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Die Kinder der maghrebinischen Immigranten schaffen nicht nur Unruhe in den Vorstädten Frankreichs, sondern auch in der Kultur des Landes. Ihre Literatur und ihre Filme erzählen von den Schwierigkeiten des Lebens zwischen zwei Welten, vom täglichen Rassismus und der ständig drohenden Marginalisierung. Ihre künstlerischen Darstellungsmittel lassen keinen Zweifel an ihrem Selbstanspruch, der - wenn auch zögerlich - zunehmend Anerkennung im etablierten Kulturbetrieb findet, in dem man zunächst nur an eine kurzfristige Mode glauben wollte. Der Band 4 der Reihe Studien zur Literatur und Geschichte des Maghreb widmet sich dem Thema der Multiperspektivik, die dem interkulturellen Gegenstand angemessen ist; sie schließt die vergleichende Analyse mit der Literatur ein, mit der sich die Kinder türkischer Immigranten ihren Platz auf der literarischen Bühne Deutschlands erkämpft haben. Neue Texte der wichtigsten frankophonen Autoren (Azouz Begag, Tahar Ben Jelloun, Ahmed Kalouaz, Leila Sebbar) rahmen die Untersuchungen ein. Der Herausgeber Ernstpeter Ruhe ist o. Professor für Romanische Philologie an der Universität Würzburg; einer seiner Forschungsschwerpunkte ist die frankophone Literatur speziell zu Nordafrika. Aus den Studien zur Literatur und Geschichte des Maghreb erschien bereits Bd. 1 ("Europas islamische Nachbarn") 1993; Bd. 2 ("Europas islamische Nachbarn") 1996; Bd. 3 ("Literarische Begegnungen und Konfrontationen zwischen den Ländern des Maghreb, Frankreichs und Okzitaniens") 1998.
Following the tradition and style of the acclaimed Index Islamicus, the editors have created this new Bibliography of Art and Architecture in the Islamic World. The editors have surveyed and annotated a wide range of books and articles from collected volumes and journals published in all European languages (except Turkish) between 1906 and 2011. This comprehensive bibliography is an indispensable tool for everyone involved in the study of material culture in Muslim societies.
This book investigates the role of the moving image in cultural memory, taking into account the impact of digital technologies on visual culture.
English summary: The volume comprises nine essays by prominent Canadianists from Austria, Germany and Canada who investigate in comparative fashion the problems of emigration / immigration to and integration in North America and some European countries, especially Austria and France. They inquire how this challenge has been met in Canada since the official adoption of multiculturalism and reflect on the possibility of Canada serving as a model for Europe. While contemporary novels by immigrants to Canada provide evidence of successful integration, ethnic autobiographies remind us of the existence of problems and prejudices in former times. The tensions experienced in the course of a transcultural transfer are shown to be a potential source of inspiration, with authors of Caribbean background providing fruitful examples. The waves of immigration from Austria are also described as is the specific approach to the challenge of immigration in the province of Quebec, through the adoption of the concept of interculturalism. Both the problems linked to immigration in France and the issue of the millions of undocumented immigrants from Latin America in the USA are considered. German description: Der deutsch- und englischsprachige Band enthalt neun Essays von bekannten KanadistInnen aus Osterreich, Deutschland und Kanada, die sich mit Immigration nach und Integration in Nordamerika beschaftigen: Wie wird dieses aktuelle Problem in Kanada bewaltigt? Konnte das offiziell multikulturelle Kanada fur Lander wie Osterreich und Frankreich ein Muster sein? Neben der gelungenen Integration, die sich in Romanen von selbst nach Kanada eingewanderten ErzahlerInnen spiegelt, belegen ethnische Autobiographien die fruher auch in Kanada haufigen Probleme. Das Spannungsverhaltnis beim transkulturellen Ubergang erscheint als mogliche Inspirationsquelle, wobei Schriftsteller aus der Karibik ergiebige Untersuchungsobjekte sind. Die Einwanderung aus Osterreich kommt ebenso zur Sprache wie die spezifische Auseinandersetzung mit der Immigration in Quebec, wo das Konzept des Interkulturalismus dominiert, sowie das Schicksal von Millionen illegaler Einwanderer in den USA.
