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A Course in Miracles is an oracle and guide for the Golden Age of Divine Love and Twin Flame Union. Release ego and open your heart. Align with your soul path. Activate transcendental chakras to discover and develop spiritual gifts and abilities. Explore the Rainbow Rays of Universal Self. Embrace Christ Consciousness and manifest miracles. Join with brothers and sisters in spirit to create new earth communities.
Your Twin Flame was designed for you as your Ultimate Lover, perfect partner, friend, and everything you desire. You know them by the feeling you have in your heart. You may have already met, or just know deep down they exist, somewhere. This book will show you how to bring them from "out there," into your life and what to do once you are united.
"Divine Intervention II: A Guide To Twin Flames, Soul Mates, and Kindred Spirits" is a Non-fiction book which examines the concept of love as it relates to time and space. In a conversational manner which is easily understood, the terms Twin Flame, Soul Mate, and Kindred Spirit are discussed in great detail in a way which allows the Reader to apply these terms in his/her life. If you have ever been in love, you should read this book. If you are currently in a relationship, you should read this book. If you are looking for love, you should read this book. Divine Intervention II also offers prayers, meditations, affirmations, quotes, and exercises intended to help the Reader prioritize the things he/she wants and needs in a fulfulled, loving relationship.
For me, I have learned 3 major lessons; one is about feeling unconditional love, the second is about understanding myself and the third lesson is about shifting my paradigm to have a fresh perspective about understanding the meaning of life and how others affect my life. I never knew that I would ever feel love within myself the way I do. I now understand that love is just about physical intimacy and sexual satisfaction; you can get those anywhere but feel a Soul Connection to someone else is a beautiful feeling that frees your Soul. Feeling unconditional love within yourself heals you and liberates you from your fears.I believe that when you win the battle of accepting yourself, forgiving yourself, and letting the guilt of being human go, you win happiness because no matter what situations you find yourself in whether good or bad, you feel free to experience them.Secondly, You must understand that you are human and the Twin Flame journey teaches you to accept yourself.I was truly a runner - I was running from my Twin Flame because I was afraid of feeling vulnerable and his love for me open me up to him.I felt very uncomfortable feeling exposed and I did not know that it was a Twin Flame Connection.Even after three years of meeting him, I still get moments of doubt and disbelief that I deserve to feel this immense love for him.Sometimes I tell myself, this is just an Obsession but no matter how much I doubt the Twin Flame Connection, I cannot stop feeling the love feelings for him.Also, I now fully accept my Journey because I see my transformations; I have been through a lot of changes since I met my Twin Flame and I smile every time I look at myself in the mirror because I feel SO BLESSED to have met him and gone through all my experiences.Life will never be perfect and I have learned to embrace change and also find happiness and meaning in everything I do.The Twin Flame journey teaches you to learn to forgive others and yourself as well.I Surrender to unconditional love.
"Twin Flames: A Divine Love Story" is a deeply emotional and spiritual book that follows the journey of two individuals, Alex and Maya, who find each other as twin flames. The book delves into the intricacies of their twin flame connection, exploring the challenges and obstacles they face as they strive to make their relationship work. Through their story, the book offers insights and reflections on the power of twin flame love to heal and transform individuals and the world around them. The book also includes stories and insights from other twin flame couples who have faced similar challenges, offering hope and inspiration to all those struggling to make their twin flame connection work. Overall, "Twin Flames: A Divine Love Story of Alex and Maya" is a powerful testament to the transformative power of love and the spiritual journey of twin flames.
We encounter many soul mates whether Karmic, Companion mates in our reincarnated life from the time even before we take birth. These are our soul mates. They will help us to reunite with our twin flame-the mirror reflection of our soul-and intensify an unconditional divine love more powerful and profound than we can't imagine. Soul Mates & Twin Flames reveal the ultimate secret to discover our soul mate and our twin flame. But the mirror soul of our soul if met in this life span put the highest impact on our lives and mold us for good, make our soul spiritual awakened and we learn the true meaning of unconditional divine love. Twin Flames and numerous advanced souls are presently re-uniting across the planet to complete their soul's purpose of ONENESS at this reincarnation on Earthy plane. Humanity has long been trapped by the forces of illusion and hatred that have brought about much suffering and pain. The increasing numbers of souls awaken to their true purpose; to reconnect to their spiritual Formless almighty universe and to serve their fellow beings. Twin Flame soul relationship bear soul tearing and very painful term cycle consists of union, separation, crisis, runner chaser Phase, reunion and many more. If they are successful to raise their vibrational frequency then, they will transit to a higher dimension and will be spiritually Awakened.
