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This book brings forward an extraordinary refreshing point of view of the first teaching of the reality beyond duality into the trinity of your true essence. The Diamond Geometry of Light activates the full DNA and accelerates the ascension process. This book offers specific exercises and practices that help you use these tools to breath the Diamond Light back into your Awareness. The female Merkaba is an important component to the Diamond Light. It is a message for everyone and specifically useful for those people that are ready to take the next step in their own personal evolution. Broadening your Awareness is the key.
A Diamond LightBody Workshop Resource for Humanity's Creative Evolution. Being At One With the Infinite Nature of Our Creative Potential... Being At One With Infinite Free Attention for Joyous Creative Evolution... Reaching with Sacred Love Wisdom to Enjoy Creating with Infinite Intelligence. Being At One With the Diamond Light Body... Being At One With the Joyous Potentials of All Creator Chakras, The Diamond Light Body, RNA & 12 Helix DNA...
The purpose of this book is to present esoteric teachings similar to those given to Alice A. Bailey during the period between the two great world wars and offer them to the public in an updated form that is short, concise and simple. The original teachings from the Master Djwhal Khul were presented in lengthy volumes that were somewhat difficult to understand without a thorough background in the religion known as Theosophy, founded by Madame Blavatsky in the late 19th century. It is the Master's current wish that he contribute a short book to the world that is simple and clear to the general New Age reader. The Master is one member of a planetary council of spiritual beings who exist within another dimension and who guide the spiritual destiny of this planet and the life forms on it. Although a spiritual government exists, it does not interfere with the free will of humanity but occasionally sends teachers to guide us. The master would like to convey the concept that he is accessible to average mortals and does not reserve his communication only for the most well-read and well-known advanced souls. Rather, he is available for those who most desperately need him, who feel as if they are struggling to survive in the modern world without a message of hope.
A Diamond Light Resource for Diamond Light Workshops created and delivered by Jayne Mason in Australia.
This eBook was created to make the vision of Soft Diamond Light more accessible to a global audience, and more importantly, to add the powerful energy of Soft Diamond Light to the online consciousness' of the internet. It is based on Part one of the hardcover, full color book, Soft Diamond Light, Only love Matters. The response to Soft Diamond Light has been that it raises the vibratory atmosphere of wherever it resides. It uplifts everyone who comes within its field of influence. It emanates a powerful electromagnetic field. It seems to activate and clean the inner superphysical atmosphere of your home or office space. The eBook explores the bridge between exoteric and esoteric science and introduces a new perspective on the science of physical manifestation. It explores how we can manifest the full superhuman potential of our spiritual selves into our physical reality. The Soft Diamond Light image originated from a deep meditation experience and subsequently became the catalyst for the creation of the book. The image is a symbol of love, which is soft and tender, yet still as strong and brilliant as a magnificent diamond. It inspires us to see the vision of Soft Diamond Light and the powerful potential within each of us to make a contribution towards a better world for our family, community, nation and planet. Every act of contribution, however simple, shifts the balance towards love and connection, away from the precipice of fear and separation. This shift can turn our lives here on this planet into a heaven on earth.
This eBook was created to make the vision of Soft Diamond Light more accessible to a global audience, and more importantly, to add the powerful energy of Soft Diamond Light to the ‘online consciousness' of the internet. It is based on Part two of the hardcover, full color book, ‘Soft Diamond Light, Only love matters’, included in the limited edition artwork production, ‘Soft Diamond Light’, along with a sacred music CD. More info: The response to Soft Diamond Light has been that it raises the vibratory atmosphere of wherever it resides. It uplifts everyone who comes within its field of influence. It emanates a powerful electromagnetic field. It seems to activate and clean the inner superphysical atmosphere of your home or office space. The eBook emerged as a selection of my meditations, dating back to my teenage years in 1965, plus the inclusion of more recent meditations from deep, inner experiences while living in ashrams around the world. The powerful energy of Soft Diamond Light is featured in the book via a specific, sequential radiating cycle of images throughout the book. The Insights on the opposite page of each Meditation were also written specifically for the book and were inspired by each of the specific Meditations. They can be a catalyst to awaken your innate inner wisdom to see the vision of Soft Diamond Light. Watch a short animated movie of Soft Diamond Light with music from the CD “Only love matters”: Soft Diamond Light has been consciously energised with the invocation of a long lineage of spiritual masters and an awakened angelic presence. The Soft Diamond Light deva or angel is invoked whenever the book is read. This deva is also inwardly overseen by the powerful radiance of energy emanating from the Vajrasattva, which is Sanskrit for the true spiritual essence of a diamond. If you are seeking some inspiration in your life; if you are looking for an answer to some question or challenge, then hold the book in your hands, feel the inner vibration of the deva and visualise the image of Soft Diamond Light. As you read, let your own inner wisdom be your guide to receive whatever you need to know or do right now for the highest good via your inspired intuitive intelligence.
The author combines her wisdom and understanding of quantum mechanics and spiritual science, as they apply to educational programming, personal well-beingness, consciousness, and the creation of preferred realities.--From back cover.
What is Transfiguration? This book answers the question and describes the transition humanity is going through now to achieve light body illumination through transfiguration. Delightful stories and analogies are embedded within wisdom provided by a conglomerate of ascended adepts called Those Who Teach. Transfiguration, When Perception Meets Truth covers a wide range of interrelated and fascinating topics including accelerated evolution, new humans and rainbow children, stargate mechanics, light body illumination, foundational frequencies of creation, the role of the light bearer, and more. Additionally, powerful and illuminating visualizations are provided to assist the reader on the path to truth realization.
Over the past twenty-five years A. H. Almaas—widely recognized as a leader in integrating spirituality and psychology—has been developing and teaching the Diamond Approach, a spiritual path that integrates the insights of Sufism, Buddhism, Gurdjieff, and other wisdom traditions with modern psychology. In this new work, Almaas uses the metaphor of a "spacecruiser" to describe a method of exploring the immediacy of personal experience—a way of investigating our moment-by-moment feelings, thoughts, reactions, and behaviors through a process of open-ended questioning. The method is called the practice of inquiry, and Spacecruiser Inquiry reveals what it means to engage with this practice as a spiritual path: its principles, challenges, and rewards. The author explores basic elements of inquiry, including the open-ended attitude, the focus on direct knowledge, the experience of not-knowing, and the process of questioning. He describes the experience of "Diamond Guidance"—the inner wisdom that emerges from our true nature—and how it can be realized and applied. In this process Almaas looks at many of the essential forms of Diamond Guidance, including knowing, clarity, truth, love, intelligence, compassion, curiosity, courage, and determination. Also included are exercises and questions and answers from the original talks by Almaas on which the book is based.