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The French-English volume of this highly acclaimed set consists of some 100,000 keywords in both French and English, drawn from the whole range of modern applied science and technical terminology. Covers over 70 subject areas, from engineering and chemistry to packaging, transportation, data processing and much more.
The French-English volume of this highly acclaimed set consists of some 100,000 keywords in both French and English, drawn from the whole range of modern applied science and technical terminology. Covers over 70 subject areas, from engineering and chemistry to packaging, transportation, data processing and much more.
This dictionary consists of some 100,000 terms and references in bith French and English, including 4,000 abbreviations. over 45 subject areas are covered, including: * Accountancy * Banking * Business Administration * Computing * Economics * Environment * Finance * General Commerce * Human Resource Management * Import/Export * Industry * Insurance * Law * Leisure * Management * Mathematics * Media * Patents * Politics * Property * Sales & Marketing * Stock Market * Taxation * Tourism * Transport * Welfare & Safety. Also included is a comprehensive up-to-date reference section on countries, business correspondence and situations, job titles, stock exchanges, economic indexes and numbers. KEY FEATURES Term Specialists - the terms list has been checked by over 100 sources including experts from Apple France * Association Française des Banques * Chartered Institute of Banking * France Telecom * Institute of European Trade and Technology * American Graduate School of Management * London School of Economics * Ecole supérieure de commerce de Lyon * Department of Trade and Industry * Law Society * University of Reading * Environment Council * University of Bath * Centre de Recherche et de Gestion * Manchester Business School * Ecole supérieure internationale de commerce and Ecole des hautes études commerciales de Montrial(HEC). Prestigous experts - include Prof. Chris Nobes, Prof. Michel Péron, Prof. Gordon Shenton, Dr. Van de Yeught and Prof. Peter Walton. Native Speakers - all stages of compilation have included native speakers of French as well as English and extensive coverage of US as well as UK terminology.
This dictionary consists of some 100,000 terms and references in bith French and English, including 4,000 abbreviations. over 45 subject areas are covered, including: * Accountancy * Banking * Business Administration * Computing * Economics * Environment * Finance * General Commerce * Human Resource Management * Import/Export * Industry * Insurance * Law * Leisure * Management * Mathematics * Media * Patents * Politics * Property * Sales & Marketing * Stock Market * Taxation * Tourism * Transport * Welfare & Safety. Also included is a comprehensive up-to-date reference section on countries, business correspondence and situations, job titles, stock exchanges, economic indexes and numbers. KEY FEATURES Term Specialists - the terms list has been checked by over 100 sources including experts from Apple France * Association Française des Banques * Chartered Institute of Banking * France Telecom * Institute of European Trade and Technology * American Graduate School of Management * London School of Economics * Ecole supérieure de commerce de Lyon * Department of Trade and Industry * Law Society * University of Reading * Environment Council * University of Bath * Centre de Recherche et de Gestion * Manchester Business School * Ecole supérieure internationale de commerce and Ecole des hautes études commerciales de Montrial(HEC). Prestigous experts - include Prof. Chris Nobes, Prof. Michel Péron, Prof. Gordon Shenton, Dr. Van de Yeught and Prof. Peter Walton. Native Speakers - all stages of compilation have included native speakers of French as well as English and extensive coverage of US as well as UK terminology.
A book that lists French language words and gives their equivalent in English, and English language words with their equivalent in French.
Die Arbeit an den drei Banden dieses Worterbuches wurde 1932 in London begonnen und ist in standiger Fortsetzung auf denjetzt vorliegenden Stand gebracht worden. In seinem Aufbau und in der besonderen An ordnung des Stoffes erstrebt das Werk, einem doppelten Zweck zu dienen: Besonders leichtes und schnelles Auffinden eines Stichwortes in moglichst vielen "fertig vorbereite ten" Verbindungen und moglichst wirksamer AusschluJ3 von Obersetzungsfehlern, besonders wenn zwischen mehrfachen Be deutungen desselben Stichwortes gewiihlt werden muJ3. 1m Verfolg dieser Ziele ist das Werk im wahrsten Sinne aus der Praxis entstanden. Dementsprechend ist es auch fUr die Praxis als Nachschlagewerk ffir den Alltagsgebrauch bestimmt. An seiner Schaffung haben Men schen des Berufs- und Geschilfts1ebens mit praktischen Erfahrungen mitgewirkt. Der Entwicklung der drei Sprachen folgend, wurde der Text durch Aufnahme neuer Fachausdriicke und Wendungen bedeutend erweitert und auf den neuesten Stand gebracht. Hierbei wurden auch die im Bereich der internationalen Organisationen - insbesondere der Europl\ischen Gemeinschaften - entwickelten und ge brauchlichen Ausdriicke und Begriffe miteinbezogen. Zug, Schweiz, Januar 1979
This collection of essays and reviews represents the most significant and comprehensive writing on Shakespeare's A Comedy of Errors. Miola's edited work also features a comprehensive critical history, coupled with a full bibliography and photographs of major productions of the play from around the world. In the collection, there are five previously unpublished essays. The topics covered in these new essays are women in the play, the play's debt to contemporary theater, its critical and performance histories in Germany and Japan, the metrical variety of the play, and the distinctly modern perspective on the play as containing dark and disturbing elements. To compliment these new essays, the collection features significant scholarship and commentary on The Comedy of Errors that is published in obscure and difficulty accessible journals, newspapers, and other sources. This collection brings together these essays for the first time.
A French-English dictionary with French-Canadian terms and essential French vocabulary.
This collection of essays and reviews represents the most significant and comprehensive writing on Shakespeare's A Comedy of Errors. Miola's edited work also features a comprehensive critical history, coupled with a full bibliography and photographs of major productions of the play from around the world. In the collection, there are five previously unpublished essays. The topics covered in these new essays are women in the play, the play's debt to contemporary theater, its critical and performance histories in Germany and Japan, the metrical variety of the play, and the distinctly modern perspective on the play as containing dark and disturbing elements. To compliment these new essays, the collection features significant scholarship and commentary on The Comedy of Errors that is published in obscure and difficulty accessible journals, newspapers, and other sources. This collection brings together these essays for the first time.