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Do you know how to lead someone to Christ? This book will make you think again. Do you know the gospel message? Do you know the purpose for church leaders? Are you fully birthed into the family of God? Did you receive the Holy Spirit when you believed? Think again. That is what this book will challenge you to do. The Rev. Paul Hoyt, a retired Church of the Nazarene pastor, said of the book, My mind is being challenged and stretched. The question is simply, What does the Bible say about how New Testament believers became Christians? What were their experiences, and what does the Bible say they believed and understood about those experiences? This book will challenge you to rethink commonly held positions and universally understood practices and beliefs. Dont be alarmed. This book is completely Jesus-focused. The age-old biblical truths about Christ are not being challenged. Jesus is God, the second person of the triune Godhead, born of a virgin, crucified and resurrected bodily and spiritually to new life. His blood cleanses mankind of all sin, no one comes to God except through Him, and the Bible is the Word of God. But the evangelistic message and experiences of the Bible of those early believers about this saving Jesus should correspond to the thought and practice of present-day evangelism. The disparity, however, might surprise you. This book will help the Church get back to a New Testament evangelism that has somehow been lost along the way.
CONTENTS Part One ─ Sermons 1. The Holy Spirit Works within God’s Word of Promise (Acts 1:4-8) 2. Can Anyone Really Purchase the Holy Spirit with His Own Effort? (Acts 8:14-24) 3. Did You Receive the Holy Spirit When You Believed in Jesus? (Acts 19:1-3) 4. Those Who Have the Same Faith as That of the Disciples of Jesus (Acts 3:19) 5. Do You Want to Have Fellowship with the Holy Spirit? (1 John 1:1-10) 6. Believe That the Holy Spirit Dwells in You (Matthew 25:1-12) 7. The Beautiful Gospel That Allows You to Have the Holy Spirit Dwell in Your Heart (Isaiah 9:6-7) 8. Through Whom Does the Living Water of the Holy Spirit Flow? (John 7:37-38) 9. The Gospel of Jesus’ Baptism That Has Made Us Clean (Ephesians 2:14-22) 10. Walk in the Spirit! (Galatians 5:16-26, 6:6-18) 11. To Keep Your Life Full of the Holy Spirit (Ephesians 5:6-18) 12. To Live Your Life Full of the Holy Spirit (Titus 3:1-8) 13. The Works and Gifts of the Holy Spirit (John 16:5-11) 14. What Is True Repentance That Leads Us to Receive the Holy Spirit? (Acts 2:38) 15. You Can Receive the Holy Spirit and Be Dwelt by Him Only When You Know the Truth (John 8:31-36) 16. The Mission of All Who Have Received the Holy Spirit (Isaiah 61:1-11) 17. We Must Have Faith and Hope in the Holy Spirit (Romans 8:16-25) 18. The Truth That Leads You to the Indwelling of the Holy Spirit (Joshua 4:23) 19. The Beautiful Gospel That Tore the Veil of the Temple (Matthew 27:45-54) 20. Those Who Have Experienced the Indwelling of the Holy Spirit Guide Others to Also Receive the Holy Spirit (John 20:21-23) Part Two ─ Appendix 1. Testimonies of Salvation 2. Questions and Answers In Christianity today, the most frequently discussed issues are "salvation from sin" and "the indwelling of the Holy Spirit." However, few people have precise knowledge of these two ideas, despite the fact that they are the two most important concepts in Christianity. What is worse, we can't find any biblical writing that teaches us clearly about the issues above. There have been lots of Christian authors glorifying the gifts of the Holy Spirit or describing the Spirit-filled lives. But any of them doesn't dare to deal with the fundamental question, "How can a believer surely receive the Holy Spirit?" Why? Surprising truth is that they couldn't write about it in full-scale because they didn't have exact knowledge of it. As Prophet Hosea cried out, "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge," nowadays, not a few Christians are drawn into religious fanaticism, hoping to receive the Holy Spirit. They believe that they will receive the Holy Spirit by reaching a state of frenzy and hysteria. But it is no exaggeration to say that their so-called faith reduces Christianity to mere shallow Shamanism, and that such fanaticism derives from Satan. The author Rev. Paul C. Jong dares to proclaim the truth. He deals the essential subjects in full-scale, which most spiritual writers have evaded for a long time. He first defines the meaning of "being born again" and "the indwelling of the Holy Spirit," and explains the inevitable relationship between the two pivotal concepts. Then he runs the whole gamut of description concerning the Holy Spirit, from "how to discern the spirits" to "the way to Spirit-filled lives." For more information, the author advises you to examine the contents of this book posted on this web page. The New Life Mission
For the Spirit, being somewhat forgotten is an occupational hazard. The Holy Spirit is so actively involved in our lives that we can take his presence for granted. As they say, familiarity breeds contempt. Just as we take breathing for granted, we can take the Holy Spirit for granted simply because we constantly depend on him. Like the cane that soon feels like an extension of the blind man’s own body, we too easily begin to think of the Holy Spirit as an extension of ourselves. Yet the Spirit is at the center of the action in the divine drama from Genesis 1:2 all the way to Revelation 22:17. The Spirit’s work is as essential as the Father’s and the Son’s, yet the Spirit’s work is always directed to the person and work of Christ. In fact, the efficacy of the Holy Spirit’s mission is measured by the extent to which we are focused on Christ. The Holy Spirit is the person of the Trinity who brings the work of the Father, in the Son, to completion. In everything that the Triune God performs, this perfecting work is characteristic of the Spirit. In Rediscovering the Holy Spirit, author, pastor, and theologian Mike Horton introduces readers to the neglected person of the Holy Spirit, showing that the work of God’s Spirit is far more ordinary and common than we realize. Horton argues that we need to take a step back every now and again to focus on the Spirit himself—his person and work—in order to recognize him as someone other than Jesus or ourselves, much less something in creation. Through this contemplation we can gain a fresh dependence on the Holy Spirit in every area of our lives.
