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Description: Letters to and from the colony, both back to Great Britain and to other colonies in the Pacific and Indian Oceans. The item also contains inventories of food and supplies, letters from the colony's chief surgeon, records of settlers, cloth samples and price lists, and returns of cultivated land.
Description: Correspondence to and from Governor Phillip, including notes on the next transports and where they will be coming from. There are also instructions to, and decrees of, Phillip and other colonial commanders, chiefly relating to the provision of necessary food and supplies. Returns of people, both marines and convicts, in Sydney Cove and Norfolk Island, are also included. Later there are lists of clothing, stores and supplies shipped out to the Australian colonies.
Description: Letters from Arthur Phillip. He reports on the journey from the Cape of Good Hope to Botany Bay, including landing at, and naming, Sydney Cove. There is mention of the surgeons on board the transports and the first encounters with native people. The document continues with the appointment of a commander of Norfolk Island and instructions for its settlement and colonisation. Later there are settler and military returns, with documents such as court proceedings and requests for further supplies.
When it is recollected how much has been written to describe the Settlement of New South Wales, it seems necessary if not to offer an apology, yet to assign a reason, for an additional publication. The embarked in the fleet which sailed to found the establishment at Botany Bay. He shortly after published a Narrative of the Proceedings and State of the Colony, brought up to the beginning of July, 1788, which was well received, and passed through three editions. This could not but inspire both confidence and gratitude; but gratitude, would be badly manifested were he on the presumption of former favour to lay claim to present indulgence. He resumes the subject in the humble hope of communicating information, and increasing knowledge, of the country, which he describes. He resided at Port Jackson nearly four years: from the 20th of January, 1788, until the 18th of December, 1791. To an active and contemplative mind, a new country is an inexhaustible source of curiosity and speculation. It was the author's custom not only to note daily occurrences, and to inspect and record the progression of improvement; but also, when not prevented by military duties, to penetrate the surrounding country in different directions, in order to examine its nature, and ascertain its relative geographical situations. The greatest part of the work is inevitably composed of those materials which a journal supplies; but wherever reflections could be introduced without fastidiousness and parade, he has not scrupled to indulge them, in common with every other deviation which the strictness of narrative would allow. When this publication was nearly ready for the press; and when many of the opinions which it records had been declared, fresh accounts from Port Jackson were received. To the state of a country, where so many anxious trying hours of his life have passed, the author cannot feel indifferent. If by any sudden revolution of the laws of nature; or by any fortunate discovery of those on the spot, it has really become that fertile and prosperous land, which some represent it to be, he begs permission to add his voice to the general congratulation. He rejoices at its success: but it is only justice to himself and those with whom he acted to declare, that they feel no cause of reproach that so complete and happy an alteration did not take place at an earlier period.