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First released May 30,2019, Donald J. Trump, An American Dilemma, focused primarily on deviance of country, family, and president until his election. These are the "calm years" of his history. It stands to reason that as more was known about the man, the present update became necessary. Special attention is given to Trump's presentations and speeches from a linguistic point of view. Additions to this revision include new chapter headings, an Appendix, and Index. The body of the book has been condensed. The biography has been updated to include recent information. This book is unique in that it is supported by fact and 40 years of author expertise in psychology. Readers go on a developmental journey into the reasons for Trump's candidacy. Determining what was different from its beginning focusing almost entirely on how it could use ill-gotten gain. Donald is Fred's son who was not repulsed by the 1930s but personally admired it despite its catastrophic parts. At times, the reader can see how the Trump family, if they did not love their role in promoting these hateful ideas, learned how to use them for financial survival. Described by them as a love-surrendered to Donald, often enabling him. The reader will discover a different form of love that hated innocence, an affection for the politically perverse, and human emotions of race and immigration that conservatives found enthralling. Conservatives believed Americans didn't want unity and understanding abandoning tradition. They powered the campaign and changed the meaning of words. Trump's family was not made for peace, which President Reagan encountered in his White House. Still, there are lessons to be relearned on coping with Trump's two realities as a business tycoon and his identity as a skilled imitator. Throughout the book, the backgrounds of those that influenced the family most are presented factually. From the men involved in the politics of the 1930s. To the overlap by Russian leaders and their unquestionable influence in New York and Palm Beach. Some of these self-described "diplomats of crime" participate in the plot, who readers may know. For one, Dr. Armand Hammer was seen along with Lenin is followed by the author. Other familiar names who have received pardons were once highly regarded Americans that changed their loyalties. All of them participated in what can only be described as love-surrendered, waiting to serve a president who initially has nothing in common with. The author leaves the readers to decide how these individuals became enthralled with the same beliefs that caused so much violence and hate no one could forgive. Beginning and ending this first narrative are the unforgettable voices of when the Daily Stormers sang "blood and soil" in Virginia that signaled the White House theme. President Donald J. Trump marked the coming together of times that had no relation to one another. Except that he admired the speeches of the 1920s to the 1930s. So much so that he included them in his campaign. But, did the Stormers sing for him? This is what the author set to find out by examining what appeared to be opposites in time. By delving into the speeches, symbols, and illustrations of the period that Daily Stormers first arrived in the United States and the reception, President Trump gave them a reply to their song.
First released May 30,2019, Donald J. Trump, An American Dilemma, focused primarily on deviance of country, family, and president until his election. These are the "calm years" of his history. This Kindle Edition offers the reader immediate links to all the mentioned in-depth resources. It stands to reason that as more was known about the man, the present update became necessary. Special attention is given to Trump's presentations and speeches from a linguistic point of view. Additions to this revision include new chapter headings, an Appendix, updated Bibliography, and Source Notes. The body of the book has been condensed. The biography has been updated to include recent information. This book is unique in that it is supported by fact and 40 years of author expertise in psychology. Readers go on a developmental journey into the reasons for Trump's candidacy. Determining what was different from its beginning focusing almost entirely on how it could use ill-gotten gain. Donald is Fred's son who was not repulsed by the 1930s but personally admired it despite its catastrophic parts. At times, the reader can see how the Trump family, if they did not love their role in promoting these hateful ideas, learned how to use them for financial survival. Described by them as a love-surrendered to Donald, often enabling him. The reader will discover a different form of love that hated innocence, an affection for the politically perverse, and human emotions of race and immigration that conservatives found enthralling. Conservatives believed Americans didn't want unity and understanding abandoning tradition. They powered the campaign and changed the meaning of words. Trump's family was not made for peace, which President Reagan encountered in his White House. Still, there are lessons to be relearned on coping with Trump's two realities as a business tycoon and his identity as a skilled imitator. Throughout the book, the backgrounds of those that influenced the family most are presented factually. From the men involved in the politics of the 1930s. To the overlap by Russian leaders and their unquestionable influence in New York and Palm Beach. Some of these self-described "diplomats of crime" participate in the plot, who readers may know. For one, Dr. Armand Hammer was seen along with Lenin is followed by the author. Other familiar names who have received pardons were once highly regarded Americans that changed their loyalties. All of them participated in what can only be described as love-surrendered, waiting to serve a president who initially has nothing in common with. The author leaves the readers to decide how these individuals became enthralled with the same beliefs that caused so much violence and hate no one could forgive. Beginning and ending this first narrative are the unforgettable voices of when the Daily Stormers sang "blood and soil" in Virginia that signaled the White House theme. President Donald J. Trump marked the coming together of times that had no relation to one another. Except that he admired the speeches of the 1920s to the 1930s. So much so that he included them in his campaign. But, did the Stormers sing for him? This is what the author set to find out by examining what appeared to be opposites in time. By delving into the speeches, symbols, and illustrations of the period that Daily Stormers first arrived in the United States and the reception, President Trump gave them a reply to their song.
