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A comprehensive guide to Donizetti's DON PASQUALE, featuring Principal Characters in the opera, Brief Story Synopsis, Story Narrative with Music Highlight Examples, and an insightful and in depth Commentary and Analysis by Burton D. Fisher, noted opera author and lecturer.
This edition includes Italian libretto along with an English line by line translation for the opera goer to use. Follow the exquisitely beautiful Don Pasquale and understand every word with this unique edition.
The beginning of the story: Don Pasquale was a rich, credulous, but good-hearted old bachelor, who lived in one of the middle Italian States. He had but one relation, a nephew, by the name of Ernesto, a fine young man, who had always lived on the purse of his uncle, and in the natural course of events, would inherit his wealth. Uncle and nephew had lived together in peace and harmony, until the former got it into his head, to provide for Ernesto a wife, a wealthy widow, by which marriage he would become comfortably settled in life. Unfortunately for the uncle's fond plans, Ernesto had already formed an attachment to a young girl of much beauty and many accomplishments, but of very limited fortune, Norina, - and refused to obey his wishes. Don Pasquale became enraged at this resistance, swore he would disinherit Ernesto, and resolved to settle himself in marriage, in order to have somebody else to leave his money to than his ungrateful and undutiful nephew Ernesto. As Don Pasquale had always kept himself quite aloof from the other sex, be was at a loss upon whom to fix his choice, when he bethought himself of a Doctor Malatesta, who had been friend and physician to him a good many years, and who might be just the person to find him a suitable wife. Accordingly the Doctor was sent for, and made acquainted with the project of his patron. Now Doctor Malatesta, besides being sensible of the absurdity of the old bachelor's resolution, was a friend to Ernesto, and immediately made up his mind, to save Don Pasquale from just ridicule and bitter repentance, and Ernesto from the fate of poverty. He informed his patron that he had a sister, who had just finished her education in a convent, and come on to visit him; that he thought her a capital match for his esteemed friend; that he would introduce her to him, and, if the impression were agreeable, the marriage might at once be consummated. Don Pasquale was delighted, and asked that the girl should at once be brought to him. Malatesta went off and straightway informed Norina of the mischief that was brewing, and the means he had devised to prevent it. These were no less than introducing Norina to Don Pasquale as his - Malatesta's - sister, spoken of previously, marrying her to him by a sham notary, and then leaving it to the wit and ingenuity of Norina to disgust the bridegroom so thoroughly with matrimony, that a denouement would at last relieve all parties, restore Ernesto in the affections of his uncle, and procure Norina's hand for him. Norina did not hesitate to accept the part assigned to her in this plot. She accompanied the Doctor to Don Pasquale's residence, and by well affected modest looks and simplicity, so charmed the old bachelor that he desired to marry her immediately. Ernesto, who had been informed of the intrigue, came just in time to witness the ceremony which was conducted by a fictitious notary. numerous others on which similar works are silent, are satisfactorily touched upon....