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This guidebook gives R & D professionals an in-depth explanation of ways companies are able to achieve substantially higher levels of development productivity; while better aligning product development with strategy through new practices and systems. --
Today we often look to our leaders in business, government, or the social sector, to make effective decisions in a complex world. Whether they are asked what steps to take to improve competitiveness in a global economy or to make tough ethical choices, well-trained leaders are critical to organizational effectiveness. Although we know much about leadership development for individuals after they take their first job, we know relatively little about their earlier experiences that contributed to their interest in leadership or subsequent effectiveness as leaders. This volume brings together researchers who explore leadership at different points before individuals enter the workforce and asks important questions surrounding definitions of leadership behavior, necessary leader skills and age-related leader tasks, factors contributing to development of leader identity, and ways to improve the process of leader development. With contributions from well-known leadership researchers such as Robert Sternberg, Howard Gardner, Bruce Avolio, and Susan Komives, the volume shows research evidence for factors such as early childhood and youth experiences on leadership development, which have implications for the way we understand and train leadership in today’s organizations.
The Next Generation of Solution Focused Practice shows how practitioners help create change by ‘stretching the world’ of their clients. The book brings new ideas from enactive cognition which show how skilled attention on the client and their words is important both practically and conceptually. It provides both a summary of the development of Solution Focused Brief Therapy (SFBT) over time and how the latest developments form a newly coherent form of practice based on developing descriptions. The author has structured the book using simple and easy to understand metaphors to paint a rich, creative, and visual picture of therapy for the reader, which makes it an accessible read. This book will be of interest to a wide range of SF practitioners internationally, as well as to those involved in coaching, counselling, family therapy, education, social work, healthcare and organisational change.
The Berlin Workshop Series is a forum for the discussion of issues in development that are likely to have enduring relevance for research and policymaking. These discussions are the building blocks to develop the framework which shapes the World Development Report. It brings together key decision makers and researchers from the United States, Europe, and developing countries to discuss and brainstorm on development challenges.
"The theme of The World Development Report 2007 is youth - young people between the ages of 12 to 24. As this population group seeks identity and independence, they make decisions that affect not only their own well-being, but that of others, and they do this in a rapidly changing demographic and socio-economic environment. Supporting young people's transition to adulthood poses important opportunities and risky challenges for development policy. Are education systems preparing young people to cope with the demands of changing economies? What kind of support do they get as they enter the labor market? Can they move freely to where the jobs are? What can be done to help them avoid serious consequences of risky behavior, such as death from HIV-AIDS and drug abuse? Can their creative energy be directed productively to support development thinking? The report will focus on crucial capabilities and transitions in a young person's life: learning for life and work, staying healthy, working, forming families, and exercising citizenship. For each, there are opportunities and risks; for all, policies and institutions matter."
Employers who refuse to adapt to the expectations of younger generations are losing out on top talent, as they leave for positions at companies with more modern practices. Learn what companies need to do to fit into the new normal in the workplace. Generation Y sees the world differently than any other generation in modern memory. And nowhere is this more evident than in the workplace. The astronomical shifts that this generation has seen in the economy, technology, and the world have changed what they want from life and work--which is not a 9-5 existence for forty-plus years, leading to a typical retirement at sixty-five. What older generations call a poor work ethic from a spoiled generation, Gen Y sees as a different way of doing things. Companies that don’t get on board risk losing the diverse, young talent that is critical for them to be able to compete. Companies that take the time to listen realize that what Gen Y is asking for isn’t that crazy; in fact, it’s better in many ways. A demand for work-life balance isn’t a cry for fewer work hours--it’s a cry to be able to work from outside the office beyond a rigid 9-5 schedule (which can lead, ironically, to Gen Y employees working even more hours than you expected). Leaving a job after a couple years isn’t an inability to commit--it’s a need to learn more, expand their experience, and develop their career at a faster pace, something that is helpful to companies that hire those individuals, including your own. Elevating nontraditional benefits over financial benefits is a step toward creating an emotional connection to the company where employees spend the majority of their time and invest significant mental and emotional efforts. The need to work for a company with a purpose is a reflection of the power that social media has had on the social consciousness. This book will explore what’s behind these shifts in the character of the emerging workforce. It shows that, as Gen Y assumes managerial positions, the nature of leadership and business will change over the next few decades in irrevocable and profound ways.
Generativity is the adult's concern for and commitment to promoting the next generation through parenting, teaching, mentoring and generating products and outcomes that aim to benefit a world that will outlive the self. Almost fifty years ago, Erik Erikson introduced this concept in his famous eight-stage model of human development as the seventh stage of the life cycle, generation vs. stagnation. A new, interdisciplinary wave of scholarship has linked generativity in contemporary life. Thus, a new, interdisciplinary wave of scholarship has linked generativity to such ideas as creativity, leadership, altruism, social responsibility, citizenship and volunteerism.
Effective leadership and management create significant impacts upon any organization in the modern business realm. To maintain competitiveness and success, those in leadership roles must develop new and dynamic initiatives to solve problems that arise. Comprehensive Problem-Solving and Skill Development for Next-Generation Leaders is a critical reference source for the latest academic research on the implementation of innovative qualities, strategies, and competencies for effective leadership and examines practices for determining solutions to business problems. Highlighting relevant coverage on facilitating organizational success, such as emotional intelligence, technology integration, and active learning, this book is ideally designed for managers, professionals, graduate students, academics, and researchers interested in research-based strategies for obtaining organizational effectiveness.
This book will give unique insight into how a new generation of Bourdieusian researchers apply Bourdieu to contemporary issues. It will provide a discussion of the working mechanisms of thinking through and/or with Bourdieu when analysing data. In each chapter, individual authors discuss and reflect upon their own research and the ways in which they put Bourdieu to work. The aim of this book is not to just to provide examples of the development of Bourdieusian research, but for each author to reflect on the ways in which they came across Bourdieu’s work, why it speaks to them (including a reflexive consideration of their own background), and the way in which it is thus useful in their thinking. Many of the authors were introduced to Bourdieu’s works after his death. The research problems which the individual authors tackle are contextualised in a different time and space to the one Bourdieu occupied when he was developing his conceptual framework. This book will demonstrate how his concepts can be applied as "thinking tools" to understand contemporary social reality. Throughout Bourdieu’s career, he argued that sociologists need to create an epistemological break, to abandon our common sense – or as much as we can – and to formulate findings from our results. In essence, we are putting Bourdieu to work to provide a structural constructivist approach to social reality anchored through empirical reflexivity.
This book is designed to provide insights into an understanding of the best practices and contemporary approaches to the identification, assessment, selection, and development of future leaders of an organization with a focus on executive and transition coaching as a development tool. A company's leadership pipeline is expected to deliver its next generation of leaders who are capable of leading now. It is evident that conventional leadership development practices are no longer adequate. Organizations need to incorporate the next-generation leadership competencies globally in order to address the development needs of their rising leaders. The current digital transformation that underpins the Fourth Industrial Revolution (also known as Industry 4.0) has ushered in a new business environment that is fast, open, and responsive, resulting in a number of organizational and leadership challenges. How do organizations develop the next generation of leaders to meet these challenges? This book is designed to provide insights into an understanding of the best practices and contemporary approaches to the identification, assessment, selection, and development of future leaders of an organization with a focus on executive and transition coaching as a development tool.