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There is considerable global interest in the culture of finfish species both for cold and warm water aquaculture development and growth. Essential information on the biology, domestication and aquacultural characteristics of a wide selection of novel and established species is provided in the form of technical sheets, species descriptions and information on current rearing practices, making this a must-have reference in the field of aquacultural science. The book also offers a basic framework in order to support investment strategies for research and development efforts aimed at the emergence of a profitable finfish aquaculture industry and presents a rationale for species diversification, different approaches to species selection and basic economic and market considerations governing the launch of strategic development and commercialization efforts.
FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Proceedings These proceedings, from a workshop convened by FAO and World Fisheries Trust (Canada), summarize diversification successes and opportunities in all major world regions, and identify general principles to guide diversification in aquaculture.The document includes an assessment of main strategies and future steps, not only in terms of purely economic costs but also in development costs, including evaluation and mitigation of environmental and social impacts and establishment of species-specific biosecurity frameworks.
While diversified aquaculture could reduce both biological and financial risks, the private sector may lack incentives to diversify the species composition of aquaculture production because developing or adopting new species tends to be costly and risky. Conversely, concentrating on the most efficient species can benefit from economies of scale in both production and marketing. With ever-growing concerns over climate change, disease outbreaks, market fluctuations and other uncertainties, species diversification has become an increasingly prominent strategy for sustainable aquaculture development. Policy and planning on species diversification require a holistic, sector-wide perspective to assess the overall prospect of individually promising species that may not be entirely successful when competing for limited resources and markets. The historical experiences of species diversification in global aquaculture can provide guidance for the assessment. This paper develops a benchmarking system to examine species diversification patterns in around 200 countries for three decades to generate information and insights in support of evidence-based policy and planning in aquaculture development. The system uses “effective number of species” (ENS) as a diversity measure that is essentially equivalent to, yet more intuitive than, the widely used Shannon Index. A statistical model is established to estimate a benchmark ENS for each country and construct a benchmarking species diversification index (BSDI) to compare a country’s species diversification with global experiences. Key results are presented and discussed in the main text; and more comprehensive results are documented in Appendix II. The benchmarking system can be used in foresight analyses to help design or refine future production targets (including species composition) in policy and planning for aquaculture development; an example is provided in Appendix I to help practitioners better understand and utilize the system.
Sustainable water management, food security and water security being some of the most critical issues facing the world in the 21st century - dubbed the Century of Water : this monograph outlines various options for proactive management of fisheries and aquaculture to sustainably meet the growing food requirements of millions of people living in developing countries both in rural areas and in cities. Both freshwater and marine fisheries are covered. Besides giving production statistics calculated by various organisations, the book lists traditional as well as potentially promising newer organisms suitable for aquaculture in swamps, ponds, marshes, lakes and mangroves not only as a source of nutritious food but also as employment avenues for small-scale or marginal fisherfolk. The book can server as an introductory text for courses in fisheries and aquaculture both in traditional universities and in marine and freshwater institutes. Contents Chapter 1: General Introduction; Definitions, Definition of categories, Fish description, Sustainable development, Unsustainable fisheries, Aquaculture sustainability and food security, Wastes for aquaculture, Sustainable use of living marine sustainable, Aquaculture, Role of local governments in sustainable development, Enhancements systems approach to aquaculture, Quality, Safety, Marketing and trade of aquaculture products, Growth enhancement by genetic manipulation management concerns; Chapter 2: Fish Farming; Introduction, Sustainable aquaculture, Organic aquaculture, Genetics and aquaculture, Nutrition and feeding, Rapid fattening of Wild-caught eels, Exotic species, Salmon farming, Poverty alleviation, Box 2.1 CARP (Cyprinus carpio linnaeus), (Family Cyprinidae), Aquatic resources and the livelihoods of poor people, Water quality: Dissolved oxygen for sustainable aquaculture, Types of systems, Infrastructure and support technologies, Recirculation, Recirculation technology, Some new approaches, Fish cage systems, Inshore-nearshore cage farms, Offshore cage farming, Integrated cage-cum-pond aquaculture system, Abalone culture, Agriculture-aquaculture integration, Choice of fish species, Public health, Fodder-fish integration, Refuges, Stocking for rice-fish culture, Species-specific biology, Feeding and maintenance in rice-fish system, Management, Effects on rice yield, Benefits