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"Devil Stomping Prayer" is a no-nonsense spiritual warfare book straight from the Word of God. It is written by Carol May Britton a Christian prayer warrior of more than thirty years. You will learn the power and authority of prayer. We have authority over the devil, doubt and deception. New Christians, as well as seasoned Christians will both find this book useful and have victory in prayer. WRITING DEVIL STOMPING PRAYER It is a privilege and an honor to write this book. The Lord started waking me up around 3 AM each morning and told me to write. I would get up, listen to the Lord, pour through the scriptures and write what He said. Then I would slip back into bed about an hour before get up time because we had to work during the day. It took about a year to write “Devil Stomping Prayer”. It is a labor of love. I want to thank God in heaven, Jesus Christ, our savior and faithful intercessor, and the Holy Spirit, our guide and teacher. Without them I would not have the life I have now and I would not have an expectation for a future life in heaven. Without them we would not be able to defeat our constant adversary – satan. Praise God for the victory He has given us through the shed blood of Jesus Christ. “In whom we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins.” (Col. 1:14) SPIRITUAL WARFARE We Christians are in a very real spiritual battle. Our key to victory is obedience and prayer. God has commanded us to pray. He has given us powerful weapons for spiritual warfare. We employ these spiritual weapons through prayer. What are our spiritual weapons? And how do we use them? These questions and much more are answered and explained with bountiful scriptural references. The Word of God teaches them and I am happy to share what I have learned over the years. I love to pray because GOD ANSWERS PRAYER. I want to share with others what God has taught me over the years. My instruction book is God's holy word, the Bible. All we need to know is in His Instruction Book. The Lord has taught me HIS, "Devil Stomping Prayer". This book will lift you up and draw you closer to the Lord. It will make you want to pray. It is written in a friendly and easy to read manner. It is easy to use and find the subjects. It is great for both new and mature Christians! REVIEW I got a huge affirmation from my spiritual big sister recently. Marie S. said.... "I am reading the book for a second time. It is a book everyone should read from time to time". It is a prayer book for every Christian library. You will refer to it again and again. It is great gift for both new and mature Christians! "Devil Stomping Prayer" is based solidly on the Holy Scripture. If my obedience in writing this book can be used to help other people, I am thankful. God is so faithful; we always have victory through Jesus Christ! Lord, I give YOU all the praise and all the glory. Read, learn and start stomping the devil right away! Many blessings to you. Your sister in Christ, Carol
God promises to give us power and victory over the devil, when we pray to God in faith and believe what we ask for. Use these powerful words in prayer, to rebuke the devil, and watch God work miracles in your walk with Him. Yes the bible tells us in John Chapter 10 verse 10 that the devil comes to steal, kill, and destroy our walk with God. However, the same verse says that God comes to give us Eternal Life in Heaven, which only comes by us living according to the word of God. The direction we decide to go in depends on us because God is a free will God. God allows everyone to choose if we want to serve and worship Him. However, even though God gives us freedom to choose, we must still individually give an account to God for our life. If we live holy and for God completely, we will go to Heaven after we die on earth. If we choose to go the opposite way and live sinful for the devil and against God's will, then we will enter hell fire eternally after we die on earth. God tells us in Matthew Chp 6 verse 24, that no man can serve two masters, the person will love one and hate the other. We cannot serve God and the devil, we must choose one or the other. I encourage you to choose God and not the devil. God laws are the two greatest commandments in Matthew chp. 22 verse 37-39, ten commandments in Exodus Chp. 20 verses 3-17, God's beatitudes in Matthew Chp. 5 verse 3-12, God fruits of the spirit Galatians Chp. 5 verses 22-23, Paying tithes and offering in Malachi Chp. 3 verse 8-12, Paying our vows to God in Deuteronomy Chp. 23 verse 21-23, Refrain from Fornication and have Marriage honorable before God in Leviticus Chp 18 verse 22 and 1 Corinthians Chp 7, Fast from food/drink and seek God in prayer at least twice a week in Luke Chp. 18 verse 12 and Matthew Chp 6 verse 1-24. We must do anything God ask us to do! We as Christians and believers of Christ must know that the devil comes to try to destroy our minds, life, soul, & character. It is through God's blood shed on the old rugged cross, that we are able to withstand all fiery darts of the wicked devil. As a teacher in the gospel, God gave me different ways through prayer, to rebuke the devil, through the power of God's word. Use this and watch the power of God move in your life, as you trust God and obey all His commandments. God's word is made to last a lifetime and not just one day. Let's share this word of God together! Let's be fruitful in the gospel sharing God's word with others, as we continue our walk with Christ. God's word will continue to multiply throughout the land. Share this book with family, friends, co-workers, and with anyone. Use these power words to increase your faith in God and in your prayer life. With faith, prayer and obedience in God, it really works daily! Thank you for reading and God bless you for the rest of your life! Evangelist Na-Keeda is a teacher in the gospel of Jesus Christ. She enjoys studying God's word, living for God, and helping others with their walk with Christ.