We are living in a world in which the visible and invisible borders between nations are being shaken at an unprecedented pace. We are experiencing a wave of international migration, and the diversity of migrants – in terms of how they identify, their external and self-image, and their participation in society – is increasingly noticeable. After the introduction of the Reform and Opening Up policy, over 10 million migrants left China, with Europe the main destination for Chinese emigration after 1978. This volume provides multidisciplinary answers to open questions: How and to what extent do Chinese immigrants participate in their host societies? What kind of impact is the increasing number of highly qualified immigrants from China having on the development and perception of overseas Chinese communities in Europe? How is the development of Chinese identity transforming in relation to generational change? By focusing on two key European countries, Germany and France, this volume makes a topical contribution to research on (new) Chinese immigrants in Europe.
Interpreting the Republic focuses on contemporary French literary and cinematic works (1986-2003) that reflect on what it means to belong to a nation such as France by giving voice to those who find themselves marginalized by French society. While citizenship and belonging can be, and indeed are, interpreted differently depending on the socio-cultural and political context, it is the foundational universalist republican principle of egalitarianism that has remained the sacred cow of French society. One of the major claims of this study is that the rigidity of French national discourse that attempts to impose a certain homogeneity in its official identificatory practices--all citizens are French, and thus difference (ethnic, sexual or other) ceases to matter--is but one of the many possible interpretations of the notion of the Republic. Vinay Swamy seeks to show how such supposedly unshakeable principles, too, can be, and often are, reinterpreted in novel ways by the works analyzed in this study, which carve out niches for their protagonists that are otherwise foreclosed in the French national space. Swamy examines the different tactics of identification deployed in works ranging from early "romans beurs" by Azouz Begag, Farida Belghoul and Soraya Nini, and Allah Superstar, the 2003 satirical novel by Y.B., to a number of films including Gazon maudit (1995), Ma vie en rose (1997), Le Placard (2001), Chouchou (2003), all of which (re)interpret the Republic in an effort to legitimize their protagonists' otherwise marginalized social position(s). He demonstrates how all these works put pressure, in a variety of ways, on an unacknowledged understanding of the institutional positions.
Organized by region, boasting an international roster of contributors, and including summaries of selected creative and critical works and a guide to selected terms and figures, Salhi's volume is an ideal introduction to French studies beyond the canon.
This book explores the idea that art can enact small-scale resistances against the status quo in the social domain. These acts, which we call “little resistances,” determine the limited yet potentially powerful political impact of art. From different angles, seventeen authors consider the spaces where art events occur as “political spaces,” and explore how such spaces host events of disagreements in migratory culture. The newly coined word “migratory” refers to the sensate traces of the movements of migration that characterize contemporary culture. In other words, movement is not an exceptional occurrence in an otherwise stable world, but a normal, generalized process in a world that cannot be grasped in terms of any given notion of stability. Thus the book offers fresh reflections on art’s power to move people, in the double sense of that verb, and shows how it helps to illuminate migratory culture’s contributions to this process.
This edited collection aims to examine the global-rural relationship of migration that shapes rural places. It does this by acknowledging that to understand the impact of the international migration-global nexus, it is essential to explore how it is experienced at a local level - in the context of this book, rural regions. Focusing on agribusiness and rural development, as well as the othering of international migrants and the shifting boundaries of belonging in rural spaces, the chapters in this book examine how globalisation, with migration being a constitutive feature, influences different rural contexts in the ‘Global North’ and the impact this has on migrant populations. Chapters demonstrate the harsh lived experiences/realities characterised by mental health issues and emotional labour for migrants, occupational health and safety issues in the workplace and experiences of exclusion and racism from ‘host’ communities. These chapters taken together identify a rural-migration nexus where the relationship between international migration and localised rural spaces are mutually constitutive.
What is it like to be young and religious in migration society? This volume presents research at the intersection of religion, age and race. The chapters' foci range from methodological challenges to conceptual work and empirical case studies. The authors present research on various religious traditions including contributions on young Alevis, Hindus, Buddhists and Muslims, and apply an array of theoretical angles among them feminist, post- and de-colonial perspectives. Furthermore, the volume engages in the debate over novel conceptual frameworks attuned to investigate contemporary manifestations of youth religiosity, for example in digital spaces. The methodological chapters advocate for reflexivity in the context of empirical research on religion in migration society and promote a self-evaluative assessment of researchers' positionalities.