and potentials, Fish for integrated pest management in rice production, Fish as predators in rice fields, Shrimp farming in the sonoran desert; Chapter 3: Marine Fisheries and Aquaculture; Introduction, Trends in fishery development, Stock assessment, Global shellfish production, Fisheries and bioeconomics, The value of fisheries, Surplus production models, Stability, Multispecies assessment, Length, weight and age determination, Global synchrony in fish population variations, Marine protected areas, Scales relevant to recruitment in large marine, Ecosystems, Growth, survival and recruitment in large marine ecosystems (LMEs), Growth, Density-independent factors, Intrinsic or innate factors, A generalized concept of recruitment factors, Recruitment research in large marine, Ecosystems, Scallop farming, Sustainable shrimp culture, Aquaculture shrimp culture, Aquaculture in africa, Sustainable commercial aquaculture in sub-saharan africa, Sea urchin aquaculture (Echinoculture), Marine biotechnology and aquaculture, Biosecurity for shrimp aquaculture, Polyploidy in shrimp; Chapter 4: Coastal Aquaculture; Introduction, Global aquaculture production, Production systems, Cage cultivation, Chemicals and their applications, Soil and water treatments, Fertilizers, Disinfectants, Antibacterial agents, Therapeutants other than antibacterials, Pesticides, Herbicides/Algicides, Feed additives, Hormones, Issues of concern, Persistence, Residues in non-cultured organisms, Toxicity to non-target species, Stimulation of resistance, Effects on sediment biogeochemistry, Nutrient enrichment, Health of farm workers, Residues in seafood, Quality assurance of chemicals used in aquaculture, Difficulties in effluent treatment, Need for environmental fate and effects, Information, Salmon aquaculture, Prawn cultivation, Milkfish aquaculture in the philippines, Marine shrimp aquaculture in thailand; Chapter 5: Fisheries, Farming and Aquaculture in China and India; Introduction, Marine fisheries development, Selected species for sea farming, Seaweed, Molluscs, Abalone, Curstaceans (shrimp), Echinoderms (Sea cucumbers), Box 5.1 Sea cucumber, Marine fish (Left-eyed flounder), Sea farming and sea ranching systems, Inland fishery enhancements in china, Enhancement methods, Protection of natural fish resources, Stocking, Cage and pen fish culture, Reservoir fisheries, Marine capture fisheries (india), Inappropriate exploitation patterns, Target fishing, Managment versus exploitation, Sea ranching, Mariculture, Aquaculture, Shrimp production, Diversity and sustainability in aquaculture production, Regulation of egg production in crustaceans; Chapter 6: Inland Fisheries; Introduction, Perspectives, Polyculture, Transition from commercial to recreational use, Valuation, Environmental issues, Tilapia-the aquatic chicken, Tilapia genetics, Bird predation, Monosex populations, Lobster farming, Koura farming, Aquaculture techniques, Fishery biomanipulation, Fish removal, Stocking piscivorous fish, Impact of biomanipulation on fishery and fish stocks; Chapter 7: Wetlands and Mangroves; Introduction, Wetlands, Classes, Major Problems, Subsistence production and commercial production, Objectives of wetland management, Protection of wetlands, Management and conservation of wetlands in large lakes, Wetlands and shoreline gradients, Water level fluctuations, A model for changes in shoreline wetlands, A model for frequency and intensity of flooding, Centrifugal organization, Management guidelines, Mangroves-conversion into fish farms, Mangrove losses from shrimp farming, Aquaculture in wetlands of north india, nepal and bangladesh, Shrimp culture in india and bangladesh, Homestead catfish culture in bangladesh, Rice-cum-fish cultivation in nepal; Chapter 8: Freshwater Aquaculture in Europe; Introduction, Finfish production, The fish species, The role of introduced freshwater species in aquaculture production, Fish for industrial systems, Hygiene in foodstuffs, Production, products and sales, FAO code of conduct for responsible fisheries, FEAP code of conduct, Impact on trade of environmental and health/ hygiene legislation, Competition among aquaculture products, fish and non-fish meat products, Management of inland fisheries and aquaculture: Social, economic and cultural perspectives, Solutions, Inland fisheries in germany, Lake restoration in denmark; Chapter 9: Management of fisheries and aquaculture; Introduction, Models as a management tool, Articles relating to food safety, Article 6- General principles, Article 7- Fisheries management, Rehabilitation, Fisheries management and safety at sea, Role of fishermen, Good management practices, Sector level operating principles, Use of GMPs, Relationship of GMPs with other environmental management initiatives; Benefits of GMPs, Process for site specific SMPs, Initiation and participation co-management, Sector-level management needs, Integrated resource management, Management post-johannesburg, Five module LME approach, Management of post-harvest problems, Components of a national plan; Chapter 10: Environmental concerns; Introduction, Effects of fisheries on marine ecosystems, Overfishing, Impact of dams on fisheries, Aquatic macrophytes as a habitat of vectors and hosts of tropical diseases and biological control, Using fish, Aquaculture and inland fisheries, Global edible fish supply, Outlook, Inland fisheries, Threats, Managing species introductions, Pest fish in freshwater, Impacts of marine aquaculture, Secondary production in the oceans and the response to climate change, Effects of ultraviolet radiation on fisheries, Diel variation of DNA damage and repair, Effects of UV-B on fish in the antarctic, Effects of UV-B on phytoplankton, Variability of solar UV-B, Environmental effects of mussel farming, Minimizing environmental impacts of shrimp feeds.
