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Lymfoedeem is een chronische aandoening die kan resulteren in pijn, angst en verlies van kwaliteit van leven. De veranderde lichaamsvorm maakt het noodzakelijk dagelijks gebruik te moeten maken van speciale kleding of zwachtels. Dit maakt de acceptatie van de aandoening moeilijk voor de patiënt , familie en omgeving. De ICF (International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health) is een universeel raamwerk voor de classificatie en beschrijving van de functie van mensen met specifieke gezondheidsproblemen. De ICF met meer dan 1400 categorieën is niet eenvoudig toepasbaar in de klinische praktijk. Daarom zijn ICF Core Sets (gezondheid-specifieke selecties van ICF categorieën) nuttig om de ICF makkelijker toepasbaar te maken voor het gebruik in de medische- en paramedische zorg. De motivatie voor dit project komt voort uit het feit dat er binnen de lymfologie weinig structuur en eenheid is in: klinisch redeneren, het gebruik van meetinstrumenten, het vastleggen van datasets en voorlichting van de patiënt in mono- en multidisciplinaire omgevingen. Het proefschrift beschrijft het ontwikkelingsproces om te komen tot ICF Core Sets voor lymfoedeem. Achtereenvolgens werden een literatuurstudie, een kwalitatief onderzoek, een cross-sectionele klinische studie en een expert onderzoek verricht. De gegevens van deze studies werden gepresenteerd op een internationale consensus conferentie. In het literatuuronderzoek werden vragenlijsten onderzocht. Het bleek dat er in totaal 51 verschillende vragenlijsten voorkomen. Het lijkt erop dat elke onderzoeker zijn eigen vragenlijst gebruikt. In totaal werden 12 lymfoedeem-specifieke vragenlijsten aangetroffen. Vanuit het kwalitatief onderzoek bleken, volgens de patiënten, de belangrijkste problemen: misvormde ledematen, gebruik moeten maken van kousen en bandages, het nodig hebben van ondersteuning en de nadelige invloed op relaties. Verder kunnen omgevingsfactoren zoals hulpverleners, kousen en familieleden een herstel belemmerende of juist een bevorderende factor voor de patiënt zijn. De conclusie van het cross-sectionele onderzoek was dat patiënten hun gezondheid positiever beoordelen dan hulpverleners dat doen. De meest genoemde punten naar aanleiding van een wereldwijd e-mail onderzoek onder lymfoedeem deskundigen met vragen gebaseerd op onderdelen van de ICF waren: gezondheidszorg, het afweersysteem, zelfmanagement en steunkousen. e consensus conferentie resulteerde in uitgebreide en korte Core Sets voor lymfoedeem, elk voor drie regio's: armen, benen en midline. ICF Core Sets voor lymfoedeem bleken verschillende items in relatie tot de regio van het oedeem te bevatten. In de toekomst is het noodzakelijk dat deze Core Sets worden gevalideerd voor de verschillende beroepen in de gezondheidszorg en verschillende landen.
New fully revised edition: Updated information on 8 new Core Sets and the Generic Sets Includes ICD-11 codes New details on the Core Set development process New section on ICF-based tools Five detailed case examples More about the book WHO's International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) is the internationally accepted standard for assessing, documenting, and reporting functioning and disability. The ICF Core Sets highlighted in this second edition of the book have been developed to facilitate the standardized use of the ICF in real-life clinical practice. Consequently, they can guide clinical quality management efforts. This edition has been updated to reflect developments in the ICF Core Sets, including updated information on eight new Core Sets and the Generic Sets, the new ICD-11 codes, more details on the Core Set development process, and a new section on ICF-based tools. This manual: Introduces the concepts of functioning and the biopsychosocial model of the ICF Describes how and why the ICF Core Sets have been developed Explains step-by-step an approach for applying the ICF Core Sets in clinical practice Provides practical tips for clinicians to apply the easy-to-use, comprehensive documentation form Includes case examples illustrating the assessment of people with different health conditions and in different healthcare contexts This manual is inherently multi-professional and will be of benefit not only for practitioners working in various healthcare contexts but also for students and teachers.
