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In questo numero PROBLEMI E RIFLESSIONI / PROBLEMS AND ISSUES Il Parlamento Europeo di fronte alle nuove sfide del XXI secolo, Gianni Pittella L’Alleanza Atlantica a sessant’anni dal Trattato di Washington. Intervista al Presidente del Comitato Militare della NATO, ammiraglio Di Paola, e all’ambasciatore degli Stati Uniti in Italia, Thorne, a cura di Luca Ratti Il processo di pace israelo-palestinese: vecchi ostacoli e nuove opportunità. Intervista al Prof. Moshe Ma’oz, a cura di Maria Teresa Mammì e Silvia Masci La difesa dei diritti umani in Colombia. Protagonisti, metodi e percorsi a confronto, Davide Berruti STUDI E RICERCHE / STUDIES AND RESEARCH Attualità del pensiero di Sturzo nella ricerca di un nuovo ordine internazionale, Alfredo Breccia The U.S. Senate, the Military, and the North Atlantic Treaty: the Struggle over America’s Cold War Alliance Strategy, Jason Davidson Civilization on Trial - Again. Civilization and the Study of World Politics: Reading Arnold Toynbee today, Derrick Fiedler, Bjørn Thomassen EU Crisis management role in water conflicts in central Asia: Open Opportunities or Lost Causes?, Darya Pushkina La politica mediterranea dell’Unione Europea dal Processo di Barcellona all’Unione per il Mediterraneo (1995-2009), Paolo Wulzer DOCUMENTI / DOCUMENTS FATTI / CHRONOLOGY LIBRI / BOOKS
This title provides comprehensive analyses of current knowledge about the unwarranted disparities in dealings with the criminal justice system faced by some disadvantaged minority groups in all developed countries
This book explores the issues of transformation phenomena of the urban dimension (regionalization processes) that traditional scientific literature fails to describe appropriately. So far, scholars have adopted a widespread dominant perspective that proved unable to grasp the essence of post-modern complexities that urban spaces imply. The book provides a taxonomy, in order to describe the rules of these new and peculiar cities, by using the living dimension as a device for the epistemological breaking down of traditional socio-spatial analyses. After a thorough theoretical introduction, it describes two Sicilian case studies that prove particularly relevant to the construction of a new, alternative urban regionalization theory. These two areas, Palermo and South-Eastern Sicily, are described through several aspects, such as the role of migrants and migrations in defining urban regionalization, the power of fiction and the new urban forms that are slowly emerging in Sicily. Overall, this book provides a refreshing view of what Sicily has been and is becoming, by deconstructing most of its clichés and suggesting theoretical perspectives grounded in both quantitative and qualitative analyses.