This book is written as a compilation of historical evidence on the history of the United States deviant fringe. It's a subject United States historians have neglected in the false belief that doing so would make the country weaker. The history in these pages corresponds to the awful failure of traditional historians to predict the eventual rise of the fringe takeover of our political parties. Readers are taken back to when our historians failed to predict the rising power of Nazi Germany in the 1920s. In that instance, a great deal of effort was wasted on a portrayal of Adolph Hitler as a so-called conservative moderate. This only forced historians to change later when 50,000 American citizens showed up on the streets of Manhattan in full Nazi uniform, and regalia, singing the American Anthem, and Sieg Heil salutes to Adolph Hitler to make Germany Great Again a similarity to the next shocking failure of historical predictions. Historians now do the same thing. American historians often ignore the role of fringe anti-Constitutional individuals omit them from their role in history. Lately, this has had devastating results, as historians and inept political theorists, eliminating subversive activity in our history also subverted its importance. Historians now do the same thing. Should not every voice be heard in a democracy? Not surprising, exploiting this historical deficiency, from the Soviet-Russia years, the Kremlin learned to use the fringe, precisely its political and religious wedge, to create mob rule and forms of devisive fascism. This Cold War often risked a Hot War. The Kremlin used the profiles of men; to frame a web of history they defined instead. Turning names like Fritz Kuhn, George Rockwell, Samuel Dickstein, George Sylvester Viereck, Peter Viereck the first conservative, Glen Yeadon, Edward Hunter, Armand Hammer, and eventually Donald J. Trump, into types of heroes they could manipulate. This book seeks to resolve this gap in history to better prepare people against the future attack, but it carries an ominous warning. The future holds an inevitable reality of doing nothing different. Expose this aspect of history or have it defined for you. The rise and rise of the fringe: President Trump, once out of office, may very well have won the romanticism of his history. His reward is clear. At the hardscape erection of the Donald J. Trump Presidential Library, he will host the particular aspects of his accomplishments for the family and faith mob. The visual will be stunning; they will see the immigrant war, the attacks on Muslims there will be the fight for white supremacy cloaked over with the violence against those he considered infected. In the back of the Great Hall will be the most extensive wall, the biggest the world has ever seen of followers. A statue of himself surrounded by Confederate heroes. That show pictures and stories, details of his supporters that made all the murders, scams, and crimes possible, with followers making Sieg Heil salute to himself. Behind them the bystanders looking on in a photo opportunity with Donald J. Trump. The Congress, U.S. Justice Department, judiciary, CIA, justices, and military sitting to the side will be full-figured cutouts of the Presidents he worked with and the attorney generals. It will make the mob of 50,000 a minuscule example having grown just in the United States to over 30 million followers.
