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Study of the impact of national planning on economic development in Tunisia - covers historical and administrative aspects, the economic structure, natural resources and human resources, transport, education, health, livestock and agricultural production, industrial development, work problems and social security, etc. Statistical tables, maps, and bibliography pp. 213 to 222.
My first introduction to the lower Medjerda Valley was in 1976 byWerner Kiene, then director of economic development programs in NorthAfrica for the Ford Foundation, and by professors Ali Ben Zaid Salmi andMonee£ Ben Said, codirectors of the Department of Rural Social Sciences atthe National Agronomy Institute of Tunisia (INA TI. The region ofMedjerdaturned out to be an ideal fieldsite, and I am grateful to the team at INAT forintroducing me to the region. My fieldwork in the late 1970s was supportedby two sources: A Fulbright Hays Research Fellowship and an InternationalDoctoral Research Fellowship provided jointly by the Social Science ResearchCouncil (SSRC) and the American Council for Learned Societies. Subsequenttravel grants from the Center for Middle Eastern Studies at the Universityof California, Berkeley, and California State University Faculty ResearchGrants also were instrumental to this study. Without the financial supportof these organizations, this research could riot have been conducted.
The Arab Spring began and ended with Tunisia. In a region beset by brutal repression, humanitarian disasters, and civil war, Tunisia's Jasmine Revolution alone gave way to a peaceful transition to a functioning democracy. Within four short years, Tunisians passed a progressive constitution, held fair parliamentary elections, and ushered in the country's first-ever democratically elected president. But did Tunisia simply avoid the misfortunes that befell its neighbors, or were there particular features that set the country apart and made it a special case? In Tunisia: An Arab Anomaly, Safwan M. Masri explores the factors that have shaped the country's exceptional experience. He traces Tunisia's history of reform in the realms of education, religion, and women's rights, arguing that the seeds for today's relatively liberal and democratic society were planted as far back as the middle of the nineteenth century. Masri argues that Tunisia stands out not as a model that can be replicated in other Arab countries, but rather as an anomaly, as its history of reformism set it on a separate trajectory from the rest of the region. The narrative explores notions of identity, the relationship between Islam and society, and the hegemonic role of religion in shaping educational, social, and political agendas across the Arab region. Based on interviews with dozens of experts, leaders, activists, and ordinary citizens, and a synthesis of a rich body of knowledge, Masri provides a sensitive, often personal, account that is critical for understanding not only Tunisia but also the broader Arab world.
This book identifies the differences in growth and development, and the various factors lying behind them, across both Middle East and North African (MENA) and East Asian countries over the 1960‒2020 period. It considers a very wide range of factors, compares initial situations, institutions, and government policies, the dynamic responses to changing circumstances, and discusses the inability of the governments of the MENA region to achieve not only political reform, but also the kinds of economic reform that would allow their citizens to prosper in an increasingly globalized world. The book focuses on Tunisia. Since its independence in 1956 until 2010, Tunisia had considerable success relative to many other MENA countries, but was somewhat less successful relative to East Asian countries. Since 2010, however, while transitioning away from autocracy to democracy, it has been in rather serious economic decline. The book highlights how both the factors identified as enabling Tunisia’s initial success and those leading to its subsequent decline can provide many useful insights for improving the management of economic development across the whole MENA region and perhaps also to developing countries throughout the world.
The New Institutional Economics (NIE) and its two main branches, namely, the theory of transaction cost and contractual choice on the one hand, and that of collective action on the other, broaden the analytical framework of mainstream economics. In doing so the NIE attempts to explain the institutional phenomena which, although almost universally recognised as important, have previously eluded the group of economists. This book is concerned with the NIE and its possible application to Development Economics. It has two specific objectives. The first is to show the relevance and assess the applicability of the principles and insights of the NIE to the analysis of the problems of the LDC's. The second is to provide another set of applications and empirical investigations of the NIE. By combining the relevant theoretical background with applications, the book is self-contained and presented in such a way as to be accessible to each of the following types of reader: (1) development economists and practitioners (2) readers interested in institutions and the NIE (3) regional specialists in North Africa and in countries such as Tunisia and (4) those interested in political economy.
This book investigates the socioeconomic factors that triggered Tunisia’s "revolution for dignity” and the current issues and challenges facing its economy while suggesting mechanisms and instruments for their resolution. The author begins by analyzing the roots of the revolution and the post-revolution situation from a political sociology perspective and then diagnoses the Tunisian economy before and after the revolution and identifies the multidimensional binding constraints preventing it from escaping the middle-income trap. The book then explores the pillars of an inclusive development strategy that Tunisia should pursue. The emphasis is made on building inclusive institutions, developing a new social contract and reinventing the country's leadership. Beyond the institutional dimension, the author suggests innovative financial channels, discusses the strategy of a successful integration of the Tunisian economy in the global economy as well as the pillars of its transformation into a knowledge-based economy.
This paper is part of a series of three country-case studies to investigate the potential role of agro-processing for economic development based on the strong backward and forward linkages agro-processing firms have with the agricultural sector. Previous analyses for Egypt and Jordan (Figueroa, Mahmoud, and Breisinger 2017; El-Enbaby et al. 2016) have shown how developing the agro-processing sub-sector as well as encouraging the production of high-value crops can promote economic and social well-being, especially in rural areas where the majority of the poor are concentrated. In continuation with this line of research, this paper aims at analyzing: • What role agriculture has played for the Tunisian economy in recent years; • What is the role of agricultural productivity and structural change in fostering agricultural growth in Tunisia; and • What is the potential of agro-processing for economic development and rural transformation in the country.
The weak economic performance and insufficient and low-quality job creation in Tunisia is primarily the result of an economic environment permeated by distortions, barriers to competition, and excessive red tape, including in the labor market.