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This comprehensive book provides nutritionists with an easy-to-understand overview of key concepts in the field. The material is presented along with vivid images from the National Geographic Society, illustrations, and diagrams. Numerous pedagogical features are integrated throughout the chapters, including Health and Disease, Wellness, and Making Sense of the Information that make the material easier to understand. By following a visual approach, nutritionists will quickly learn the material in an engaging way.
The Encyclopedia of Obesity and Eating Disorders, Third Edition is more relevant now than ever before.
This book is a practical reference on food and water safety that will be useful for food managers, trainers/educators, food handlers, and consumers worldwide. The first two chapters emphasize the importance of food and water safety on health and life maintenance. Each chapter has an introductory paragraph that states the objective and scope of the chapter text. Definitions of useful terms, tables, and illustrations serve to make the key points better understood and easier to remember. Review questions at the end of each chapter enhance the learning experience, and the chapter references will give the reader a chance to delve into areas of interest for further information. A very unique feature of this book is the segment on foodborne disease outbreaks. A selection of fifty cases are presented that provide important learning tools for problem-solving and evaluating foodborne illnesses. Water safety is explained in great detail, whether it is used for drinking and cooking or in recreational water facilities. Numerous examples of etiologic agents that cause illness from contaminated food and water are discussed. Guidelines to supply safe food and water for emergencies that include preparedness in case of bioterrorism, power outage, floods, hurricanes, and other disasters are given. Practical guidelines about food and water safety when handling foods throughout the food chain are explored in each chapter. In addition, a glossary of terms commonly used in food and water safety, with cross-references to the chapter contents, is included. In light of global trade and increasing cultural diversity in food consumption, this book also deals with challenges for the future to ensure a safe water and food supply.
A riveting work of investigative journalism that charts the rise of the dietary supplement craze and reveals the dangerous—and sometimes deadly—side of these highly popular and completely unregulated products. Over 60 percent of Americans buy and take herbal and dietary supplements for all sorts of reasons—to prevent illness (vitamin C), to ease depression (St. John’s wort), to aid weight loss (ephedra), to boost the memory (ginkgo biloba), and even to cure cancer (shark cartilage, bloodroot)—despite the fact that few of these “natural” supplements have been proven to be safe or effective. The vitamin and herbal supplement industry generates over $20 billion a year by selling products that promise to cure or fix, but are produced and marketed essentially without oversight. And while the media has been quick to sensationalize the benefits of supplements, few have taken a hard look at the dangers posed by many of the remedies flooding the market today. Award-winning journalist Dan Hurley breaks the silence for the first time in Natural Causes. From the snake-oil salesmen of the early twentieth century, to rise of the health food movement in the sixties and seventies, Hurley charts the remarkable growth of an industry built largely on fraud, and reveals the backroom politics that led to the passage of the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994, which effectively freed the industry from FDA oversight. In unprecedented detail, he shows how supplement manufacturers have concealed the truth about dozens of untested treatments and the shocking rise in deaths, disfigurements, and life-threatening injuries caused by products deceptively promoted as “safe and natural.” Most importantly, he provides a telling look at why, in an age of unprecedented scientific advancement, we continue to buy and believe in remedies for which little evidence exists—and why the supplements we take to promote our health may be doing far more harm than good. As Hurley shows, the dietary supplement craze may be one of the greatest swindles ever perpetrated on the American public—one that feeds billions of dollars each year into the pockets of lobbyists, politicians, and any charlatan who wants to slap a label on a bottle and tout it as the next big “natural cure.” Blending hard facts with spellbinding personal stories, Natural Causes is a must-read for anyone who has ever popped a multivitamin or an herb, and provides a hard-hitting, frightening look at a cultural trend that is out of control.
The herbai medicine industry is growing at an astounding rate. Trade group estimates suggest that total sales exceeded $4 billion dollars in 1999. Herbai remedies are for sale not just in health food stores, but in supermar kets, drug stores, and even discount warehouses. Along with the proliferation in sales has come a proliferation ofinformation sources. Not all ofthe sources are equally reliable, or even intelligible. Traditional herbalists c1assify thistle and mugwort as "cholagogues," substances used to make the gallbladder con tract and release bile. Medical school graduates are unlikely to have ever heard the term, or even accept the notion that most right-sided abdominal pain is a result of diminished bile flow. Heroin and cocaine may not be the only drugs to come from plants, but a practicing physician or toxicologist might be forgiven for thinking so. In 1998, 1264 papers were published about cocaine and only 17 about kava kava, an abused herb that is not without toxic side effects. Unfortunately, the majority of the papers about kava kava were published in journals not found in ordi nary hospitallibraries. In recognition ofthis fact, and ofthe obvious need for a reliable reference work on herbai toxicology, The Toxicology and Clinical Pharmacology 0/ Herbal Products was an early addition to our new series in Forensie Science and Medicine. It is very badly needed.