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This book looks at the chaos in which we live from a healing perspective. David Greco clearly talks about God's provision for today's Christians and the commitment that He has to restore the nation using the power of His word.In a simple yet profound way, the author explains the techniques that God uses to heal His people.
This book looks at the chaos in which we live from a healing perspective. David Greco clearly talks about God's provision for today's Christians and the commitment that He has to restore the nation using the power of His word.In a simple yet profound way, the author explains the techniques that God uses to heal His people.
This book looks at the chaos in which we live from a healing perspective. David Greco clearly talks about God's provision for today's Christians and the commitment that He has to restore the nation using the power of His word.In a simple yet profound way, the author explains the techniques that God uses to heal His people.
This book looks at the chaos in which we live from a healing perspective. David Greco clearly talks about God's provision for today's Christians and the commitment that He has to restore the nation using the power of His word.In a simple yet profound way, the author explains the techniques that God uses to heal His people.
This book looks at the chaos in which we live from a healing perspective. David Greco clearly talks about God's provision for today's Christians and the commitment that He has to restore the nation using the power of His word.In a simple yet profound way, the author explains the techniques that God uses to heal His people.
Our mouth were filled with laughter, out tongues with songs of joy. Then it was said among the nations, 'The LORD has done great things for them.' The LORD has done great things for us and we are filled with joy. Psalm 126:2-3This book looks at the chaos in which we live from a healing perspective. David Greco clearly talks about God’s provision for today’s Christians and the commitment that He has to restore the nation using the power of His word. In a simple yet profound way, the author explains the techniques that God uses to heal His people.
This book looks at the chaos in which we live from a healing perspective. David Greco clearly talks about God's provision for today's Christians and the commitment that He has to restore the nation using the power of His word.In a simple yet profound way, the author explains the techniques that God uses to heal His people.
This book looks at the chaos in which we live from a healing perspective. David Greco clearly talks about God's provision for today's Christians and the commitment that He has to restore the nation using the power of His word.In a simple yet profound way, the author explains the techniques that God uses to heal His people.
The most in-depth guide available to one of South America s undiscovered gems."
"El Dios Que Te Sana" es un libro Cristiano de oracion, lleno de afirmaciones basadas en las escrituras que recalcan las emociones que experimentamos cuando estamos procesando la transicion de una vida quebrantada a una vida de sanidad, llenura y bienestar. Estas oraciones de afirmacion les permitira: ---Cambiar lo que uno pieza, diga y haga en cualquiera circunstancia ---Incrementa su fe y confianza en Dios ---Reconstruye el auto estima ---Disfrutar mas paz y bendiciones en su vida ---Contruir relaciones sanas y estables con su familia, amigos y companiero de trabajo ---Experimentar sanidad emocional, mental, fisico y spiritual, bienestar complete. Incertidumbres en la experiencia humana viene con muchos retos. Un momento, una palabra, una decision, una crisis or tragedia puede cambiar un vida ideal boca abajo. Situaciones de salud, la perdida de un ser amado, financier, relaciones y cambio de estilo de vida, o cualquiera otra circumstancia demanda que reconozcas y procesas un millar de emociones. Verdadero Consuelo y paz en su Corazon y mente viene de una relacion con Dios y atravez de la oracion. Las escrituras declaran que el Espiritu Santo es nuestro Consuelo, Ayudante y Maestro quien nos ayuda a orar como debemos. Hablado la palabra de Dios sobre tu vida le ayudara a formar su confianza, fe y confidencia en las promesas que se encuentran en la palabra de Dios. En medio de cualquiera circunstancia, Su Consuelo, paz y bendiciones estan disponible a aquellos que se lo pidan a El.