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Residential energy disaggregation is a process by which the power usage of a home is broken down into the consumption of individual appliances. There are a number of different methods to perform energy disaggregation, from simulation models to installing "smart-plugs" at every outlet where an appliance is connected to the wall. Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring (NILM) is one such disaggregation option. NILM is widely recognized as one of the most cost-effective methods for gathering disaggregated energy data while maintaining a high level of accuracy. Although the technology has existed for many years, the adoption rate of NILM, and other devices that disaggregate energy, has been minimal. This thesis provides details on the potential benefits, both for the customer and utility provider, associated with furthering the adoption of NILM devices and obtaining the disaggregated appliance level energy-use. A broad overview of potential benefits is presented; however, the primary goal of this thesis will be to investigate two benefits of NILM in detail: overall household energy reduction and targeted demand response. First, installation of a NILM device can provide electricity customers information that allows them to become more aware of their energy consumption, and thereby, more energy efficient. A study was conducted that looked at the electricity consumption of 174 homes that were using a passive NILM device in their home. This NILM device provided immediate feedback on the power consumption for a portion of the home's appliances via smart-phone application. The homes reduced their monthly energy consumption by an average of 2.6 - 3.1% after the NILM installation. This was validated by a number of analysis methods returning similar results. Aligned with this benefit comes a recommendation for an incentive structure that can reduce the price paid by the consumer and develop a higher adoption rate of NILM devices. Second, the wide-spread adoption of NILM devices can provide electric utilities information to reduce carbon intensity via targeted demand response. There is a significant opportunity for utilities to engage their customers based on the time of use of detailed appliances. Multiple metrics are presented in this thesis to quantify the deferrable load opportunity of specific appliances and individual households. Utility operational cost savings and greater customer incentives can be linked to the use of these metrics.
The sources from which electrical energy is derived are getting exhausted day by day. So, the need has arisen to look for other renewable sources of energy which would meet the increasing demand. This is where the need of employing smart meter in residential houses arises. Smart meter helps householders to understand the pattern of electricity consumption by their houses' appliances and as a result find alternatives to lessen the energy consumption . In the present day a considerable amount of electricity is consumed by the household sector. An awareness among people regarding the consumption pattern will help to reduce electricity consumption . Efficient load monitoring in the metering side of households can improve the household energy management system considerably. In the residential energy monitoring system, the deployment of smart meters will have enormous contribution to the efficient and effective management system of energy. Real-time information, more reliable, secure, about consumers can be accessed by this. Consumers can have information of their energy consumption pattern and thereby use electricity judiciously through the communication between them and utility. The acquisition of data will be faster and more accurate with the concept of smart greed which was not possible earlier on account of lacking real-time information. For collection of real time data residences should be provided with sensors or devices for gathering such information and smart appliances for management and optimization of consumption of energy. Keeping in mind the fact that a smart grid is vital for implementing load monitoring and identification, this chapter deals with the conception regarding smart grid and its effective implementation in residential sector. The identification of loads and its monitoring are also the concerns of this chapter. In recent times, global utility industries are giving much endeavour to address challenges like generation heterogeneity, demand response, reduction in overall emission of carbon and conservation of energy. While conventional power grid, in vogue is unable to address such critical issues, it is expected from smart grid or intelligent grid to cover up the vital deficiency of the power grid used conventionally The rising energy demand and the scarcity of resources have made it extremely important to conserve energy throughout the world. Globally, out of the total energy consumption, consumption of residential energy accounts for a lion's share and it is predicted to rise in the upcoming days. For instance, in the European Union, 40% of the generated electricity is consumed by the residential sector and it is envisaged that the world-wide demand of energy will increase considerably by 2030. In United States too, approximately 35% of the whole energy produced gets consumed by the residential sector. Moreover, this consumption is estimated to rise by 15% by the year 2030 . Apart from energy price hikes and change in climate, the rise in consumption of energy will also affect a country's economy directly. In view of the above, it is very essential to reduce energy consumption, especially at the residential sector, significantly. To achieve this, residential energy consumption monitoring and relaying of data back to the consumers play a significant role.