The Unite the Right rally marked the first year of the 45th Presidency in one curious way that proved devasting to the United States. The visual appearance duplicated the same unrest happening in Eastern European nations of NATO. Seventy years prior, a coalition of extremist conservatism and the financial industrial complex unleashed a World War. It was more than strange to see Stormers of Eastern European history walk again within American shores that stirred the memory of those events alongside Klansmen and fragmented white supremacist groups populating the internet. Another aspect of this event was that it was not random. Several nations in the NATO pact were also experiencing the rise of totalitarianism, marches, commemoration of the dead, and ceremonies bringing back to life dead traitors and fascist leaders overthrown several decades ago. In many of these locations, the extreme conservatives were funded by transnational organized crime. In at least one indispensable nation, a 'Ndrangheta and neo-Nazi coalition coordinated by a Russian Oligarch staged a coup against the government, courts, and law enforcement agencies. This was followed by prosecutorial opposition, legislative action, and new anti-crime political parties in Eastern Europe. Only then, growing opposition in Russia pointed to how President Putin hid his trillion-dollar investments in the American heartland. Coming full circle When the Stormers Sang blood and soil, no part of the aging and decadent government and academic institutions had the imagination to foretell its evolution. When highly skilled and well-educated men and women from the middle-class and prominently political families with religious backgrounds would attempt to murder Congress. Before Chronicles of Donald J. Trump , there was no substantial effort to shed light on the new political 'Ndrangheta and neo-Nazi coalition framework under one book series. This lack of understanding of the role of the Gothic online is an outcome of a pre 9-11 myth. Namely, that crime was viewed separately from ideology and religion. After 9-11, we learned hard lessons that not only were crime, creed, and religion inseparable, but they were aspects of a larger, more self-destructive myth. On the other hand, most Americans thought that neo-Nazi policy and principle could not infiltrate the White House and that the gothic so prominent in Europe in the 1930s could not be recreated again. So that mankind, in his decline within a civilization, finds himself as a monster without spirituality and truth. This book discusses the seven principles that should be considered in redoing the United States' domestic terrorist threat risk matrix. These principlescan also be acted on in local communities to stop an almost absolute disaster of near-sightedness.
A New York Times bestseller! For the first time in his own words, President-elect Donald J. Trump explains his plan to make America great again! He wants to “put America’s interests first—and that means doing what’s right for our economy, our national security, and our public safety.” Throughout the 2016 campaign, Trump conjured images of American strength and culture when small towns boomed with industry, mom and pop shops bustled, and people said, “Merry Christmas!” The media scoffed at Trump’s vision and the people who supported him; they were blinded by the Clinton machine. But their eyes were opened after Trump won 62 million votes and the Oval Office. Even Republican House Speaker Paul Ryan said, “Donald Trump heard a voice in this country that no one else heard.” As Trump says in Time to Get Tough, “I’ve built businesses across the globe. I’ve dealt with foreign leaders. I’ve created tens of thousands of American jobs. My whole life has been about executing deals and making real money—massive money. That’s what I do for a living: make big things happen…” Trump is about to make the biggest deals of his life, and he’s going to make them for America! From reversing lax immigration policies to eliminating regulations that restrict small businesses, Donald Trump understands that America “doesn’t need cowardice, it needs courage.” President Elect Trump is about to “Make America Great Again” and Time to Get Tough is his blueprint!
The essential, bestselling book that first defined President Donald Trump's political ideas. The America We Deserve is the essential book for anyone who wants to understand the core of Donald Trump's political thinking. In this book, written as he first considered running for president in 2000, Trump offers no-nonsense, populist, provocative, and dramatic solutions to issues that continue to resonate with voters today. In this book, Trump lays out a vision for America that is strong, optimistic, and founded on core Republican principles of self-reliance, limited governance, economic growth, and equitable taxation. Striking for its similarities to President Trump's current initiatives--but also fascinating in its differences--The America We Deserve reveals a man who is fully engaged with the nation and cares deeply about its future. Readers and voters will discover Trump's ideas on: *Foreign policy and relations with China, Russia, North Korea, and Israel *How to fix our broken and underperfoming education system *Reducing regulations on business to help create jobs and economic growth *A dramatic one-time tax on the super-wealthy to close the national debt and fuel tax cuts for the middle class *Immigration, crime, terrorism, and more The America We Deserve is essential reading for Trump-watchers, voters, Republicans, Democrats, and anyone interested in how Trump the businessman became Trump the president.
