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Labeled by The New York Times as “instrumental in helping change the face of major professional sports,” attorney Jim Quinn has influenced modern sports business for decades. Beginning back in the 1970’s with the landmark Oscar Robertson basketball free agency case, Quinn battled owners in all four major leagues to make sure the players got their fair share. In the early 1990’s, he faced the goliath National Football League and won the right to free agency for players, Quinn has spent a lifetime dealing in the gritty sports business to make fair agreements for players. Quinn shares significant cases and legal proceedings across major American sports and tells stories of the courtroom battles he fought on behalf of players and labor leaders seeking economic justice in their workplace. He sheds light on known and unknown figures who committed to larger causes than themselves and that modern sports owes a debt to the leaders of the past who risked their careers. Through Quinn’s lengthy career he has helped to empower athletes to speak and act in the best interest of the sports community and overcome some of the toxic figures who sought to drag down league success for their own ego and greed. In Don’t Be Afraid to Win, Quinn provides a unique point of view of someone who was personally involved in making changes happen in the business. His is a masterful examination of how sports has grown dramatically over the decades, how it benefited from the rise of sports unions and free agency, and how there is still fairness to be gained across the leagues.
Find out where honey comes from as Grandpa the Beeman teaches the basics of beekeeping to his young grandson. This rhyming story includes 7 pages of educational endnotes full of essential facts about bees, beekeeping, honey, and the vital part that bees play in the natural world. Includes a honey muffin recipe on the final page!
Have you ever tried to fight worry with faith and felt you were losing the battle? Have comments like “God’s got this!” or “Just pray about it” only left you feeling more burdened? We know we shouldn’t worry, but the reality is that we all do at times. Whether it’s personal worries about loved ones and daily circumstances or broader concerns about what’s happening in the world, we long for something more than platitudes that will help us put real feet to our faith and win the worry battle. Many Christians do not have a full understanding of what it means to fight the good fight of faith. They try to live by faith but in the face of everyday trials and failures, they find themselves disillusioned and discouraged, wondering if they have done something wrong or if living by faith only works for others. The problem for most is simply a lack of understanding regarding what faith is and how it works. This book, inspired by the Book of Joshua, reviews three steps a person can take to Fight In Faith: 1) embrace God’s promises, 2) steep your heart in courage, and 3) act in obedience to God’s commands. Just as God gave His people victory over their enemies when they fought in faith, He promises to do the same for us. Following the footprints of bold, courageous faith that God gave His people, we’ll be equipped with tools to bravely fight in faith and overcome both our daily struggles and the bigger battles we all face. Through examples of how God gave the Israelites victory over their enemies and generously blessed them, too, we’ll be victorious in our fight of faith so that we not only radically transform our own lives but unequivocally impact society. A companion six-week Bible study Joshua: Winning the Worry Battle is also available for those who would like to dig deeper into the book's topic. Study components, each available separately, include a Participant Workbook with five days of lessons per week, Leader Guide, and DVD with six 20-25 minute sessions (with closed captioning).
A Book About Good Sportmanship. "But I HATE losing! GEEEEZE!" Wendell HAS to win at everything, and if he doesn't, he whines about it. When Wendell has one of those days where nothing seems to go his way, his mom helps him understand that everything in life doesn't have to be a contest and losing does not make you a loser. In fact, it can make you stronger! She also points out that although it feels great to celebrate a win, winning isn't everything, and whining about things just makes it worse. "Whiners aren't winners, and winners never whine. You can't win at everything all of the time!" This creative story addresses two very challenging topics: winning and whining.
You can go after the job you want…and get it! You can take the job you have…and improve it! You can take any situation you’re in…and make it work for you! Since its release in 1936, How to Win Friends and Influence People has sold more than 30 million copies. Dale Carnegie’s first book is a timeless bestseller, packed with rock-solid advice that has carried thousands of now famous people up the ladder of success in their business and personal lives. As relevant as ever before, Dale Carnegie’s principles endure, and will help you achieve your maximum potential in the complex and competitive modern age. Learn the six ways to make people like you, the twelve ways to win people to your way of thinking, and the nine ways to change people without arousing resentment.
Discusses the basic psychological principles of interpersonal relationships.
You Can Live Without Fear! For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind. 2 Timothy 1:7 Everyone deals with fear; not everyone conquers it. Throughout our lives we all experience different kinds of fears. Unfortunately, many of us believe the lie that fear is something we have to live with. You don't! According to Scripture, God desires every one of His children to be free from fear—including you! In Do Not Be Afraid!, Rabbi K.A. Schneider shares personal testimony of how he struggled with, and experienced victory over fear—and how you too can walk in this same supernatural freedom. This book shows you how to: • Identify and overcome the enemy’s number one weapon against believers • Unlock the power of God’s Word to defeat different fears that come against you • Pursue freedom as a lifestyle, not a temporary experience • Enjoy supernatural peace even while living in a dark world Resist the devil’s trap, walk in Jesus’ supernatural freedom, and fearlessly step into your destiny today!
'Waiting can be beautiful and, at least sometimes, it takes us to the heart of the Holy.' As much at home with Strictly Come Dancing as the mystical writings of Julian of Norwich, Rachel Mann writes with disarming verve of something we all experience - waiting. It may seem unlikely when you're stuck on a train, or nervously anticipating hospital treatment, or simply fearful of an uncertain future, that there is treasure to be found in the waiting. Yet the Psalmist says, 'I waited patiently for the Lord; he inclined to me and heard my cry.' These luminous meditations tell stories of God waiting with us when we're in fear or distress; of coming - bidden or unbidden - to relieve our loneliness; of disconcerting us, desiring us and surprising us with joy... Most of all they remind us that Jesus Christ comes into the world as one long waited for; as the servant who waits on others; as the one on whom we are, adoringly, called to wait. Covering 4 weeks, each meditation ends with a prayer and questions for reflection, which may be used by individuals or groups.
A noted attorney gives detailed instructions on winning arguments, emphasizing such points as learning to speak with the body, avoiding being blinding by brilliance, and recognizing the power of words as a weapon.
Don’t Be Afraid of the Dark: Blackwood’s Guide to Dangerous Fairies is a dark and disturbing illustrated novel based on the world of Guillermo del Toro’s film “Don’t Be Afraid of the Dark.” Taking place a hundred years before the movie begins, the book chronicles the travels and explorations of Emerson Blackwood, a young and ambitious natural scientist who quickly discovers there is a mysterious world beyond what his education and peers understand. Follow Blackwood as he travels, discovering more and more about this secret world and the creatures that inhabit it -- creatures that Blackwood quickly realizes are just as interested in him as he is in them, particularly a long-lived and dangerous group of beings that have had centuries of encounters with humanity, creatures that live by eating enamel and bone.... The book, co-written by del Toro and the award-winning Christopher Golden, features illustrations by the director of “Don’t Be Afraid of the Dark,” Troy Nixey.