Focusing on non-intrusive load monitoring techniques in the area of smart grids and smart buildings, this book presents a thorough introduction to related basic principles, while also proposing improvements. As the basis of demand-side energy management, the non-intrusive load monitoring techniques are highly promising in terms of their energy-saving and carbon emission reduction potential. The book is structured clearly and written concisely. It introduces each aspect of these techniques with a number of examples, helping readers to understand and use the corresponding results. It provides latest strengths on the non-intrusive load monitoring techniques for engineers and managers of relevant departments. It also offers extensive information and a source of inspiration for researchers and students, while outlining future research directions.
Energy has been a crucial element for human beings and sustainable development. The issues of global warming and non-green energy have yet to be resolved. This book is a collection of twelve articles that provide strong evidence for the success of artificial intelligence deployment in energy research, particularly research devoted to non-intrusive load monitoring, network, and grid, as well as other emerging topics. The presented artificial intelligence algorithms may provide insight into how to apply similar approaches, subject to fine-tuning and customization, to other unexplored energy research. The ultimate goal is to fully apply artificial intelligence to the energy sector. This book may serve as a guide for professionals, researchers, and data scientists—namely, how to share opinions and exchange ideas so as to facilitate a better fusion of energy, academic, and industry research, and improve in the quality of people's daily life activities.
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing, UbiComp 2007. It covers all current issues in ubiquitous, pervasive and handheld computing systems and their applications, including tools and techniques for designing, implementing, and evaluating ubiquitous computing systems; mobile, wireless, and ad hoc networking infrastructures for ubiquitous computing; privacy, security, and trust in ubiquitous and pervasive systems.
This book addresses the need to understand the development, use, construction, and operation of smart microgrids (SMG). Covering selected major operations of SMG like dynamic energy management, demand response, and demand dispatch, it describes the design and operational challenges of different microgrids and provides feasible solutions for systems. Smart Micro Grid presents communication technologies and governing standards used in developing communication networks for realizing various smart services and applications in microgrids. An architecture facilitating bidirectional communication for smart distribution/microgrid is brought out covering aspects of its design, development and validation. The book is aimed at graduate, research students and professionals in power, power systems, and power electronics. Features: • Covers a broad overview of the benefits, the design and operation requirements, standards and communication requirements for deploying microgrids in distribution systems. • Explores issues related to planning, expansion, operation, type of microgrids, interaction among microgrid and distribution networks, demand response, and the technical requirements for the communication network. • Discusses current standards and common practices to develop and operate microgrids. • Describes technical issues and requirements for operating microgrids. • Illustrates smart communication architecture and protocols.
This Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Special Report (IPCC-SRREN) assesses the potential role of renewable energy in the mitigation of climate change. It covers the six most important renewable energy sources - bioenergy, solar, geothermal, hydropower, ocean and wind energy - as well as their integration into present and future energy systems. It considers the environmental and social consequences associated with the deployment of these technologies, and presents strategies to overcome technical as well as non-technical obstacles to their application and diffusion. SRREN brings a broad spectrum of technology-specific experts together with scientists studying energy systems as a whole. Prepared following strict IPCC procedures, it presents an impartial assessment of the current state of knowledge: it is policy relevant but not policy prescriptive. SRREN is an invaluable assessment of the potential role of renewable energy for the mitigation of climate change for policymakers, the private sector, and academic researchers.
This open access book is part of the LAMBDA Project (Learning, Applying, Multiplying Big Data Analytics), funded by the European Union, GA No. 809965. Data Analytics involves applying algorithmic processes to derive insights. Nowadays it is used in many industries to allow organizations and companies to make better decisions as well as to verify or disprove existing theories or models. The term data analytics is often used interchangeably with intelligence, statistics, reasoning, data mining, knowledge discovery, and others. The goal of this book is to introduce some of the definitions, methods, tools, frameworks, and solutions for big data processing, starting from the process of information extraction and knowledge representation, via knowledge processing and analytics to visualization, sense-making, and practical applications. Each chapter in this book addresses some pertinent aspect of the data processing chain, with a specific focus on understanding Enterprise Knowledge Graphs, Semantic Big Data Architectures, and Smart Data Analytics solutions. This book is addressed to graduate students from technical disciplines, to professional audiences following continuous education short courses, and to researchers from diverse areas following self-study courses. Basic skills in computer science, mathematics, and statistics are required.
