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This document's purpose is to spell out the Church's understanding of the nature of revelation--the process whereby God communicates with human beings. It touches upon questions about Scripture, tradition, and the teaching authority of the Church. The major concern of the document is to proclaim a Catholic understanding of the Bible as the "word of God." Key elements include: Trinitarian structure, roles of apostles and bishops, and biblical reading in a historical context.
The sixteen official documents—constitutions, decrees, and declarations—of the Second Vatican Council are now available from Liturgical Press in the most popular and widely used inclusive-language edition translated by Irish Dominican Austin Flannery (+October 21, 2008). As the worldwide Church continues to celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of the Council (1962–65), there is a great need in college classrooms and parish faith formation groups—as well as for individuals—to again have access to these documents in contemporary English. As Flannery wrote in his introduction to the 1996 edition, “The translation of the texts of the Vatican documents in the present volume differs from that in the previous publication in two respects. It has been very considerably revised and, in place, corrected. It is also, to a very large extent, in inclusive language. “I say ‘to a very large extent,’ because we have used inclusive language in passages about men and women but not, however, in passages about God, except where the use of the masculine pronoun was easily avoidable.”
The Vatican II’s Dogmatic Constitution on Divine Revelation is universally acclaimed as one of the council’s most important documents. Published in 1965 after a long and circuitous route throughout all four years of the council, Dei Verbum sets forth the Catholic Church’s official teaching about divine revelation and the complex interrelationship between Scripture and Tradition. With the approach of the fiftieth anniversary of the constitution, this book—intended for general audiences—summarizes the history and principal teaching of this groundbreaking document. Accompanying the text of The Word of God at Vatican II is a paragraph-by-paragraph commentary and an exploration of the impact the constitution has had in the church’s life. Readers will be amazed at how influential Dei Verbum continues to be, even today.
Dei Verbum (in Italian the Word of God, often abbreviated as DV) is a dogmatic constitution issued by the Second Vatican Council concerning "Divine Revelation" and Sacred Scripture. It is one of the principal documents of the Second Vatican Council; it would be the foundation, according to the auxiliary bishop of Westminster Christopher Butler, an influential conciliar father. The constitution was promulgated by Pope Paul VI on November 18, 1965, following the approval of the bishops gathered in assembly with 2,344 votes in favor and 6 against. The title is a reference both to the Holy Scriptures (literally, the "Word of God"), and to Jesus Christ himself (the Word of God) and is taken from the incipit of the document, as is customary in the most important official documents of the Catholic church.
This book describes the history of the Dogmatic Constitution on Divine Revelation, its content, its importance, and how it has helped to direct the future of Roman Catholic biblical studies.
This is the sixth annual volume of the remarkably popular journal of biblical theology edited by Scott Hahn and his St. Paul Center for Biblical Theology. This volume features an all-star lineup tackling one of the most controversial and important subjects in biblical scholarship the inspiration and truth of Sacred Scripture. What does it mean to say that Scripture is "the Word of God"? Are there "errors" in Scripture? These are some of the questions addressed in important new works by Hahn, Brant Pitre, Pablo Gadenz, Michael Waldstein, John Betz, and Germain Grisez. Highlights include Hahn's new essay on the "the truth and humility of God's Word" and Gadenz's authoritative review of the Catholic teaching on the "inerrancy" of Scripture. This volume also includes a never-before-translated essay by Romano Guardini, "Holy Scripture and the Science of Faith." From the Editors' introduction: " The widespread erosion in the assumption that Scripture is the true Word of God forms the broader context for the articles and studies in this volume of Letter & Spirit. As we see it, the work we present in these pages is no ivory tower exercise. It is no exaggeration to say that at stake in this discussion is the future of the identity of the Church and the mission of the Word incarnate. If the Scriptures cannot be trusted to communicate the truth about God and his saving message, if they do not bring us to the encounter with the living God who speaks his Word, then it must be asked: what is the meaning and purpose of the Church?"
Dei VerbumDei verbum - The Second Vatican Council's Dogmatic Constitution on Divine Revelation was promulgated by Pope Paul VI on November 18, 1965, following approval by the assembled bishops by a vote of 2,344 to 6. It is one of the principal documents of the Second Vatican Council, indeed their very foundation in the view of one of the leading Council Fathers, Bishop Christopher Butler. The phrase "Dei verbum" is Latin for "Word of God" and is taken from the first line of the document, as is customary for titles of major Catholic documents.
An approachable read for both Catholics who want to brush up on their knowledge of the Faith and curious passersby, Fundamentals of Catholicism, Volume 1 offers an excellent introduction to the fundamental precepts and beliefs of the Catholic Church. Clear, direct, and thoughtfully written, this book explores the Creed and the Ten Commandments in order to explain the basic theological and moral teachings of the Church, and encourage Catholics in their everyday lives of faith.