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Se former au management, c'est acquérir des compétences dans de nombreux domaines à la fois très différents et pourtant tous liés entre eux. L'un de ces grands domaines : la stratégie. C'est elle qui permet au manager de positionner de la meilleure manière possible son entreprise ou son produit. De la théorie à la pratique Ce livre mêle les grands courants économiques qui dominent lorsqu'il est question de stratégie (les avantages comparatifs de Ricardo et la théorie des jeux) à des modèles plus directement pratiques tels que la matrice SWOT ou l'analyse PESTEL, le modèle de Greiner, la stratégie Océan Bleu, les outils développés par Michael Porter, etc. Chaque chapitre s'arrête sur un de ces concepts afin de l'étudier de manière claire et complète, tout en restant concis. Des exemples concrets et des études de cas permettent de passer directement du livre à la prise de décision réelle, pour une planification stratégique globale judicieuse et un suivi de cet axe stratégique dans les actions mises en place. Un positionnement construit pour gagner ! Devenez un as la stratégie est un guide de référence pour s'approprier les grands concepts fondateurs des sciences de gestion et les employer pour : • construire un business model solide ; • mener une stratégie globale pertinente et avertie qui garantisse la cohérence des actions ; • comprendre les rapports de force et découvrir des outils de négociation ; • anticiper les changements structurels et fonctionnels ; • oser l'innovation et assurer une croissance durable.
Autobiography, a fully-recognised genre within mainstream literature today, has evolved massively in the last few decades, particularly through colonial and postcolonial texts. By using autobiography as a means of expression, many postcolonial writers were able to describe their experiences in the face of the denial of personal expression for centuries. This book is centred around the recounting and analysis of such a phenomenon. Literary purists often reject autobiography as a fully-fledged literary genre, perceiving it rather as a mere life report or a descriptive diary. The colonial and postcolonial autobiographical texts analysed in this book refute such perceptions, and demonstrate a subtle combination of literary qualities and the recounting of real-life experiences. This book demonstrates that colonial and postcolonial autobiographical texts have established their ‘literarity’. The need for postcolonial authors to express themselves through the ‘I’ and the ‘me’, as subjects and not as objects, is the essence of this book, and confirms that self-affirmation through autobiographical writing is indeed an art form.
Synthèse consacrée aux végétaux ligneux d'ornement, fruitiers et forestiers, cet ouvrage sur la Filière pépinière, présente la filière professionnelle, son organisation, son poids économique en France et sur le plan international. Le volet technique, intégrant les plus récents acquis dans le domaine, s'étend de la production en pépinière jusqu'à la plantation : sélection variétale, techniques culturales, matériels spécifiques. La qualité du produit et la protection de l'environnement sont largement abordées avec une description complète de l'éventail réglementaire. Ces thèmes majeurs sont illustrés d'exemples concrets issus de la recherche ou des entreprises. Innovant et très complet, ce volume est devenu rapidement une référence pour les professionnels, enseignants et étudiants de la filière de la pépinière et du paysage.
The Aga Khan Rural Support Program (AKRSP) in northern Pakistan has become a model for rural development programmes throughout the country and worldwide. This is the fourth independent evaluation of the AKRSP by the World Bank, which seeks to assess how the programme can best meet present and future challenges and development needs. The assessment covers the period since the programme's initiation in 1982, as well as the period since the last evaluation in 1995. It concentrates on four programme components: community organisations, infrastructure development, natural resource management, and microfinance.
Henry O. Pollak Chairman of the International Program Committee Bell Laboratories Murray Hill, New Jersey, USA The Fourth International Congress on Mathematics Education was held in Berkeley, California, USA, August 10-16, 1980. Previous Congresses were held in Lyons in 1969, Exeter in 1972, and Karlsruhe in 1976. Attendance at Berkeley was about 1800 full and 500 associate members from about 90 countries; at least half of these come from outside of North America. About 450 persons participated in the program either as speakers or as presiders; approximately 40 percent of these came from the U.S. or Canada. There were four plenary addresses; they were delivered by Hans Freudenthal on major problems of mathematics education, Hermina Sinclair on the relationship between the learning of language and of mathematics, Seymour Papert on the computer as carrier of mathematical culture, and Hua Loo-Keng on popularising and applying mathematical methods. Gearge Polya was the honorary president of the Congress; illness prevented his planned attendence but he sent a brief presentation entitled, "Mathematics Improves the Mind". There was a full program of speakers, panelists, debates, miniconferences, and meetings of working and study groups. In addition, 18 major projects from around the world were invited to make presentations, and various groups representing special areas of concern had the opportunity to meet and to plan their future activities.
Cumulates monthly issues and includes additional material.