OVERFLOWING LIKE A RIVER! \ HOW TO RECEIVE THE BAPTISM OF THE HOLY GHOST is a practical book by best-selling author Dr. Venture O. Omor. The baptism of the Holy Ghost is a wonderful experience for every enthusiastic child of God. No believer in Christ is exempted! The life of the Believer in Christ although is in the world, yet it is “not of this world” (John 15 vs. 19). IT IS A SUPERNATURAL LIFE, because IT CAME FROM HEAVEN. He cannot live that life without the Holy Ghost Experience. Hence, everywhere the Apostle Paul went, he asked the Christians he met “...have you received the Holy Ghost since ye believed?...” (Acts 19 vs. 2). Dr. Venture O. Omor, in this book answers some questions and gives the reader practical guidelines which will lead him or her to receive this glorious Holy Ghost experience. In fact, if you will sincerely follow the instructions herein and lift up your heart to God as you read through this book, you can be filled with the Holy Ghost right there in your own room. ...Happy Reading!
"Did you receive the Holy Spirit when you believed?" (Acts 19:2) It was obvious to the apostle Paul when he arrived in Ephesus that they had not, even though it was a gift the Father had promised them.After Jesus rose from the dead he breathed on the disciples and said "Receive the Holy Spirit." (John 20:22) Yet a few days later he told them to "wait for the gift my Father promised, which you have heard me speak about. For John baptized with water, but in a few days you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit."(Acts 1:4-5)When they received the baptism on the day of Pentecost everything changed. God was now living inside them and they experienced amazing power and intimacy with God. Have you received the baptism?Millions of people did in the twentieth century, but it's rare to hear about it today, even in Pentecostal or Charismatic churches. What has happened? Surely we need the baptism more than ever! If you're not sure if you've been baptized in the Spirit, are confused about it, or long for more of God in your life, this book could be your personal Pentecost. It's a gift God has promised to you.
This volume is the second of a two-part work that evaluates the teaching of justification by faith from the early church to modern times in light of the Scriptures and the ministry of Watchman Nee and Witness Lee. Part 2 continues the evaluation begun in part 1 by examining the teaching of justification by faith from the mid-sixteenth century to the twenty-first century. Throughout these centuries numerous accounts of this foundational Christian truth have been offered, and many controversies have been and continue to be fought. Beginning with the Lutheran tradition in the opening chapter, the authors identify the contributions and shortcomings of each of the major Christian traditions. While many of the Christian traditions have contributed some light to the church's understanding of justification by faith, the authors contend that most of them have fallen short of the truth that in justification God approves the believers solely on account of their union with Christ as righteousness through faith.
A thrilling backstage account of how God is restoring divine order in his house, shifting the church from church-as-we-know-it to church-as-God-wants-it.
Did Jesus claim to be the "bridegroom"? If so, what did he mean by this claim? When Jesus says that the wedding guests should not fast "while the bridegroom is with them" (Mark 2:19), he is claiming to be a bridegroom by intentionally alluding to a rich tradition from the Hebrew Bible. By eating and drinking with "tax collectors and other sinners," Jesus was inviting people to join him in celebrating the eschatological banquet. While there is no single text in the Hebrew Bible or the literature of the Second Temple Period which states the "messiah is like a bridegroom," the elements for such a claim are present in several texts in Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Hosea. By claiming that his ministry was an ongoing wedding celebration he signaled the end of the Exile and the restoration of Israel to her position as the Lord's beloved wife. This book argues that Jesus combined the tradition of an eschatological banquet with a marriage metaphor in order to describe the end of the Exile as a wedding banquet.