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God and Dog is a phenomenon. First appearing on YouTube, the video of Wendy Francisco's charming animated illustrations and moving song tells of the unconditional love of both God and Dog. With over 2 million YouTube viewings to date, Francisco's story appeals to all ages, to animal enthusiasts, to people of religious persuasions, and especially to anyone who has been loved by a dog. Now in book format, Wendy's touching narrative will be expanded on through additional lyrics, illustrations, photographs and some of the powerful mail that is continually being sent to Francisco.
From the acclaimed author of Warriors of God comes a riveting account of the pivotal events of 1492, when towering political ambitions, horrific religious excesses, and a drive toward international conquest changed the world forever.James Reston, Jr., brings to life the epic story of Spain’s effort to consolidate its own burgeoning power by throwing off the yoke of the Vatican. By waging war on the remaining Moors in Granada and unleashing the Inquisitor Torquemada on Spain’s Jewish and converso population, King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella attained enough power and wealth to fund Columbus’ expedition to America and to chart a Spanish destiny separate from that of Italy. With rich characterizations of the central players, this engrossing narrative captures all the political and religious ferment of this crucial moment on the eve of the discovery of the New World.
Saint Peter narrates a story that begins when God stops by the Pearly Gates and says, "I'm thinking of getting a dog." He asks Saint Peter for his opinionas towhether He should create the perfect dog from scratch or go over to Doggy Heaven to select one. Saint Peter suggests that God consider Mozart,a dachshundthat Saint Peter has been watching and considers to be the funniest dog he has everseen on earth. Mozart arrives in Heaven within the month and interviews with God to become His dog. Mozart's humor and total candor win God over and God asks Mozart if he would like to be His dog. Mozart asks that it be a package deal and that his younger brother, Elvis, who had died suddenly only a few days before Mozart, be allowed to stay as well. God says that Elvis can be Saint Peter's dog and help guard the Pearly Gates. Mozart and Elvis spendtheir time exploring Heaven, talking withsaints,visiting God's Comedy Club, and searching for their roots and heroes. The best conversations are betwen God and Mozart, in which Mozart never runs out of questions and topics to discuss with God. Mozart and Elvis decide Heaven is really a wonderful place, but could be a little more dachshund friendly. Together they come up with the firstsuggestion list that God has ever received. These and other suggestions lead to what Saint Peter describes as the biggest change in Heaven since the addition of the Pearly gates. The ending is one that the reader will never forget. Filled with humor and poignant moments, GOD GETS A DOG will be enjoyed by everyone who loves God, likes dogs, and enjoys one of God's greatest gifts to humanity, our sense of humor.
A wonderfully quirky, heart-breaking, heart-warming and thought-provoking story of a woman's dog who not only talks to her, he talks to God. Recently widowed Mary Fassler has no choice except to believe Rufus, the miniature schnauzer, who claims to speak to the Divine. The question is: Will Mary follow the dog's advice, and leave everything she knows and loves? Is this at the urging of God? Or is it something else? Will Mary risk it all or ignore the urgings of her own heart?
When two dolphin lovers, Zeeep and Eeeoo-vowing to be together forever -lose their lives in a poacher's snare, they learn their next lives will be on land: Eeeoo becomes Sabrina, a comatose little girl in Montreal, Canada and Zeeep becomes Xico, a flea-ridden dog in a tiny village in Brazil. It seems the two will never be together but the magic of fate relies on a higher knowing. This crossover novel leads the reader on adventures with Xico the dog through mystical travels visiting Otherworldly dimensions, learning the world of healing. The two lovers eventually reunite in Brazil where a famous shaman and psychic surgeon lives. When they meet again, Xico has learned to be a medium and is helping the shaman. He lovingly helps to initiate the healing of Sabrina. When Sabrina's desperate mother steals Xico and takes him to Canada to be with her daughter, the Brazilian villagers rally together to get their "healing dog" back so he can do his God-given job.
