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Many of the leading thinkers on dialectics in the Marxian tradition have collaborated here to put forward and debate challenging new perspectives on the nature and importance of dialectics. The issues dealt with range from the philosophical consideration of the precise nature of dialectical reasoning, to dialectics and economic theory, and to more concrete concerns such as how dialectics can help us think about globalization, freedom, inflation and subjectivity.
Robert Albritton offers the most authoritative reassessment of Marxist political economy since Althusser. Original reinterpretations of thinkers including Hegel, Weber, Althusser, Derrida and Adorno cast new light on heated battles between Hegelian dialectics and deconstructivist criticism. The book makes accessible the sometimes daunting thought associated with both dialectics and deconstruction drawing upon insights from philosophy, sociology, political science and critical theory. Finding a non-essentialist way of using the immense cognitive power of dialectics - accepting a limited deconstruction but challenging further deconstructionist directions - represents a major breakthrough for political economy.
This book demonstrates how Hegel's dialectic can be used in empirical research, and shows how one can do dialectical research in economics. It also shows how one can use dialectical thinking to interpret some personal or social or political problem and devise a possible solution.
Kosik writes that the history of a text is in a certain sense the history of its interpretations. In the fifteen years that have passed since the fust (Czech) edition of his Dialectics of the Concrete, this book has been widely read and interpreted throughout Europe, in diverse centers of scholarship as well as in private studies. A faithful English language edition is long overdue. This publication of KosIk's work will surely provoke a range of new interpretations. For its theme is the characterization of science and of rationality in the context of the social roots of science and the social critique which an appropriately rational science should afford. Kosik's question is: How shall Karl Marx's understanding of science itself be understood? And how can it be further developed? In his treatment of the question of scientific rationality, Kosik drives bluntly into the issues of gravest human concern, not the least of which is how to avoid the pseudo-concrete, the pseudo-scientific, the pseudo-rational, the pseudo historical. Starting with Marx's methodological approach, of "ascending from the abstract to the concrete", Kosik develops a critique of positivism, of phenomenalist empiricism, and of "metaphysical" rationalism, counter posing them to "dialectical rationalism". He takes the category of the concrete in the dialectical sense of that which comes to be known by the active transformation of nature and society by human purposive activity.
'A work of fundamental importance. The most extensive and sophisticated reconstruction of Marx's Capital ever written takes the work of the Unoist school to new heights' - Robert Albritton, Associate Professor of Political Science, York University, Toronto Following the method advanced by Kozo Uno, this book provides an updated version of Marx's economic theory, in its full scope, as described in the three volumes of Das Kapital. It constitutes a dialectical system, consisting of the doctrines of circulation, production and distribution. The whole system defines the 'idea' (or the inner 'programme') of capitalism. More than a hundred years after Marx's death, his economic work is revived here with the analytical rigour expected of modern scientific theory, yet with no concession in substance to bourgeois economics.
From the 1960s to the 1990s the ground-breaking Japanese economists Kozo Uno and Thomas Sekine developed a masterful reconfiguration of Marxist economics. The most well-known aspect of which is the levels of analysis approach to the study of capitalism. Written in Japanese, the Uno-Sekine approach to Marx's work is little understood in West. John Bell seeks to correct this, explaining how problematic elements of Marxian Political Economy such as the law of value and the law of relative surplus population can be solved by using a more rigourous dialectical analysis. Bell's clear and accessible synthesis provides economists with the tools to interrogate capitalism in a more powerful way than ever before.
'...invites readers to re-examine their own paradigmatic assumptions and rethink the causes and cures for the malaise that is pervasive in our political economy.'-Rick Tilman, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
For Western Marxists, what is likely to be most astonishing is the many-sided approach to Marxism displayed throughout this work. This reflects a strong emphasis on cultivating an open Marxism, drawing on different views and debates, and various movement ver-naculars, in the continuing world struggle for socialism.