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Dan Brown's best-selling novel and subsequent popular movie, The DaVinci Code, created a sensation and intense criticism from the Roman Catholic clergy; yet it was fiction! Now, with Imma Penn's Dogma Evolution and Papal Fallicies, little known historical facts have been presented using the actual statements of priests, bishops, emperors, kings, popes and contemporary chroniclers. It shines a bright light on the evolution of Christian religious beliefs and practices that inspired Dan Brown's creation. A darker side of Catholicism is revealed - its schism controversies, the antipopes, papal corruptions and obscenities, the selling of indulgences, simony, the Inquisition condoned and encouraged by 73 popes, and the torture and the burning at the stake of hundreds of thousands of non-believers. Penn's critical history of the Roman Catholic Church shows the Curia presiding over an institution still in tune with the 13th century. Modern-day "cafeteria" Catholics may be surprised by some of the facts which have been kept out of the public eye. They may also be fascinated to learn how Catholic religious doctrine and rituals have evolved from pagan practices. Catholicism is ripe for reform. The recent priestly misbehaviors and the cover-up are well known and repetitive of the Church's reactions to the misdeeds of its past. A fresh, transparent approach is needed to cleanse the institution of it excessive non-spiritual baggage. It is no wonder that some prominent Catholics, like authors Garry Wills and James Carroll, have called for a Vatican III, a coming together of the Church, to bring about the necessary public apologies and reforms. Readers may be interested to learn of the revelations in this book.
‘A Corrupt Tree’ is a unique, extensively researched, four volume exposé of the dark side of the Church of Rome. It reveals that for nearly two thousand years the Church’s fundamental characteristic has been its self-serving abuse of religio-corporate power. A large proportion of this first volume provides a detailed catalogue of the multitude of unholy popes. Included, are those who were immature, capricious, corrupt, lascivious, fanatical, senile, truly mad, megalomanic, tyrannical, murderous, and wholesale killers. It confirms that for many, many centuries the popes were corrupt, cruel, inhumane, and despotic. In an age of savagery they were the leaders in barbarity; in the subsequent age of enlightenment they have persistently resisted the march of progress. Additionally, the popes were wholesale killers who ‘made the principle of assassination a law of the Christian Church.’ Accordingly, the Church ‘has shed more innocent blood than any other institution that has ever existed among mankind.’ Here also are presented the cupidity, corruption, and sexual misconducts of lesser ecclesiastics, including cardinals, bishops, priests, monks and nuns. Pope Honorius III, for example, described his priests as ‘worse than beasts wallowing in their dung.’ The Church’s ruthless stranglehold on knowledge and learning is catalogued in detail. Mathematics, philosophy and science were repressed. Selected, applied theology ruled the world. ‘Everything was explained, but nothing was understood.’ The chapters on censorship reveal that even works of considerable literary or philosophical merit did not escape. A large number of writings which eventually became classics of European culture were condemned and prohibited. The Church also exhibited a vitriolic hatred of those who translated the Bible into the vernacular. Many of these men were annihilated. Holy books were burned in large numbers ‒ particularly the Jewish Talmud. It is clearly demonstrated that the Church held back civilisation for over fifteen hundred years. ‘Century after century passed away, and left the peasantry but little better than the cattle in the fields.’ Finally, the unholy behaviours of the numerous popes, cardinals, and lesser ecclesiastics are shown to establish, unequivocally, that the Church of Rome is neither holy nor apostolic. The ultimate message of these volumes is that to become an exemplary institution, and to play a truly humane role in the world’s future, the Catholic Church must change.
Religion. For thousands of years this thing has dictated which people should live and which people should die, what shape our buildings should have or what colors our garments should contain, what food people should eat or what words people should speak. If religion is the opium of the masses, then beliefs about the end of the world are like overdoses. People touched by such beliefs no longer rely on a hidden, personal and intimate god, contemplated upon from the safe distance of the beating human heart. They live with the promise of divine intervention at a grand scale on the current coordinates of space and time. This can be an exceptional motivator and a game changer in terms of civil obedience, both at an individual and collective level. In the name of an immediate and palpable deity people can commit shocking cruelties. However, such belief can also account for some of the most exceptional social developments in human history.