A general neural-network-based connectionist model, called Fuzzy Neural Network (FNN), is proposed in this book for the realization of a fuzzy logic control and decision system. The FNN is a feedforward multi-layered network which integrates the basic elements and functions of a traditional fuzzy logic controller into a connectionist structure which has distributed learning abilities.In order to set up this proposed FNN, the author recommends two complementary structure/parameter learning algorithms: a two-phase hybrid learning algorithm and an on-line supervised structure/parameter learning algorithm.Both of these learning algorithms require exact supervised training data for learning. In some real-time applications, exact training data may be expensive or even impossible to get. To solve this reinforcement learning problem for real-world applications, a Reinforcement Fuzzy Neural Network (RFNN) is further proposed. Computer simulation examples are presented to illustrate the performance and applicability of the proposed FNN, RFNN and their associated learning algorithms for various applications.
Electrical energy consumption of the residential sector is a crucial area of research that has in the past primarily focused on increasing the efficiency of household devices such as water heaters, dishwashers, air conditioners, and clothes washer and dryer units. However, the focus of this research is shifting as objectives such as developing the smart grid and ensuring that the power system remains reliable come to the fore, along with the increasing need to reduce energy use and costs. Load research has started to focus on mechanisms to support the power system through demand reduction and/or reliability services. The power system relies on matching generation and load, and day-ahead and real-time energy markets capture most of this need. However, a separate set of grid services exist to address the discrepancies in load and generation arising from contingencies and operational mismatches, and to ensure that the transmission system is available for delivery of power from generation to load. Currently, these grid services are mostly provided by generation resources. The addition of renewable resources with their inherent variability can complicate the issue of power system reliability and lead to the increased need for grid services. Using load as a resource, through demand response programs, can fill the additional need for flexible resources and even reduce costly energy peaks. Loads have been shown to have response that is equal to or better than generation in some cases. Furthermore, price-incentivized demand response programs have been shown to reduce the peak energy requirements, thereby affecting the wholesale market efficiency and overall energy prices. The residential sector is not only the largest consumer of electrical energy in the United States, but also has the highest potential to provide demand reduction and power system support, as technological advancements in load control, sensor technologies, and communication are made. The prevailing loads based on the largest electrical energy consumers in the residential sector are space heating and cooling, washer and dryer, water heating, lighting, computers and electronics, dishwasher and range, and refrigeration. As the largest loads, these loads provide the highest potential for delivering demand response and reliability services. Many residential loads have inherent flexibility that is related to the purpose of the load. Depending on the load type, electric power consumption levels can either be ramped, changed in a step-change fashion, or completely removed. Loads with only on-off capability (such as clothes washers and dryers) provide less flexibility than resources that can be ramped or step-changed. Add-on devices may be able to provide extra demand response capabilities. Still, operating residential loads effectively requires awareness of the delicate balance of occupants health and comfort and electrical energy consumption. This report is Phase I of a series of reports aimed at identifying gaps in automated home energy management systems for incorporation of building appliances, vehicles, and renewable adoption into a smart grid, specifically with the intent of examining demand response and load factor control for power system support. The objective is to capture existing gaps in load control, energy management systems, and sensor technology with consideration of PHEV and renewable technologies to establish areas of research for the Department of Energy. In this report, (1) data is collected and examined from state of the art homes to characterize the primary residential loads as well as PHEVs and photovoltaic for potential adoption into energy management control strategies; and (2) demand response rules and requirements across the various demand response programs are examined for potential participation of residential loads. This report will be followed by a Phase II report aimed at identifying the current state of technology of energy management system ...