Will Donald J. Trump be America’s next president? For some, his brash, politically incorrect campaign is the panacea for the Washington and Wall Street elites that have saddled the country with endless wars, an anemic economy, and growing racial division. Trump’s boosters believe he will usher in a Reagan-like era of domestic prosperity at home, and free America from a destructive global web of counterproductive trade agreements and military entanglements abroad. Trump’s critics are having none of this. They see not a president in waiting, but a dangerously unstable and inexperienced demagogue — one who threatens U.S. democracy and global peace and security. Rather than being a harbinger of the country’s renewal, Trump’s candidacy is supposedly destroying the social fabric of America by demonizing minorities, denigrating women, and exacerbating racial differences. To engage with the controversy of the moment, the Fall 2016 Munk Debate will move the motion: Be it resolved, Donald Trump can make America great again...
A Scathing Indictment of Donald Trump on the Eve of the 2020 Election Un-American? President Donald J. Trump has been called many names, but how can this term apply to a candidate and president whose slogan is “make America great again?” How can such a term apply to the “America First” president? In this book, John J. Pitney Jr., one of America’s most incisive conservative commentators exposes a core irony of Trump’s presidency: that a man who is quick to question the patriotism of his critics is himself deeply unpatriotic. Pitney argues that real Americanism is about ideas and ideals: truth, equality, the rule of law, patriotic service, and the hope that America can serve as an example to the rest of the world. By words and actions, Trump has disparaged all of these things. Through an examination of his record, this book tells how Trump subverts genuine American greatness.
Donald Trump’s astonishing rise to the US presidency challenges conventional understandings of American politics, yet he is distinctively American. His biography and family lineage reflect American traditions such as real estate hucksterism and buccaneering salesmanship. But Trump’s pugnacity also reflects the shadow of other darker American traditions of misogyny, racism and xenophobia, patterns that formed what Thorstein Veblen called a “sclerosis of the American soul.” Using Veblen’s theory of American development to explore the nation’s curious fusion of barbarism and liberal democracy, Veblen’s America taps the rich vein of the sociologist’s early twentieth-century insights to shed light on the Trump phenomenon that has overwhelmed and threatened early twenty-first-century American democracy.
The Democrats’ special impeachment counsel on the House Judiciary Committee lays out President Trump’s shocking pattern of betrayals, lies, and high crimes, arguing articles of impeachment to the ultimate judges: the American people. In his behind-the-scenes account of the attempts to bring the president to justice—from filing the very first legal actions against him, through the Mueller report, to the turbulent impeachment and trial, to the president’s ongoing wrongdoing today—Norman Eisen, at the forefront of the battle since the day of Trump’s inauguration, pulls back the curtain on the process. He reveals ten proposed articles of impeachment, not just the two that were publicly tried, all of which he had a hand in drafting. He then guides us through Trump’s lifelong instincts that have dictated his presidency: a cycle of abuse, corruption, and relentless obstruction of the truth. Since taking the oath of office, Donald Trump has been on a spree of high crimes and misdemeanors, using the awesome power of the presidency for his own personal gain, at the expense of the American people. He has inflamed our divisions for his electoral benefit, with flagrant disregard for the Constitution that makes us America. Each step of the way, he has lied incessantly, including to cover up his crimes. And yet he remains in the country’s highest office. Congress, federal and state prosecutors, and courts have worked to hold the president accountable for his myriad offenses—with some surprising successes and devastating failures. Eisen, who served as special counsel to the House Judiciary Committee for Trump’s impeachment and trial, presents the case against Trump anew. Eisen’s gripping narrative and rousing closing argument—at turns revelatory, insightful, and enraging—will inspire our nation of judges. History has proven that this president’s nefarious behavior will continue, no matter the crisis. But, as Eisen’s candid retelling affirms, there is an ultimate constitutional power that transcends the president’s, a power that can and must defeat him if our nation is to survive. The verdict of the American people remains in the balance. It is time for us to act.