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Packed with the hands-on instruction needed to construct and install dozens of practical, inexpensive electronic security devices. For each project, a helpful schematic is included plus a list of the circuits and components required. Lightning Print on Demand Title Copyright © Libri GmbH. All rights reserved.
Whether you are planning to design and install a system yourself, or work with professionals, this book is a valuable tool in securing your home. . .offers coverage of home offices, provides interviews with security experts, and offers many recommendations on security systems.
This book provides an integrated solution for security and safety in the home, covering both assistance in health monitoring and safety from strangers/intruders who want to enter the home with harmful intentions. It defines a system whereby recognition of a person/stranger at the door is done using three modules: Face Recognition, Voice Recognition and Similarity Index. These three modules are taken together to provide a percentage likelihood that the individual is in the "known" or "unknown" category. The system can also continuously monitor the health parameters of a vulnerable person living alone at home and aid them in calling for help in an emergency. The authors have analyzed a number of existing biometric techniques to provide security for an individual living alone at home. These biometric techniques have been tested using MATLAB® image processing and signal processing toolboxes, and results have been calculated on the basis of recognition rate. A major contribution in providing security is a hybrid algorithm proposed by the author named PICA, which combines features of both PCA (Principle Component Analysis) and ICA (Independent Component Analysis) algorithms. This hybrid approach gives better performance recognition than either system alone. The second proposed hybrid algorithm for voice recognition is named as a MFRASTA algorithm by combining features of MFCC (Mel Frequency Cepstral Coefficient) and RASTA-PLP (RelAtive SpecTrA-Perceptual Linear Prediction) algorithm. After performing experiments, results are collected on the basis of recognition rate. The authors have also proposed a third technique named as a Similarity Index to provide trust-based security for an individual. This technique is text independent in which a person is recognized by pronunciation, frequency, tone, pitch, etc., irrespective of the content spoken by the person. By combining these three techniques, a high recognition rate is provided to the person at the door and high security to the individual living independently at home. In the final contribution, the authors have proposed a fingertip-based application for health monitoring by using the concept of sensors. This application is developed using iPhone 6’s camera. When a person puts their fingertip on a camera lens, with the help of brightness of the skin, the person’s heartbeat will be monitored. This is possible even with a low-quality camera. In case of any emergency, text messages will be sent to the family members of the individual living alone by using 3G Dongle and MATLAB tool. Results show that the proposed work outperforms all the existing techniques used in face recognition, voice recognition, and health monitoring alone.
Every reason now exists to make homes more secure: the crime rate is increasing, insurance companies are insisting on adequate protection, and more householders are improving home security, so criminals are seeking out the easier jobs - one of which could be yours! This book provides practical, independent guidance. It shows how burglars work, and how to thwart them. In a jargon-free way, the selection and installation of alarm systems are described in this practical guide for home-owners.
The complete home security guide to locks, alarms, cameras and security systems. This text is designed to provide homeowners with the information they need to protect their family and valuables.
Still phobic to leave your home while going for a vacation? Or are you afraid of unwelcome intruders at night? Worry about the precious safe... or your kids... while you are away?
Priročnik o varnostnih in zaščitnih ukrepih v najširšem smislu bralca vodi, mu svetuje in ga uči, kako postati in razmišljati kot varnostni strokovnjak, izboljšati varnost stanovanja, urada ali premoženja, kako najeti varnostnega svetovalca, izbrati in namestiti razne varnostne sisteme oziroma naprave, izboljšati računalniško in požarno varnost, se obraniti vlomilcev, terorizma in mnogih drugih nevarnosti. Preventivni ukrepi vključujejo tudi teme kot so ojačanje vrat in oken, izbiranje najboljših ključavnic, sodobnih nadzornih sistemov, alarmov, razsvetljave itd. Vsako poglavje vsebuje projekte tipa "naredi sam", varčevalne in praktične nasvete, ki jih je mogoče takoj uporabiti.
Transform your residence into a sanctuary of safety with "Home Fortress," the definitive guide that fortifies your home and tranquility of mind amid a world of increasing unpredictability. Unveil the cloaked risks lurking within the very confines of comfort, and learn to outsmart potential threats through a thorough comprehension of residential security dynamics within the opening chapter. As you navigate through insightful dissections of both external and internal perils, "Home Fortress" equips you with the knowledge to precisely evaluate your domain's vulnerabilities. Embark upon an architect's journey with a twist, where aesthetics intertwine seamlessly with iron-clad security strategies. Be enlightened by principles that transcend traditional defensive measures, architecting a dwelling space that stands undeterred against the wiles of urban prowlers. Diligence meets intelligence in chapter three, as specialized tactics for home security assessments and strategic planning take center stage. Progress from simple appraisals to drafting masterful blueprints tailored for your household's impenetrable aura. Delve into a treasury of mechanical safeguards, exploring the robust world of locks and reinforced barriers. "Home Fortress" offers an unyielding array of defensible selections of hardware designed to turn your abode into an unbreakable shell. The narrative advances into the digital age with a dedicated focus on smart technology and its pivotal role in modern-day safeguarding. In an elaborate synthesis of gadgetry and guardianship, each section unlocks advanced techniques for selecting and effectively utilizing the latest in alarm systems and surveillance. Illuminate the night as never before with lighting tactics that banish shadows and doubt. Journey from exterior to interior illuminations, bridging the gap with smart automation that not only brightens spaces but also your reassurance. Nature becomes your ally with strategic landscaping, integrating natural elements that deter rather than invite peril. Discover how the very flora surrounding your haven can act as vigilant sentries in the silent war against trespass. In "Home Fortress," each chapter unfolds like a meticulously forged armor plate in your home's defense system. From cyber skirmishes safeguarding intimate digital realms, collective watch tactics that transform neighbors into comrades-at-arms, to the legal chessboard maneuvering that are just as essential as physical barricades—the book leaves no stone unturned. Revel in exemplary case studies, where theory meets application, and witness firsthand the transmutation of vulnerable habitats into citadels of serenity. Equip yourself with the foresight to not just weather the uncertainties of today but to also stand ready for the unknown of tomorrow. "Home Fortress" does not just address the currents of contemporary risks—it steadies you for the tides of future challenges. Welcome to your new era of empowerment. Secure your peace. Secure your legacy. Make "Home Fortress" the cornerstone of your home security strategy.