Welcome to the transformative journey of "100% Powerful Prayer That Makes Satan Dial 911," a spiritually charged book that illuminates the path to perfectness through the unwavering power of prayer. Within these pages, you will discover a treasury of prayers that defy the wishes of Satan and unleash the abundant life that God has destined for you. Recognize that you are specially created for greatness, and Satan's relentless attacks aim to distort your divine destiny. But fear not, for this battle is of God, and as you engage in prayer, Satan's grip will be shattered, and he will flee, never to return. Satan, the perennial adversary, brings only woe and offers no goodness in life. However, this book is a formidable weapon designed to silence him and prevent his resurgence in your life. Through the power of prayer, carefully crafted under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, your glory will rise and shine. Signs and wonders will envelop your very being, leading you to fulfil your purpose. Emphasizing the significance of prayer, this book exposes Satan's fear of your communion with God. When you kneel in prayer, you tower above the schemes of the enemy. God's angelic hosts surround you, and a multitude of Christ's soldiers stand as your protectors. Rest assured, you are greater than any demon or their malevolent plans when you are in Christ. Prepare to witness the works of darkness crumble before your eyes as you immerse yourself in the powerful contents of this book. The Lord is mighty and stands with you, ensuring victory without disgrace. No longer shall you be held captive by dark forces. Serpents and scorpions in the spiritual realm shall have no power to destroy you. Dark rebellions against you will falter, and your life will overflow with gain rather than loss. Through the divine guidance of the Holy Spirit, your path will be illuminated, and you will possess the blessings ordained for you. The wicked assignments against you will scatter, and counterfeit influences will never replace the authenticity in your life. Bewitchments and captivity will crumble under the divine might standing by your side. In the realm of salvation, you shall find your solace, becoming a breaker of power, not a victim of it. Every undertaking will be accompanied by the guidance of the Holy Spirit, leading to victorious outcomes. Your possessions, both spiritual and material, will be reclaimed and secured. The harvest of blessings that awaits you will leave Satan bewildered and his attempts to thwart you futile. Prepare for his desperate retreat as his plans unravel before your fierce resistance. Satan and his agents will dial 911 for help, but they shall fail utterly. Embrace the power of "100% Powerful Prayer That Makes Satan Dial 911" and embark on a journey of spiritual conquest. With this book as your guide, darkness will yield to light, and your life will be a testament to the victorious power of prayer. Amen.
Satan prowls around, ready to pounce on our every weakness, fill us with fear, and destroy our intimate relationship with Christ. But we are not defenseless. We have weapons of warfare enabling us to be spiritually aggressive and face the devil head on. Rather than lose ground in our faith, we can live armed and dangerous! In this handbook of militant prayers, evangelist and ex-satanist John Ramirez helps you prepare for and move into advanced combat. He covers topics such as · strengthening your position as a warrior · opening your spiritual eyes · releasing the thunder of God against the devil · loosing God's blessings · and more! We have the authority and the mandate to destroy the works of the devil. Let's do it!