Life Coach and Master EFT Practitioner Ingrid Darragh shares her practical tips and exercises to help you to heal from every past hurt and to support you to open your heart to deeper levels of divine love, joy, and bliss, including her forgiveness process. Discover the difference between a soul mate relationship and a twin flame connection and learn how you can embody the qualities of divine love in your own life. In this book, Ingrid shares proven techniques to support you to: boost your levels of self-love by falling in love with yourself become clear about what it is that you are looking for in a partner learn the importance of forgiveness and healing every past hurt use the Law of Attraction and gratitude to help manifest divine love in your life deal with anything that is blocking you from allowing divine love into your life understand the difference between a soul mate connection and a twin flame relationship learn how to embody the attributes of divine love and to be ready to connect with your twin flame Based on many years of coaching clients on a one-to-one basis and in group workshops, this book is filled with real-life case studies, as well as Ingrids own life experience, backed up by practical life-coaching exercises and EFT tapping that you can do to attract the love that you deserve. As featured on Hay House Radio and EFT Radio
Everyone will learn about the twins, who we are together, and what our mission here is. It is part of a sacred agreement between the twins before we entered into this life and is our purpose and mission to help with the earths ascension through elevated states of higher conscious awareness of love and becoming wholesome together in union. Splendid plan! Whether you are newly awakened twin flames or curious to know about the twins and the purpose of the father and mother to return us all into a higher conscious love, you will get helpful insight on how to handle your ascension process and learn what to do during your awakening as discovered by Venus to help with the ascension. This book will help to understand not only about the twin-flame union but also the very powerful awakenings and shifts that happened on 11/11/11 by the god and goddess of the universe to awaken the twin flames, which was a huge portal that opened up to usher in and bring together the new wave of twins and bring them back into their divine and sacred unions all over the earth. Everyone around the world felt this huge shift take place in some way but did not know the reason for what had occurred. The shifting continues to take place today because of the energy that is here, which is twin-flame energy. You will learn what it was like for me and the occurrences that happened from that period through the present and who the twins are as already ascended beings. Their mission in coming together is to bring love and light through our unique talents and individual gifts we share together, and it is needed at this point in time and has been expected for the good of humanity. We bring higher levels of conscious awareness as multidimensional beingsa new paradigm shift. You will learn about our journeys together and apart as weve taken on the struggles of life and awakened to who we are while in this physical reality. You will also learn about the seven basic chakras within the outer (etheric) or subtle body and how it is used to connect to open communication portals within the twins. Also the awakenings taking place will help push us forward in spiritual evolution not only for ourselves but to help others all over the planet. Twin flames for a higher-consciousness love is a walk into divinity.
You've probably heard of soul mates, but have you heard of Twin Flames? Think the concept of soul mates, but take it 1,000 steps further. The core essence of a Twin Flame relationship or Journey is the concept of true, unconditional love for another. Just like Osiris and Isis, Aphrodite and Aries, Jesus and Mary Magdalene, there are many twins walking the Earth and walking their path, to overcome karma, to transmute negative emotions, and to transcend 3-D limitations in order to come together in Union with their beloved Twin, their Divine Counterpart. The ultimate goal is to bring this divine love into this Earth, to manifest it, in order to create a brand new template for love and relationships. This practical guide is for anyone who thinks they may be on a Twin Flame Journey and how to best navigate this challenging and thrilling path that is packed with ecstatic highs and virtually bottomless lows. In this guide, we'll help you: -Explore the origins of the "Twin Flame" story-Discover how to know if the person you've met is your Twin Flame-Dive into the roles of the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine-Learn the basic stages associated with the Twin Flame Journey -Explore karma and the role of karmic soulmates-Glean valuable insights into synchronicities, miracles, manifestations, and the mysterious red thread-Understand more about Twin flame telepathy and astral sex, and much more.And all the while, we'll help you keep your hopes up and maintain a positive energy as you work through the journey.