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"Las recientes reformas educativas que han tenido lugar en México generaron aceptación en un sector de la sociedad. Las leyes aprobadas por el Congreso de la Unión establecieron mecanismos claros para el proceso de ingreso, permanencia y promoción docente, y a la vez desconocieron de facto derechos laborales adquiridos por quienes ya están en esa función, lo que orilló al INEE a desarrollar un proceso precipitado con importantes inconsistencias para la evaluación del desempeño docente. Esta obra presenta investigaciones para contar con información sobre la forma como los docentes han recibido las nuevas regulaciones sobre su práctica y, en particular, las perspectivas que tienen sobre los mecanismos de evaluación. La evaluación del desempeño docente es una tarea compleja, porque la práctica docente sólo se puede valorar en contextos situacionales. La aplicación de un examen permite medir el manejo de los conocimientos sobre una materia determinada, pero no ofrece información sobre el desempeño docente, el cual sólo puede ser conocido a partir de una evaluación de pares académicos."--Back cover.
This open access book is a comparative analysis of recent large scale education reforms that broadened curriculum goals to better prepare students for the 21st century. The book examines what governments actually do when they broaden curriculum goals, with attention to the details of implementation. To this end, the book examines system level reforms in six countries at various levels of development. The study includes system level reforms in jurisdictions where students achieve high levels in international assessments of basic literacies, such as Singapore and Ontario, Canada, as well as in nations where students achieve much lower levels, such as Kenya, Mexico, Punjab-Pakistan and Zimbabwe. The chapters examine system-level reforms that focus on strengthening the capacity to teach the basics, as in Ontario and Pakistan, as well as reforms that aim at building the capacity to teach a much broader set of competencies and skills, such as Kenya, Mexico, Singapore and Zimbabwe. The volume includes systems at very different levels of spending per student and reforms at various points in the cycle of policy implementation, some just starting, some struggling to survive a governmental transition, and others that have been in place for an extended period of time. From the comparative study of these reforms, we aim to provide an understanding of how to build the capacity of education systems to teach 21st century skills at scale in diverse settings.
This book presents some of the leading technical, professional, and political challenges associated with the development and implementation of teacher evaluation systems, along with characterizing some of these systems in different countries around the world. The book promotes a broader comprehension of the complexities associated with this kind of initiatives, which have gained relevance in the last two decades, especially in the context of policies aimed at improving the quality of education. The first section of the book includes conceptual chapters that will detail some of the central debates around teacher evaluation, such as a) performance evaluation versus teaching effectiveness; b) tensions between formative and summative uses of evaluation; c) relationship between evaluation and teacher professionalization; and d) political tensions around teacher evaluation. In the second section, the book addresses specific examples of national or state-wide initiatives in the field of teacher evaluation. For this section, the authors have invited contributions that reflect experiences in North America, Asia, Europe, Oceania, and Latin America. In each chapter, a teacher evaluation system is presented, including their main results and validity evidence, as well as the main challenges associated with its design and implementation. This wide-ranging presentation of teacher evaluation systems around the world is a valuable reference to understand the diverse challenges for the implementation of teacher evaluation programs. The presence of conceptual chapters with others that illustrate how teacher evaluation has been implemented in different contexts gives the reader a comprehensive view of the complex nature of teacher evaluation, considering their technical and political underpinnings. It is a valuable source for anyone interested in the design, improvement, and implementation of teacher evaluation systems.
Over the past decade, interest in language teacher education and professionalization programs has increased significantly mainly due to global educational reforms, which have been driven by internationalization, multilingualism, the rise of new literacy and the incorporation of technologies. These reforms, based on the challenges of knowledge societies and networks, have created the need to re-evaluate and reconceptualize teacher training and teacher professional development as a "fundamental connection to teaching" (Bryant et al., 2008; Vélaz de Medrano & Vaillant, 2009; Espinosa, 2012; Johnson and Golombeck, 2018). The main objective is, then, to “prepare the new generations within an increasingly uncertain and demanding global scenario” (Pérez Ruíz, 2014, p 114). This publication addresses work on the education of language teachers in a variety of sociocultural, educational and institutional contexts carried out in Mexico and Latin America with various methodological designs and approaches from different theoretical perspectives. Therefore, in the context of current challenges, we seek to promote the exchange, discussions of experience and results of research and reflection that can influence the direction and implementation of language policies regarding teacher education and teacher professionalization for language teaching.
