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The analysis of differential equations in domains and on manifolds with singularities belongs to the main streams of recent developments in applied and pure mathematics. The applications and concrete models from engineering and physics are often classical but the modern structure calculus was only possible since the achievements of pseudo-differential operators. This led to deep connections with index theory, topology and mathematical physics. The present book is devoted to elliptic partial differential equations in the framework of pseudo-differential operators. The first chapter contains the Mellin pseudo-differential calculus on R+ and the functional analysis of weighted Sobolev spaces with discrete and continuous asymptotics. Chapter 2 is devoted to the analogous theory on manifolds with conical singularities, Chapter 3 to manifolds with edges. Employed are pseudo-differential operators along edges with cone-operator-valued symbols.
This book grew out of lecture notes based on the DMV seminar "Pseudo- Differential Operators, Singularities, Applications" held by the authors in Reisenburg-Günzburg, 12–19 July 1992. The modern theory of elliptic boundary value problems in domains having conical or edge singularities on the boundary as well as the classical theory of elliptic boundary value problems and the original Kondratiev theory are presented. This material forms the foundation for the second part of the book which contains a new construction of pseudo-differential operators with symbols corresponding to the singularities of the boundary of different dimensions. This allows in particular to obtain complete asymptotic expansions of solutions near these singularities.
This book could be used either for self-study or as a course text, and aims to lead the reader to the more advanced literature on partial differential operators.
- Detailed bibliographical comments and some open questions are given after each chapter - Indicates connections between the content of the book and many other topics in mathematics and physics - Open questions are formulated and commented with the intention to attract attention of young mathematicians
Lectures: M.F. Atiyah: Classical groups and classical differential operators on manifolds.- R. Bott: Some aspects of invariant theory in differential geometry.- E.M. Stein: Singular integral operators and nilpotent groups.- Seminars: P. Malliavin: Diffusion et g om trie diff rentielle globale.- S. Helgason: Solvability of invariant differential operators on homonogeneous manifolds.
This book gives a systematic account of the facts concerning complexes of differential operators on differentiable manifolds. The central place is occupied by the study of general complexes of differential operators between sections of vector bundles. Although the global situation often contains nothing new as compared with the local one (that is, complexes of partial differential operators on an open subset of ]Rn), the invariant language allows one to simplify the notation and to distinguish better the algebraic nature of some questions. In the last 2 decades within the general theory of complexes of differential operators, the following directions were delineated: 1) the formal theory; 2) the existence theory; 3) the problem of global solvability; 4) overdetermined boundary problems; 5) the generalized Lefschetz theory of fixed points, and 6) the qualitative theory of solutions of overdetermined systems. All of these problems are reflected in this book to some degree. It is superfluous to say that different directions sometimes whimsically intersect. Considerable attention is given to connections and parallels with the theory of functions of several complex variables. One of the reproaches avowed beforehand by the author consists of the shortage of examples. The framework of the book has not permitted their number to be increased significantly. Certain parts of the book consist of results obtained by the author in 1977-1986. They have been presented in seminars in Krasnoyarsk, Moscow, Ekaterinburg, and N ovosi birsk.