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Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live may be one of the most frequently quoted verses against the budding community of a group that calls themselves Christian witches. But what if there was more to the verse than meets the eye? In the age of deconstruction and new methods of discovering one's personal spirituality, Christians dissatisfied with the current state of their religion are looking to make a change, whether from within or without the church. In the words of Jurgen Moltmann in his work, The Crucified God, these believers face a crisis of identity and relevance, struggling to understand how they can hold onto their faith, their God, in a way that doesn't further damage society per the archaic values of many of their religious institutions. Sara Raztresen and Emyle D. Prata proposes a new method of understanding public faith and personal spirituality with a deep dive into the world of Christian witchcraft-everything from folk traditions and spellwork basics to critical looks at the Bible, its history, and its leading figures that show the powerful magic hidden within. This book aims to give readers the tools to unite Christian religion with personal witchcraft practice, with a defense of the craft within Christian contexts, a guide to discovering one's own personal walk with God, and plenty of interactive pages to work through their newfound magical style.
A unique mix of memoir and how-to that includes practical daily Pagan rituals, this inspiring book shows how one woman blended Christian traditions with the magic and beauty of a Wiccan practice. Raised in the Catholic faith, yet strongly drawn to Paganism, Adelina St. Clair spent many years questioning and soul-searching before she found a way to blend aspects of Wicca and Christianity into a vibrant and loving belief system. Filled with personal anecdotes, this book tells the story of St. Clair's journey of self-discovery and revelation, from her initial fear and guilt to her ultimate sense of peace and joy. With warmth and heartfelt reverence, St. Clair discusses vital aspects of Witchcraft and Christianity, as well as the commonalities between the two. Monotheism vs. polytheism Magical practice The teachings of Christ Goddess worship The femininity of God The Wheel of the Year Praying the rosary Sacred space
As a beginner or experienced Christian Witch, you may have had critical questions along the way, as I did. Questions regarding celebrations/holy days, rituals, covens, magickal practices and initiation as a Christian Witch are very real on this path and beg soul-fulfilling answers. Because Christian Witches is not a religion, there are no set protocols and practices. The good news is: you get to create your own! That's where this book comes in. This 130 page bombshell is a tiny book packed with big ideas, inspirations and experiences from my magickal journey. For me, being a Christian Witch is a spiritual path. On this path, our rituals, magickal practices and celebrations of sacred lunar and solar events sustain and grow us as aspirants. I pray this book feeds your soul, and inspires you to walk your path as a Christian Witch with your held high, sharing your gifts with the world, completely fulfilled in every imaginable way. I love you.
Discover the magical way of worshiping God with The Christian Witch's HandbookA[a¬A]a complete and often entertaining book of shadows, with prayers, spells and worship for the beginning Christian Witch. Written to both guide, and bring understanding to those of Christianity and other magical faiths.
This introduction to contemporary witchcraft and neopaganism shows you what witches themselves say they believe, what the Bible says about witchcraft, and philosophical holes in the worldview of witches.
Are you unclear on exactly WHAT Christian Witchcraft is? What kind of spells do we cast as practicing Christian Witches? What is Bible Magick and how can it be used to effect transformation in our personal lives and the world? How can YOU become a MASTER ALCHEMIST who crafts and casts potent spells as a Christian Witch? What are the most powerful rituals and the most potent spells you can perform as a Christian Witch? What are the necessary components, ingredients, intentions and steps for this profound magick to be effective? Is there a formula for both ritual creation and spellcrafting especially suited to Christian Witches, including integrating the Bible? YES. This book describes in DETAIL ritual formulation as well as spellcrafting and casting for Christian Witches, with one aim: TO BECOME A MASTER ALCHEMIST. All you require to begin or expand your spellcrafting as a Christian Witch is here for you in a comprehensive manual of Christian Witchcraft - including Bible Magick, Bible Divination, Angel Magick, Feast of the Dead, Your Ase, Wheel of Destiny, Science & Magick, how to establish your Temple, Shrine & Altar and more than you can shake a proverbial broom stick at. Let's get even MORE magickal Christian Witches!
Motivated by his personal experience in the drug and occult culture of the 60Us and his radical conversion to Christ, Alexander uses his background in law and journalism to authoritatively and clearly demonstrate the true nature of neopaganism.
This celebrated study of witchcraft in Europe traces the worship of the pre-Christian and prehistoric Horned God from paleolithic times to the medieval period. Murray, the first to turn a scholarly eye on the mysteries of witchcraft, enables us to see its existence in the Middle Ages not as an isolated and terrifying phenomenon, but as the survival of a religion nearly as old as humankind itself, whose devotees held passionately to a view of life threatened by an alien creed. The findings she sets forth, once thought of as provocative and implausible, are now regarded as irrefutable by folklorists and scholars in related fields. Exploring the rites and ceremonies associated with witchcraft, Murray establishes the concept of the "dying god"--the priest-king who was ritually killed to ensure the country and its people a continuity of fertility and strength. In this light, she considers such figures as Thomas a Becket, Joan of Arc, and Gilles de Rais as spiritual leaders whose deaths were ritually imposed. Truly a classic work of anthropology, and written in a clear, accessible style that anyone can enjoy, The God of the Witches forces us to reevaluate our thoughts about an ancient and vital religion.
What is Wicca? Is it witchcraft, Paganism, occultism, esotericism, magic, spirituality, mysticism, nature religion, secrecy, gnosis, the exotic or 'other'? Wicca has been defined by and explored within all these contexts over the past thirty years by anthropologists, sociologists and historians, but there has been a tendency to sublimate and negate the role of Christianity in Wicca's historical and contemporary contexts. Joanne Pearson 'prowls the borderlands of Christianity' to uncover the untold history of Wicca. Exploring the problematic nature of the Wiccan claim of marginality, it contains a groundbreaking analysis of themes in Christian traditions that are inherent in the development of contemporary Wicca. These focus on the accusations which have been levelled against Catholisicm, heterodoxy and witchcraft throughout history: ritual, deviant sexuality and magic.
From poverty, drugs to prostitution to a life of joy and freedom, this story charts one woman's entanglement with the occult and her eventual dramatic release. Doreen's experience may be extreme, yet it still offers hope, especially to those who believe they are too far gone to be forgiven.