Este libro presenta los principales desafíos técnicos, profesionales y políticos asociados al desarrollo y la implementación de sistemas de evaluación docente, junto con caracterizar sistemas en diferentes países del mundo. Busca promover una comprensión más amplia de las complejidades asociadas a este tipo de iniciativas, que han cobrado relevancia en las últimas dos décadas, especialmente en el contexto de las políticas destinadas a mejorar la calidad de la educación. La primera sección del libro incluye capítulos conceptuales que detallarán algunos de los debates centrales en torno a la evaluación docente: a) evaluación del desempeño versus efectividad docente; b) tensiones entre usos formativos y sumativos de la evaluación; c) relación entre evaluación y profesionalización docente; y d) tensiones políticas en torno a la evaluación docente. En la segunda sección, el libro abordará ejemplos específicos de iniciativas nacionales o estatales en el campo de la evaluación docente en América del Norte, Latinoamérica, Europa, Asia y Oceanía. Se presentan sistemas de evaluación docente, incluyendo sus principales resultados y evidencias de validez, así como los principales desafíos asociados a su diseño e implementación. Esta amplia presentación de los sistemas de evaluación docente en todo el mundo es una referencia valiosa para comprender los diversos desafíos para la implementación de un programa de evaluación docente. La presencia de capítulos conceptuales junto a otros que ilustran cómo se ha implementado la evaluación docente en diferentes contextos, brindan al lector una visión integral de la naturaleza compleja de la evaluación docente, considerando sus fundamentos técnicos y políticos. Por lo tanto, es una fuente valiosa para cualquier persona interesada en el diseño, mejora e implementación de sistemas de evaluación docente.
This book discusses the perspectives and practices of teacher education programs in order to shed new light on the national priorities, policies, curriculum inputs, delivery mechanisms, challenges and future trends in 20 selected countries. It examines and compares the complexity of teacher education in international contexts, providing insights into educational change and reform in emerging democracies. Further, it includes cases from various countries that reflect how the profession is moving forward. In order to deepen readers’ understanding of teacher training and the challenges posed by globalization, the book concludes with a discussion of theoretical perspectives applied to teacher education, and with recommendations for new directions. Given its scope, the book is an essential read for teacher educators, students, and researchers working in the field of education.
El libro Evaluación educativa: diálogos con formación inicial de profesores – Brasil, Colombia, Chile, España, Inglaterra, México, Nueva Zelanda y Uruguay da una nueva mirada a un tema complejo que rara vez se aborda en la producción académica mundial, a saber, la forma en que la evaluación educativa se ha enseñado, apropiado y practicado en los cursos de formación docente de diferentes universidades y países. El libro propone explorar el tema a partir de diversas referencias teórico-metodológicas y objetos de análisis, tales como: producción académica en revistas; la enseñanza de evaluación en los planes de asignaturas; y experiencias evaluativas vividas en la formación inicial y proyección para el desempeño profesional. Por su carácter integral combinado con un esmerado trabajo de organización y análisis, esta lectura se convierte en una excelente fuente de investigación para todos aquellos interesados en el área de Educación, especialmente aquellos que pasan por la evaluación educativa, la formación docente y el currículo. Además, la lectura de este libro puede orientar y calificar las prácticas educativas en el ámbito de la formación inicial y continua del profesorado, especialmente ayudando a comprender la evaluación educativa y cómo se puede enseñar en los cursos de formación del profesorado.
Education in Mexico, Central America and the Latin Caribbean examines the development and practice of education in México, Costa Rica, Cuba, the Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Nicaragua and Panamá. The chapters, written by local experts, provide an overview of the structure, aims and purposes of education in each of these ten countries with very different socio-economic backgrounds. The authors present curriculum standards, pedagogy, evaluation, accountability and delivery, discussing both how the formal systems are structured and how they actually function. The volume explores the origins of proposed reforms and their implementation, emphasising the distinctiveness of each country and attempting to locate new practices that could lead to better education. Including a comparative introduction to the issues facing education in the region as a whole and guides to available online datasets, this book is an essential reference for researchers, scholars, international agencies and policy-makers.