It is now time we Christians realize that God has given us the power, the right information through the Scriptures to overcome satanic attacks. God is on our side. The weapon of our warfare is the scriptures and if we use it right, the world, the flesh, and the devil will be continuously defeated. The Lord Jesus Christ has provided all of our victories. He used the same tools He has provided us in winning the battle. His victory is our victory. It is, therefore, our responsibility to use these weapons the scriptures to our advantage. When you use the scriptures in any situation you find yourself, you’ll thank God for the tools of victory He has provided. In life, there are enemies whose aim is to use pain and pleasure to make us blind and miserable for life. Who is this enemy? It is the Devil and Satan. According to the book of Revelation 12:9–10 which says, The great dragon was hurled down—that ancient serpent called the devil, or Satan, who leads the whole world astray. He was hurled to the earth and his angels with him. Then I heard a loud voice in heaven say: ”Now have come the salvation and the power and the kingdom of our God, and the authority of his Messiah. For the accuser of our brothers and sisters, who accuses them before our God day and night, has been hurled down. One of the strategies of Satan against you is that He lies, and is the father of lies. Onces you know that Satan is a lier and the father of all lies, then He is already defeated. According to the boo of John 8:44 which says, ”When he lies, he speaks according to his nature, for he is a liar and the father of lies” Also in John 8:44 which says, Satan “has nothing to do with the truth, because there is no truth in him” We are dealing with the essence of falsehood and deception. The second strategy is Satan controls and blinds the minds of unbelievers According to the book of 2nd Corinthians 4:4 which says, The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers so that they cannot see the light of the gospel that displays the glory of Christ, who is the image of God. The third strategy is Satan also does signs and wonders. According to the book of 2 Thessalonians 2:9, which says, The coming of the lawless one will be by how Satan works. He will use all sorts of displays of power through signs and wonders that serve the lie, The fourth strategy is Satan tempts people to sin. According to the book of Luke 22:3–6 which says, Then Satan entered Judas, called Iscariot, one of the Twelve. And Judas went to the chief priests and the officers of the temple guard and discussed with them how he might betray Jesus. They were delighted and agreed to give him money. He consented and watched for an opportunity to hand Jesus over to them when no crowd was present. Translator: Dr. Olusola Coker PUBLISHER: TEKTIME
God uses people daily to communicate His fragrance and message to us. Too often we don't check to see what aroma or impression we are leaving for others to see, hear, or smell. After visiting someone's home or before checking out of a motel, or when moving, we double check to make sure we haven't left anything behind. Even criminals check to make sure they haven't left any clues at the crime scene to identify them. A story reminded me of this. A robber thought he had committed the perfect crime. He assumed he left no clues behind. But he didn't count on someone remembering how he smelled. The smell he left behind was what helped convict him. Yes, we leave something everywhere we go. Stuart Holden reminded a young man moving from a boarding house of this fact when the young man said, he was just double checking to make sure he wasn't leaving anything behind. "There's one thing you will leave behind, young man, your influence."
T.D. Jakes. You see him on television, you read his books, you listen to him pray, and you see the anointing pour from his life. Now T.D. Jakes reveals the principles he lives by and shows you how you, too, can live in the anointing. Experiencing the anointing of the Holy Ghost flowing from your life begins with these simple principles: We all desperately need the anointing to succeed. The Holy Ghost knows better than we do. The Holy Ghost is always with us, leading us, prompting us. Yielding to the power of the Holy Ghost launches us toward our potential and destiny. Release Your Destiny, Release Your Anointing Expanded Edition includes a study guide that provides you the opportunity to delve deeply into the intention of God's anointing within you. You will discover hidden gems within yourself serving as catalysts to releasing your own unique anointing. Filled with foundational Scripture references, thought-provoking questions, and meditation thoughts, each page of the 40-day devotional journal uncovers the beauty of God's love for you-and unveils His design for your destiny. Bishop Jakes' compelling teachings have influenced millions over the years, now you can discover his inspirational and motivating secrets for a Spirit-filled life and ministry as well.
