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Do you sometimes struggle with your faith? Have you ever felt as though no one else on the planet could relate to your trials? Have you ever wondered whether God was listening to you? Does talking to Him make you feel as though you are spewing words into thin air? You are not alone. During some of the most challenging times in my life, my conversations with God felt one-sided. That is until He began speaking to me through His Word about various situations in my life. James 5:16 says,"The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working." God has not forgotten you. Through the writings of this book, be encouraged, inspired, and assured that Heaven is listening. God adores the fervent divine dialogue between Himself and His children. He eagerly wants to divinely deposit all that He is on the inside of you!
Collection of 60 religious poems by the author.
Divine is not one book, but three. It opens with "Free Spirit," a book of poetry inspired by the Nordic spiritual writers of the twentieth century. The poems are clear and direct, and invite the reader into the heart of a religious metamorphosis. The second book, "Pilgrimage," is a collection of prose texts conceived on a solitary, month-long journey on the St. Olav's Way, which captures in words the wind in the empty wilderness; the intense silence of those summer nights. A series of prayers for the vulnerable make up the final book in this volume. Taken together, Divine is a deeply personal account of that which is the most personal of all, and yet unites us: of the paradoxes, hardships, blessings, and revelations that come together in the search for faith, and in the search for what it means to be a human being.
Inspirational poetry with a call to strengthen your Christian walk.
This book will inspire, uplift, and enlighten you about the goodness of God. The transformation of this poet will be revealed as he writes about personal poems and becomes saved by the grace of God. Your souls will be fed as your hearts experience the empowerment of this poetry.
This book is a must read!!! Don't let the word poetry fool you! This book is inspiring, encouraging, empowering, life-changing, powerful, profound, prophetic poetry that points to Christ. This is not your average book of poems. These words are God-inspired! You must be careful how you speak over your life and who you allow to speak into your life! Words live! Words have the ability to create, produce, form and construct. The words in this book does that and more! They give life to lifeless situations! Words can also destroy, demolish, tear down, remove and eliminate......ultimately death can occur because of spoken words! How many of you need some things to die out of your life like sickness, disease, pain, and turmoil? There is absolutely no way you can read this book and the Words not come alive in your spirit! To read this book is to be healed, to be restored, to be revived, to be delivered, to be set free from strongholds and addictions! This book will create fresh vision for your life, birth new revelation in your spirit, and produce fruit in your life that will remain! This book was written to create new spiritual levels in your life. It will inspire you to transform your mind to think like Christ, remove your stony heart and refashion you a heart of flesh! The words in this book are anointed by God and will destroy, completely demolish the works and ploys of satan, pull down strongholds and generations curses in your life will be removed as well as barriers that try to hinder your progress in God! To read this book you will experience God's supernatural power in your life! These words bring about a change, a spiritual birthing; they will transform your life even as you read them! This book is full of the Word of God! It will challenge you to re-evaluate your life and make positive, life-long changes that will cause you to rise to new spiritual heights! This book prepares you for your next radical move, your next shift, your next supernatural blessing! The words in this book are anointed to bring about conviction that provokes a God-fearing change, awaken the spirit in you, deposit faith and build your confidence in God! It is time for the body of Christ to rule, subdue, have dominion, take over territory and walk in total VICTORY!
This book is all about finding quiet time to be intimate with God through divine poetry. As you become still, his voice becomes easier to hear (Psalm 46:10). Also, this is a book of hope. Hope heals! Even during your darkest moments, you will find words of encouragement to let you know that you are not alone and to never give up! Keep the faith, and keep pressing on! Nevertheless, you will find that all of the poems in this book are straight from the heart. It is easy to write about something