that he had never met anyone like him before. Someone who was hungry for knowledge. After graduating with a degree in computer science, he was offered a part-time job in the IT department. That job later became full-time. As a contributing co-author to Raising Frankie, he visited his parents twice a week to proofread and suggest any changes he felt were necessary. They wanted to make sure he was comfortable with every line before it went to publication. Since he has embraced the book, the three of us hope readers will share its content to assist anyone they know who is or have dealt with ADHD. Brenda is a retired educator who lives with her husband in North Carolina. During her academic career, she served in several capacities in the educational arena. These positions included teaching academically gifted to disadvantaged and handicapped students in high school, high school assistant principal, and supervisor/director of Career Technical Education Programs. She has also taught on the community college level. In her community, she serves on several church auxiliaries to include serving as a deaconess, member of the senior usher board, and as a Sunday school teacher. Because of her experiences working with attention deficit hyperactive disorder (ADHD)—via students and their teachers—she wanted to share her knowledge and experiences with others through Raising Frankie. She hopes that loving and living this work will positively impact the lives of others as it has the Moody family. Frankie L. Moody Sr. (Moody), coauthor, is a United States Army Veteran and a retired lieutenant with the North Carolina State Highway Patrol. Presently, he is actively serving as a church deacon, president of the male ushers, Security Team member, Cub Scout Den Leader, and as a literacy tutor (for adults) with Triangle South Literacy Works. He also is employed part-time to transport people to and from medical appointments. In his years of working with people, Moody often imparted words of wisdom and encouragement whenever the opportunity presented itself. Brenda and Moody worked passionately together to first of all understand the characteristics of ADHD. Secondly, to embrace Frankie’s diagnosis so they could help him to deal with whatever he may have encountered academically as well as socially during his formative years. Toward that end, Moody spent his days off each week serving as a teacher assistant’s when Frankie was in elementary school. He also chaperoned every field trip and assisted with all of his sport activities. During high school, we worked together as a team to support Frankie as needed—to include how to handle unwarranted bullying. During high school and college, we realized that Frankie needed space to make his own decisions. With that said, we were always available and ready to activate whatever actions as were necessary to help Frankie to be successful without encroaching on his “I can do it on my own” abilities.
Recommends books for gifted readers that provide insights and coping skills for issues they may face from preschool through high school, featuring more than three hundred titles with brief summaries, organized by reading levels; and includes an index arranged by theme.
Did you know that keeping the gut healthy is very important in raising a healthy child? This book is for every parent or caretaker who wants to raise happy and healthy children. Research has shown that the gut microbiome is linked to every system in the body. It affects the body throughout life by controlling the digestion of food, immune system, central nervous system and other bodily processes. If the gut microbiome is altered, sickness is inevitable! Each child is only as healthy as their gut microbiota! Through the experience of raising my children and seeing children in my practice, I learned early on that these bacteria that live in our gut can have profound effects on a child's life! My goal is to educated children, parents and caretakers that food is not only eaten by us ... but by the bacteria that lives in us. If we make the right choices, our children can live a life of health and vitality.