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Luigi Azzariti-Fumaroli, Lidia Gasperoni, Presentazione • Paul Franks, From Quine to Hegel: Naturalism, Anti-Realism and Maimon’s Question Quid Facti • Christoph Asmuth, Salomon Maimon und die Transzendentalphilosophie ganz grundsätzlich • Gideon Freudenthal, Overturning the Narrative: Maimon vs. Kant • Luigi Azzariti-Fumaroli, Uno schlemiel trascendentale. Salomon Maimon fra momenti di vita e movimenti di pensiero • Daniel Elon, Skepsis und System. Salomon Maimons Versuch über die Transzendental-philosophie und Gottlob E. Schulzes Aenesidemus in chiastischer Gegen-überstellung • Meir Buzaglo, Salomon Maimon and the Regular Decahedron • Gualtiero Lorini, Verità, linguaggio e coscienza in Salomon Maimon • Luca Guidetti, Kant e Maimon: prolegomeni a una topologia del tempo • Gaetano Rametta, Filosofia trascendentale e ontologia della differenza in Salomon Maimon • Lidia Gasperoni, Immaginare approssimando. L’(im)possibilità di un’estetica nella filosofia di Salomon Maimon • Maria Caterina Marinelli, Maimon’s Implicit Influence in the Eigne Meditationen über Elementar-Philosophie of Fichte • David Hereza Modrego, Die Transformation der Frage “quid juris?” bei Kant zu Maimons “Satz der Bestimmbarkeit”
Contents: Mario Alai, Andrea Sereni and Giorgio Volpe, Guest Editors’ Preface • Ernest Sosa, Philosophical Intuitions and Metaphysical Analysis • Jonathan M. Weinberg, The Methodological Necessity of Experimental Philosophy • Steven Bland, Conceptual Analysis, Analytic Philosophy, and the Psychologistic Turn • Bryce Huebner, The Construction of Philosophical Intuitions • Alfredo Tomasetta, Physicalist Naturalism in the Philosophy of Mind (far less Warranted than Usually Thought) • Markus Pantsar, Assessing the “Empirical Philosophy of Mathematics” • Huginn Freyr Thorsteinsson, Experimental Philosophy and the Importance of Intuitions in the Philosophy of Language • Francesca Ervas, Elisabetta Gola, Antonio Ledda and Giuseppe Sergioli, Lexical Ambiguity in Elementary Inferences: an Experimental Study • Richard Davies, How to Point a Philosophical Armchair
Sommario: Giovanni Matteucci, Stefano Marino, Presentazione • Stefano Marino, Giovanni Matteucci, The Dark Side of the Truth. Nature and Natural Beauty in Adorno • Josef Früchtl, Tell Me Lies, and Show Me Invisible Images! Adorno’s Criticism on Film – Revisited • Tom Huhn, The Enigma of Experience; Art and Truth Content • Giuseppe Di Giacomo, Form, Appearance, Testimony: Reflections On Adorno’s Aesthetics • Samir Gandesha, Adorno’s Reading of Endgame: Between Autonomy and Authenticity • Fabrizio Desideri, Ratio, Mimesis, Dialectics: On Some Motifs in Theodor W. Adorno • Giovanni Zanotti, Contingent Antagonism. A Key to Adorno’s Dialectic • Paolo A. Bolaños, The Promise of the Non-Identical: Adorno’s Revaluation of the Language of Philosophy • Filippo Costantini, Cosa mostra la dialettica? Contraddizione, negazione e non identità in Hegel e Adorno • Giacomo Fronzi, Dialettica negativa, metafisica e intersoggettività. Una lettura relazionale del pensiero di Th.W. Adorno • Pietro Terzi, Critica e decostruzione dell’immediato. Adorno e Derrida di fronte a Husserl
Riccardo Chiaradonna, Filippo Forcignanò e Franco Trabattoni, Presentazione • Francesco Fronterotta, “Do the Gods Play Dice?”. Sensible Sequentialism and Fuzzy Logic in Plato’s Timaeus • Riccardo Chiaradonna, Massimo Marraffa, Ontology and the Self: Ancient and Contemporary Perspectives • Gabriele Galluzzo, Are Matter and Form Parts? Aristotle’s and Neo-Aristotelian Hylomorphism • Riin Sirkel, Essence and Cause: Making Something Be What It Is • Marilù Papandreou, Aristotle’s Hylomorphism and The Contemporary Metaphysics of Artefacts • Gabriele De Anna, Substance, Form, and Modality • Maddalena Bonelli, Dipendenza e indipendenza ontologica: la modernità della posizione peripatetica • Enrico Postiglione, Aristotle on the Distribution of Consciousness • Diego Zucca, Neo-Aristotelian Biofunctionalism • Matteo Pietropaoli, L’οὐσία come presenza costante e l’esser vero come autentico essere. Heidegger interprete di Aristotele, Metafisica Θ 10