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The articles compiled in this volume address the manifold relationships between technology, art, culture, and science that have emerged throughout the 200 years of the history of the TU Wien. After reflecting in general on the interaction of art and technology, and their convergence at the “Vienna Chamber of Wonders 2015” exhibition, the connections between the members and graduates of the TU Wien and its predecessor institutions to the artistic, literary, and especially musical life of the time will be examined. Further articles are dedicated to the role of the Polytechnic Institute and the TH/TU Wien in the early development of photography and film, as well as to the efforts of the TH in spreading technical knowledge to the people during the first decades of the 20th century as part of "University Extension".
A publication of the Goethe Society of North America, carrying Goethe criticism (and studies of his contemporaries); extensive book review section. The Goethe Yearbook is a publication of the Goethe Society of North America, which was founded in 1980 to promote the study of Goethe and his contemporaries. Originally conceived as a vehicle for Goethe criticism in Englishduring the Cold War political tensions, when the most prestigious Goethe publication, the Goethe Jahrbuch, was not available to most Western scholars, the Yearbook subsequently gained the respect of the international community, and has published articles, in both English and German, by scholars from around the world; it is unique among other periodicals devoted to the 'Goethezeit' for its extensive book review section.
The “Events after Homer”, described by Quintus Smyrnaeus in the third century AD in his Greek epic Posthomerica, are an attempt to bridge the gap between the Iliad and the Odyssey , and to combine the various scattered reports of the battle for Troy into a single tale: the fate of Achilles, Ajax, Paris and the Amazon Penthesileia, the intervention of Neoptolemos and the story from the Trojan horse to the destruction of the city. The volume presented here summarizes the results of the first international conference on Quintus Smyrnaeus.
Pindar’s Sixth Olympian Ode is considered one of the poet’s most brilliant victory odes. This is the first full-scale commentary on it. Adorjáni presents Greek text with critical apparatus, translation and metrical analysis. Three introductory chapters treat matters of history (background, date, performance) and literary criticism. Then follows a verse-by-verse commentary rooted in the tradition of philological exegesis, concentrating on grammatical, stylistic and interpretive features. Until now the Sixth Olympian has been praised chiefly for its magnificent and lucid presentation of the myth of Iamos, a seer of Arcadian origin and ancestor of the prophetic clan of the Iamidae. This commentary illuminates both the overwhelming depth of thought and the cunningly wrought structure of this masterpiece, contributing to a better understanding of Pindar’s verbal artistry. Pindars sechste olympische Ode ist einer der glänzendsten Siegesgesänge des Dichters. Hier wird der erste umfassende philologische Kommentar zum Gedicht vorgelegt. Adorjáni bietet einen griechischen Text mit kritischem Apparat, Übersetzung, metrischer Analyse und drei Einleitungskapiteln, die in die Probleme der Geschichtlichkeit (Hintergrund, Entstehungszeit, Aufführung) und der literarischen Interpretation hineinführen. Auf diesen Teil folgt ein von Vers zu Vers fortschreitender Kommentar, der gemäß den alten Traditionen der Texterklärung auf grammatische, stilistische und interpretatorische Fragen eingeht. Bisher wurde Olympie 6 zumeist als großartige und suggestive Erzählung des Mythos des Sehers Iamos, des Vorfahren der olympischen Iamiden, gewürdigt. Diesem Kommentar ist daran gelegen, die intrikate Gedankentiefe und vollkommenste Formkunst dieses Meisterwerks vor Augen zu führen.
Medicine, astronomy, dealing with numbers - even the cultures of the "pre-modern" world offer a rich spectrum of scientific texts. But how are they best translated? Is it sufficient to translate the sources into modern scientific language, and thereby, above all, to identify their deficits? Or would it be better to adopt the perspective of the sources themselves, strange as they are, only for them not to be properly understood by modern readers? Renowned representatives of various disciplines and traditions present a controversial and constructive discussion of these problems.
Ursachen erzählen – von Ursachen erzählen: Unser Band vereint Untersuchungen zu Texten aus ganz verschiedenen Bereichen. Altes und Neues Testament, Fachschriften, literarische, historiographische und urkundliche Texte von der Antike bis zur Neuzeit und sogar die Marseillaise kommen zur Sprache. Alle Interpreten haben sich folgende Fragen gestellt: Wie werden Ursprungsgeschichten erzählt? Lassen sich in einzelnen Gattungen, Textsorten, Bildern, wissenschaftlichen und literarischen Kontexten gemeinsame Strukturen feststellen, wie Aitien eingesetzt und gestaltet werden? Bildet sich eine eigene Systematik aus, die sich von anderen Erzählungen abhebt? Welche Erkennungsmuster bieten die Ursprungsgeschichten, seien sie in wissenschaftlichen, in fiktionalen, in bildlichen Zusammenhängen präsent, ihren intendierten Rezipienten an? Mythos, Überzeugung, Historie, Sprechen und Wissen: In jedem dieser Bereiche erweist sich die Frage nach dem aitiologischen Kern als fruchtbar. Telling origins and telling of origins – our volume brings together studies of a wide range of texts: the Old and New Testaments, technical writing, literary, historiographical and documentary texts from antiquity to the modern age, and even the Marseillaise. All contributors deal with the following questions: how are stories about origins told? Can we identify common patterns for the ways in which aitia are established and shaped in individual genres, types of texts, images, scientific and literary contexts? Can we distinguish the development of narrative structures specific to aetiology? Which patterns of recognition do stories of origins, whether in scientific, fictional or visual contexts, offer to their intended recipients? Myth, persuasion, history, speech and knowledge: in each of these spheres the search for an aetiological core proves fruitful.
The present volume is a first attempt to chart the early modern translations of Peri hupsous, both in the literal sense of the history of its dissemination by means of editions, versions and translations in Latin and vernacular languages, but also in the figurative sense of its uses and transformations in the visual arts from 1500 to 1800.