Background: World Health Organization established the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) (WHO, 2001) to determine the functioning and disability of patients in different health conditions in a comprehensive way. The ICF has more than 1400 categories, but in each health condition only categories that better describe the patient's functioning in that health condition are used. This is called the ICF Core-Sets (ICF-CS).Objective: Shows the main characteristics of the studies that try to analyze if the categories of the different ICF Core-Sets are adequate and enough to evaluate the functionality and disability of patients.Method: We did an analysis of articles that investigate the issue of the proper functioning - validation (adequacy and sufficiency) of ICF Core-Sets in practice to assess the disability and functioning of the patients. The review was conducted on WoS and Scopus databases and spanned from the years of 2007 to september 2018.Results: 19 articles were selected that met the established criteria. Some of the results that were found were that 84.21% of the studies investigated the functioning of the Core-Sets using a single country, that most of the studies focus on two health conditions: Osteoarthritis (21.05% of studies) and Low Back Pain (15.79%). Other result we found that not all the studies reported the number of centers, clinics or hospitals where they evaluated the functioning of the ICF-CS, only 15 studies reported about this. One of these studies did it in 34 centers, other in 14 hospitals and another in 5 sites. The rest (13 studies) did it in 4 centers or less. Discussion: We conclude that the studies of the functioning (adequacy and sufficiency) of the ICF-Core-Sets should include different countries to analyze the validity at a cross-cultural level since it was found that most of them were carried out considering only one country, for example, consider at least one country from each of the six WHO regions. Another conclusion was that it is necessary more hospitals to have a greater diversity in the sample by study, because generally 4 centers or less were used. Finally, in the future, more studies should be conducted to evaluate the ICF-CS of more health conditions, especially mental health conditions, because in this research we did not find many.
The aim of the ICF classification is to provide a unified and standard language and framework for the description of health and health-related states. It defines components of health and some health-related components of well-being (such as education and labour).
Background: World Health Organization established the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) (WHO, 2001) to determine the functioning and disability of patients in different health conditions in a comprehensive way. The ICF has more than 1400 categories, but in each health condition only categories that better describe the patient's functioning in that health condition are used. This is called the ICF Core-Sets (ICF-CS).Objective: Shows the main characteristics of the studies that try to analyze if the categories of the different ICF Core-Sets are adequate and enough to evaluate the functionality and disability of patients.Method: We did an analysis of articles that investigate the issue of the proper functioning - validation (adequacy and sufficiency) of ICF Core-Sets in practice to assess the disability and functioning of the patients. The review was conducted on WoS and Scopus databases and spanned from the years of 2007 to september 2018.Results: 19 articles were selected that met the established criteria. Some of the results that were found were that 84.21% of the studies investigated the functioning of the Core-Sets using a single country, that most of the studies focus on two health conditions: Osteoarthritis (21.05% of studies) and Low Back Pain (15.79%). Other result we found that not all the studies reported the number of centers, clinics or hospitals where they evaluated the functioning of the ICF-CS, only 15 studies reported about this. One of these studies did it in 34 centers, other in 14 hospitals and another in 5 sites. The rest (13 studies) did it in 4 centers or less. Discussion: We conclude that the studies of the functioning (adequacy and sufficiency) of the ICF-Core-Sets should include different countries to analyze the validity at a cross-cultural level since it was found that most of them were carried out considering only one country, for example, consider at least one country from each of the six WHO regions. Another conclusion was that it is necessary more hospitals to have a greater diversity in the sample by study, because generally 4 centers or less were used. Finally, in the future, more studies should be conducted to evaluate the ICF-CS of more health conditions, especially mental health conditions, because in this research we did not find many.
New fully revised edition: Updated information on 8 new Core Sets and the Generic Sets Includes ICD-11 codes New details on the Core Set development process New section on ICF-based tools Five detailed case examples More about the book WHO's International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) is the internationally accepted standard for assessing, documenting, and reporting functioning and disability. The ICF Core Sets highlighted in this second edition of the book have been developed to facilitate the standardized use of the ICF in real-life clinical practice. Consequently, they can guide clinical quality management efforts. This edition has been updated to reflect developments in the ICF Core Sets, including updated information on eight new Core Sets and the Generic Sets, the new ICD-11 codes, more details on the Core Set development process, and a new section on ICF-based tools. This manual: Introduces the concepts of functioning and the biopsychosocial model of the ICF Describes how and why the ICF Core Sets have been developed Explains step-by-step an approach for applying the ICF Core Sets in clinical practice Provides practical tips for clinicians to apply the easy-to-use, comprehensive documentation form Includes case examples illustrating the assessment of people with different health conditions and in different healthcare contexts This manual is inherently multi-professional and will be of benefit not only for practitioners working in various healthcare contexts but also for students and teachers.