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In Finding Awareness, author Amit Pagedar brings to light the struggles, confusions and frustrations we experience in everyday life and offers a way of examining them through the process of self-inquiry. Covering everything from comparison, insecurity, and addictive behaviors to anxiety, Amit offers a practical approach to observing and understanding these issues through the tool of insight meditation. By diving beneath the surface and unraveling the deepest patterns of egoic thinking, he explores uncomfortable truths and brings to light the unvarnished reality of who we are as individuals. Through this self-inquiry he hopes to empower the reader to face themselves, as they are, and bring about a profound and fundamental shift in the way they approach their problems. In this book he describes the structures of ego and suffering and the processes by which these forces sustain themselves. He further explores why and how these powerful structures sometimes collapse and bring about immediate and irreversible personal transformation in the individual.Along with accounts of real conversations with his readers over the past few years, Amit offers an account of his own personal journey through this book. He begins with simple ideas and progressively builds upon them to create a spontaneous insight into the nature of our being. The book also includes a comprehensive question and answer section, where readers will find the tools they need to begin the art of finding awareness and embark on their own personal journey of self-discovery.
Invites seekers to open themselves to the authentic experience of meditation, revealing ways to ask spiritually powerful questions and determine the real answers.
The Dalai Lama reveals how training the mind in compassion for other beings is directly related to—and a prerequisite for—the very pinnacle of Buddhist meditation The heart of meditation—the thing that brings it alive—is compassion. This is not an ordinary compassion but one that is developed and expanded in parallel with wisdom that arises through meditation. Without that essential foundation, other practices are pointless. Fortunately, the mind can be trained in compassion, and the mind thus trained is fertile ground for the practice of the Great Completeness (Dzogchen), which is considered the pinnacle of spiritual practice by many in Tibetan Buddhism. In this book, His Holiness the Dalai Lama teaches the Great Completeness simply but thoroughly, using as his reference a visionary poem by the nineteenth-century master Patrul Rinpoche to show that insight can never be separated from compassion. Through practice of the Great Completeness, we can access our innermost awareness and live our lives in a way that acknowledges it and manifests it. The wisdom and compassion that arise from such insight are critical, His Holiness teaches, not only to individual progress in meditation but to our collective progress toward peace in the world.
A simple, yet deeply effective series of reflective and written exercises that leads readers to a greater awareness of God's daily presence.
First things are spiritually and theologically important. Before Belief explores the precognitive human experience of transcendence, illuminating how such foundational experiences are formative of attachment relationships with people and ultimately with God. The book proposes an implicit learning model rather than rely on Freud’s or Jung’s understanding of the unconscious, with a goal of recovering unconscious spiritual learning. Once discovered and put into language, early learning needs to be tested and integrated into life experience and expressed in committed living. The theories examined and advanced in the work are also carried through in practical case studies that demonstrate the pastoral and clinical salience of understanding and connecting people to those grounding experiences.
Have you ever looked at the mysterious symbols on the Tarot cards and wondered what they meant? Or perhaps you have read the Tarot for others for many years but still don't understand how to use them for meditation and spiritual development. Or perhaps you use the intense imagery of the Tarot for meditation, but don't think it is "appropriate" to use this mystical tool for readings. Well, now you can learn the meaning of the symbols for spiritual development and for giving great readings in Stephen Walter Sterling's Tarot Awareness. The Tarot is composed of two major sections, the illustrated cards that form the Major Arcana and the cards of the Minor Arcana which are like a deck of playing cards with an extra court card for each suit. Each card has a meaning for a reading. The meanings of the cards are given in the text. The Major Arcana cards also are about the spiritual development of your consciousness. As you go through the cards, from zero to twenty-one, you follow the progression of yours spirituality. The fifty-six cards of the Minor Arcana are associated with your development from the spiritual to the physical. In fact, they deal with the four levels of progression to manifestation, the spiritual, emotional, mental, and physical. Put this all together, and for the first time you have a book which integrates spiritual and practical, meditative, and divinatory. One of the great things about the Tarot is that it's symbolic. Since the unconscious works through symbols, it speaks to you. Just working with the Tarot helps you to evolve, especially when you understand the Tarot's spiritual truths. In order to work with the cards the book shares five different readings you can do. As an added bonus, the book also deals with the difficult subject of "proximity," relating the cards in a spread to each other as opposed to just their positions in the spread. This can enhance your readings on your quest for spirituality.
How may we find happiness and peace? In this book, Rupert Spira distills the message of all the great religious and spiritual traditions into two essential truths: happiness is the very nature of our self or being, and we share our being with everyone and everything. Drawing on numerous examples from his own experience, Spira demonstrates that to seek lasting happiness through objects, situations and relationships is destined for failure and disappointment, and skillfully guides the reader to recognize that we are already the happiness we seek. This book is for anyone who yearns for lasting happiness and is open to the possibility that it is continuously available within ourselves, irrespective of our circumstances. Could there be any greater discovery in life than to know that we are already that for which we long?
A journey into the heart of awareness itself, where your true nature as happiness itself is found. From the author of Awareness Games: Playing with Your Mind to Create Joy.