I believe that we're in the beginning stages of the greatest revival this world has ever known. In order for us to carry out the plan of God, we must realize that divine intervention and not human effort will usher in this end-time revival. Christians must know that their lives with God can be full of new experiences every day. Instead of merely enduring our salvation, we can enjoy the fullness that God has provided in the Holy Ghost. You need to realize that these gifts and callings were not placed in your life to lie dormant. Only be the power of the Holy Ghost will you see them fulfilled. This book will show you how to meet challenges and realize your full potential. If you apply these practical truths in your life, you will begin to experience a new freshness in God. The plans that you have hoped to fulfill all your life will become reality. Do you long for certain things in God? Does your sanctified soul stir at the thought of doing exploits for God? A sense of destiny causes you to determine, No matter what I must go through, I can and will make it! These truths on the Holy Ghost will take you to higher heights and deeper depths of God. Get ready to experience a new joy and power that will change your life- and the lives of others.
It is now time we Christians realize that God has given us the power, the right information through the Scriptures to overcome satanic attacks. God is on our side. The weapon of our warfare is the scriptures and if we use it right, the world, the flesh, and the devil will be continuously defeated. The Lord Jesus Christ has provided all of our victories. He used the same tools He has provided us in winning the battle. His victory is our victory.It is, therefore, our responsibility to use these weapons the scriptures to our advantage. When you use the scriptures in any situation you find yourself, you’ll thank God for the tools of victory He has provided.In life, there are enemies whose aim is to use pain and pleasure to make us blind and miserable for life. Who is this enemy? It is the Devil and Satan. According to the book of Revelation 12:9–10 which says, The great dragon was hurled down—that ancient serpent called the devil, or Satan, who leads the whole world astray. He was hurled to the earth and his angels with him. Then I heard a loud voice in heaven say: ”Now have come the salvation and the power and the kingdom of our God, and the authority of his Messiah. For the accuser of our brothers and sisters, who accuses them before our God day and night, has been hurled down.One of the strategies of Satan against you is that He lies, and is the father of lies.Onces you know that Satan is a lier and the father of all lies, then He is already defeated. According to the boo of John 8:44 which says, ”When he lies, he speaks according to his nature, for he is a liar and the father of lies” Also in John 8:44 which says, Satan “has nothing to do with the truth, because there is no truth in him” We are dealing with the essence of falsehood and deception.The second strategy is Satan controls and blinds the minds of unbelievers According to the book of 2nd Corinthians 4:4 which says, The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers so that they cannot see the light of the gospel that displays the glory of Christ, who is the image of God.The third strategy is Satan also does signs and wonders. According to the book of 2 Thessalonians 2:9, which says, The coming of the lawless one will be by how Satan works. He will use all sorts of displays of power through signs and wonders that serve the lie,The fourth strategy is Satan tempts people to sin.According to the book of Luke 22:3–6 which says, Then Satan entered Judas, called Iscariot, one of the Twelve. And Judas went to the chief priests and the officers of the temple guard and discussed with them how he might betray Jesus. They were delighted and agreed to give him money. He consented and watched for an opportunity to hand Jesus over to them when no crowd was present.
God Can Work Powerfully Through a Praying Wife Today's challenges can make a fulfilling marriage seem like an impossible dream. Yet God delights in doing the impossible if only we would ask! Stormie Omartian shares how God can strengthen your marriage as you pray for your husband concerning key areas in his life, including... his spiritual walk his emotions his role as a leader his security in work his physical protection his faith and his future You will be encouraged by Stormie's own experiences, along with the Bible verses and sample prayers included in each chapter. Join the millions of women who have been blessed by this life-changing look at the power of a wife's prayers.