Im more convinced than ever that if youre going to write a book it must come from deep inside you. I believe thats so true regarding the writing of any good book, but particularly this volume. While my first published work The Seers House arrived in one single vision at 3 oclock in the morning, my second endeavour Miracle Dog; Miracle God took a lot longer to emerge. For over ten years following my first publication, I was caught up in the mission field in Romania and literally didnt have time to write a follow-up. Indeed, only after Id returned from Romania and been separated from my best friend Snowbell, our Golden Retriever Labrador, did I really begin to accept that another book may be about to be birthed. I couldnt shake off the writing of this book and so eventually I sat down and wrote it. Nevertheless, Miracle Dog; Miracle God hasnt been the easiest manuscript to create for various reasons. Trying to keep to my subject matter what God the Father taught me about Himself through the love of a dog, when there was so much more to tell about our Romanian endeavours, hasnt been straightforward. Writing each chapter as a parable was equally challenging, but in the end I think Ive managed to produce what has been within me since 2008. Finally, the emotion I experienced writing about this remarkable little dog was quite unexpected. On numerous occasions I would have to literally down tools and shed tears, while at other times I laughed out loud and so enjoyed reminiscing about happier moments with Snowbell. My desire is that Miracle Dog; Miracle God will make you laugh and cry, yet also instruct you about the amazing unconditional love of God. After all, thats exactly what happened to me when I was introduced to Snowbell, a beautiful gift from God to my life, if ever there was one.
God is always speaking to us, but most of the time we just aren't listening. We either don't discern His voice or we just ignore Him when He does speak. Far too often, He has to use various ways of getting our attention. In my situation, He chose to use what I cherished the most--my dogs--to make me aware of His Love and Goodness. God speaks in the most unusual, extraordinary, and sometimes funny ways. He speaks the loudest during our times of pain and suffering when we need Him the most.Too often, I experienced pain and unnecessary loss because I ignored Him when He spoke. It was during a traumatic event that it finally dawned on me how long He had been trying to get me to tune my antenna to His frequency, which resonated on the wavelength of my heart. There is no static on His frequency, there only was on mine. I finally figured out that by clearing up the static on my channel, I would always receive clear signals from His transmitter and ride upon His wavelength. By obeying and following His instructions, I can experience more joy, instead of pain or loss.The second lesson I learned was to never give up on praying. Praying is the direct channel into God's throne room of grace and mercy, from which He transmits the signals of love that broadcast answered prayers and instructions. It has been through my journey with dogs that He transmitted the most, because they were the bandwidth on my radio receiver that I operated on. He created them, so He can use them in whatever capacity He chooses. They were just one way He chose to show me how much He really loves me. I just needed to listen and then obey Him.
Dogs are referred to as mans best friend. They love their masters unconditionally, no matter how the master behaves. Even if the master has flaws, a dog will still show love and devotion. They are forgiving, compassionate, and attentive, and what do they ask in return? To be lovedsimply, honestly, all a dog wants is to be loved. So what do dogs have to do with God? More than you might think! In Walking with Dog, Labrador enthusiast and dog lover Tom Vint provides an enlightening view of our loving housemates. He asks the question: What if God built human relationships with dogs as mirrors of Gods relationship with His people? After all, God loves us unconditionally. God is willing to forgive our flaws. God is always attentive, and He only asks for our love in return. As Christians, we were all puppies once. We all had need of training and guidance in the ways of our Master. We were never perfect; we will never be perfect. Yet God gives us loving discipline to keep us on the right path, just as we do with our furry friends. There are heartwarming correlations between God and dogs, and Christian dog owners will relate. Dogs may be mans best friends, but we are Gods best friends, and He is waiting to open His arms and love us.
What have dog lovers learned or can learn about God through their relationships with canines? Plenty, especially when the Lord is the trainer. What Dog Lovers Know About God consists of an easy-to-read, entertaining narrative about experiences with dogs that are full of spiritual lessons sure to benefit the individual reader and/or a Bible study group. Through stories about losing a pet and about rehabilitating rescued dogs, this book explains how to: cope with death and loss, have a relationship with God, be confident in ones salvation, be freed from those things that bind us, learn to trust God, study the Bible, do spiritual warfare, identify our true enemy, become more like Jesus, hear God, know His will, appreciate fellowship, endure and understand suffering and trials, embrace our own rehabilitation, have patience through training, love the leash, live in dog-wagging joy, and best of all, know Gods unconditional love.