Bestselling author, Colin Murphy, explores the historical figures and events that have existed for centuries in the fringes and brings them out into the open for the reader. Full of historical stories which will intrigue you, captivate you, revolt you and even make you laugh! Colin Murphy welcomes you into the fringes of history where shocking stories and compelling facts await you... Fierce History is a collection of bizarre, grotesque and unexpected episodes from history from all over the world, and from ancient to more modern including: Siblings of famous people - Al Capone's brother who hunted down illegal distillers - Irishman Frank Shackleton, brother of legendary Antarctic explorer Ernest, who was pretty much rubbish at everything, and may have stolen the Irish Crown Jewels - Napoleon's sex-maniac sister Weird historical incidents - Flaming camels of war, - Living turkey parachutes; - Crazy assassination attempts Bizarre medical practices: - Dr Evan O'Neill Kane, who in 1921 performed an appendectomy on himself. - 'Radioactive water' to cure arthritis, gout, neuralgias, poor circulation and a variety of other illnesses – eh, no, it just kills you. Remarkable children: - William Rowan Hamilton by the age of twelve could speak fourteen languages, and went on to discover the quaternion, essential to the development of modern theories of electromagnetism and quantum mechanics, scratching his new mathematical formula on to the side of Broom Bridge in north Dublin
The "1007 Anonymous," an imaginative, brief text composed in the third or early fourth decade of the thirteenth century, illustrates the proper relations between Jews and their lay rulers and the pope. The pope, consistent in applying laws that both restricted and protected Jews, is seen as a just ruler. Kings and dukes, by contrast, were inconsistent and capricious, threatening Jewish life. This message had to be conveyed indirectly, and the "1007's" vehicle for doing so was a fictional story of murderous attack and forced conversion known as "The Terrible Event of the Year 1007." Yet, by examining the details of this story-which include a direct borrowing from The Quest of the Grail composed in 1221, and a reference to coinage that could only have been made during the early thirteenth century-the actual time-and the purpose-of the 1007's composition is revealed. Claims that the veracity of the story and the actuality of the supposed massacre are demonstrated thorough a comparison with the chronicles of Raoul Glaber and Ademar of Chabannes are shown to be incorrect, as part of Stow's larger discussion of the correct approach to reading medieval Hebrew texts. Students of the 1007 have in fact inverted the order, using the 1007 to give credence to the fantasies of the two Christian writers. That the 1007 was not substantiable by such comparisons was demonstrated by the great French scholar Israel Levi at the turn of the twentieth century. No one, however, paid him heed-regrettably, for he was absolutely correct. Appropriately, this book is titled Levi's Vindication.
Adriatic recounts the shared history of the countries around the sea, from Italy to Croatia and beyond, from the Romans to the present.
The author describes God and Fallacy in the Theory of Evolution as a well researched examination of Charles Darwin's Theory of Evolution. There are numerous examples of living species that the authors uses in support of his assertion to that there is a living Supreme Being, infinite Reasoning Mind, or God, who is the Creator of life and the guiding Director of its evolution. Whereas many believers in a Creator of Life contend that evolving change in living species have never happened, the author holds that changes called evolution in species are scientifically verifiable, but that the cause of evolution is a reasoning living Supreme Being called God. The origin and evolutionary changes of life forms are not due to blind chance or accidental causes that are without life and mental ability. Extraordinary examples from nature, historical facts, and ordinary human reasoning have led the author to this conclusion. This reasoning prevails in leading one to conclude that there is a Supreme Mind who is active throughout history in the shaping of life forms in an evolutionary process - despite the destructive and imperfect qualities found in some living beings. These destructive and imperfect qualities, however, are definitely a weaker minority; otherwise all living species would have been eradicated and made extinct a long time ago. An examination of the biological changes in various life forms such as birds, octopuses, horses, etc. and inquiry into the nature of a wide range of phenomena such as DNA molecules, the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics, homing and self-protective instincts, and electromagnetism helps to cogently convey the author's interpretation of what biological evolution is and why it has occurred. "James Best has written an intriguing and insightful analysis of Charles Darwin's theory of evolution. While agreeing with much of Darwin's theory, he sets forth his views and reasoning and arrives at some different conclusions about the origin of living organisms. His research on the subject is thorough, and his conclusions are thought provoking and well reasoned. His logic is clear and convincing."- Robert B. Morgan, Attorney at Law, former Director of the North Carolina S.B.I., North Carolina Attorney General, and United States Senator "Overall, the book presents many fascinating phenomena, many of which cause one with belief in a Creator to marvel in awe at the design."- Dr. Timothy D. Metz, Chairman of the Department of Biological Sciences, Campbell University "In reviewing your book, I found no scientific errors. You have made an excellent case for the existence of God!"- Dr. Ronald W. Maddox, Dean and Professor, School of Pharmacy, Campbell University
Walden III: A Catholic America recapitulates the Thoreau Experiment in a moder urban context minus Thoreau s alienation. Catholic stands for community and the community of saints. Join. The Godel reference plays into life is faith based. There are truths in science that are true but cannot be proved to be true. Visit Walden Pond. It is a facade for a slum. This is the universal irony of Walden.
This book defends a startling idea: that the age-old theological and philosophical problems of original sin and evil, long thought intractable, have already been solved. The solution has come from the very scientific discovery that many consider the most mortal threat to traditional religion: evolution. Daryl P. Domning explains in straightforward terms the workings of modern evolutionary theory, Darwinian natural selection, and how this has brought forth life and the human mind. He counters objections to Darwinism that are raised by some believers and emphasizes that the evolutionary process necessarily enforces selfish behavior on all living things. This account of both physical and moral evil is arguably more consistent with traditional Christian teachings than are the explanations given by most contemporary "evolutionary" theologians themselves. The prominent theologian, Monika K. Hellwig, dialogues with Daryl Domning throughout the book to present a balanced reappraisal of the doctrine of original sin from both a scientist's and theologian's perspective.