Poverty continues to persist in many countries throughout the world despite improvements in the global trade regime and significant enhancement in agricultural productivity through the green revolution technologies. To achieve the millennium goal of halving poverty by 2015, these people should be provided with alternative production opportunities that can generate new employment and enhance incomes. Data from several countries reviewed in this study confirm that agricultural diversification can contribute to this. In a scenario of shrinking land and depleting water resources, the challenge of the new millennium is to increase biological yields to feed the ever-growing population without destroying the ecological foundation. It is thus important-not to package this challenge as a demand or imposition on farmers, for which they would bear the cost, but as a necessity and methodology to also sustain their welfare. This book deals with different practices in agriculture diversification. Care has been taken to include applied aspects and present scenario of different practices necessary for agriculture to the diversification. The book will be of use to the students, researchers and progressive farmers.
The 2018 edition of The State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture emphasizes the sector’s role in achieving the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Sustainable Development Goals, and measurement of progress towards these goals. It notes the particular contributions of inland and small-scale fisheries, and highlights the importance of rights-based governance for equitable and inclusive development. As in past editions, the publication begins with a global analysis of trends in fisheries and aquaculture production, stocks, processing and use, trade and consumption, based on the latest official statistics, along with a review of the status of the world’s fishing fleets and human engagement and governance in the sector. Topics explored in Parts 2 to 4 include aquatic biodiversity; the ecosystem approach to fisheries and to aquaculture; climate change impacts and responses; the sector’s contribution to food security and human nutrition; and issues related to international trade, consumer protection and sustainable value chains. Global developments in combating illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing, selected ocean pollution concerns and FAO’s efforts to improve capture fishery data are also discussed. The issue concludes with the outlook for the sector, including projections to 2030. As always, The State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture aims to provide objective, reliable and up-to- date information to a wide audience, including policy-makers, managers, scientists, stakeholders and indeed all those interested in the fisheries and aquaculture sector.
Aquaculture is a rapidly growing, successful approach to improving diets by providing more high quality fish and shellfish protein. It is also an industry with major unresolved issues because of its negative impact on the environment. This book is a pioneering effort in the development of environmentally benign aquaculture methods.
Currently 868 million people are undernourished and 195 million children under five years of age are stunted. At the same time, over 1 billion people are overweight and obese in both the developed and developing world. Diseases previously associated with affluence, such as cancer, diabetes and cardio-vascular disease, are on the rise. Food system-based approaches to addressing these problems that could enhance food availability and diet quality through local production and agricultural biodiversity often fall outside the traditional scope of nutrition, and have been under-researched. As a consequence, there remains insufficient evidence to support well-defined, scalable agricultural biodiversity interventions that can be linked to improvements in nutrition outcomes. Agricultural biodiversity is important for food and nutritional security, as a safeguard against hunger, a source of nutrients for improved dietary diversity and quality, and strengthening local food systems and environmental sustainability. This book explores the current state of knowledge on the role of agricultural biodiversity in improving diets, nutrition and food security. Using examples and case studies from around the globe, the book explores current strategies for improving nutrition and diets and identifies key research and implementation gaps that need to be addressed to successfully promote the better use of agricultural biodiversity for rural and urban populations and societies in transition.